Black Shadow (disambiguation)

Revision as of 21:04, January 18, 2010 by (talk)
File:Black Shadow.jpg
Black Shadow as seen in F-Zero GX

Black Shadow is a consistent enemy of Captain Falcon in the F-Zero series who sports a full bodysuit of purplish black along with openings at his mouth and fingers. He also has horns on his head and a wide cape as part of his outfit. His vehicle, the Black Bull, also has a black color scheme with horn-like protrusions in the front. He deeply hates Captain Falcon as he has captured several of his minions and foiled several of his plans. Knowing that Falcon participates in the F-Zero Grand Prix, Black Shadow had his own machine built so he could enter and kill Falcon in front of millions of viewers. However, it is hinted he also just simply loves destroying other machines at will. Oddly enough, due to his costume, he looks a little bit like Bat Man!

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Black Shadow does not appear in any incarnations of the Super Smash Bros. series other than as a trophy and sticker in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Trophy Description

The undisputed lord of evil, feared by all. By capturing many of Black Shadow's underlings, Captain Falcon thwarted many of Shadow's plans, causing the cruel racer to enter the F-Zero Grand Prix solely to eliminate his antagonist. Shadow's Machine, the Black Bull (#30), is a heavier vehicle that lags in acceleration but excels in body strength and speed.

Sticker Attribute

  • Black Shadow (F-Zero GX)
[Flame] Attack +37
Usable by: Captain Falcon