Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

All-Out Attack

Revision as of 04:19, June 11, 2024 by Aidanzapunk (talk | contribs) (why is there even a clr there?)
All-Out Attack
Joker Final Smash SSBU.gif
Joker using All-Out Attack.
User Joker
Universe Persona

All-Out Attack (総攻撃, All-Out Attack) is Joker's Final Smash.


The splash screen at the end of the Final Smash.

When the Final Smash is used, Joker will rush forward while exclaiming "Ravage them!" (いくぞ!, Let's go!), trapping any opponents he makes contact with. If successful, a cutscene starts which shows Joker along with three of his fellow Phantom Thieves (either alongside Ann Takamaki, Ryuji Sakamoto and Morgana or Makoto Niijima, Yusuke Kitagawa and Haru Okumura) in silhouetted form jumping upwards, before a splash screen of all four of them appears. The four of them then attack the silhouetted opponents at speeds that cause them to turn into blurs, while either Futaba Sakura or Morgana comment on the onslaught. When the attack finishes, Joker lands in front of the opponents and another splash screen appears with Joker fixing his glove while "THE SHOW'S OVER" appears next to him.

If the Final Smash successfully finishes, any opponents hit with 100% or more damage will be instantly KO'd; otherwise, they take an additional 13% damage and moderate knockback. If the Final Smash results in the KO of all remaining opponents on their last stock in a Stock or Stamina match (with it occurring in the latter type when all opponents' HP is depleted by the cinematic), the splash screen will cut into the results screen as the announcer calls out the match without the game returning to normal gameplay first, with effects applied in reference to the original Persona 5 results screen when the match is ended with an All-Out Attack. If no opponents are hit by the initial dash, the attack fails.

If Joker misses the initial rush forward, the player can push the control stick in the opposite direction of Joker to rush backward and attempt to catch opponents again. This can be done preemptively but the range of the first rush will be reduced.

Up to four opponents can be attacked by this move. Additionally, the game cannot be paused for the duration of the move. The teams and commentary are random for each successful use of the move.

During the attack, Morgana or Futaba will say any of the following lines:

Futaba saying one of her lines during All-Out Attack.
Character Quote
Morgana Time for some brutality! (よーし、血祭だっ!, Alright, a bloodbath!)
It's too late for apologies! (後悔しても遅いぞ!, It's too late for regrets!)
Quiver in fear! (我らの恐ろしさを味わえ!, Taste our horror!)
Futaba Sakura Here comes the pain! (これで敵は総崩れだー!, The enemy is completely destroyed!)
Time for an all-out attack! (総攻撃ターイム!, It's All-Out Attack Time!)
Beat 'em up! (ボッコボコにしちゃえ!, Beat the crap out of them!)

Instructional quote

  Move List   Joker dashes forward to strike. You can reverse directions while moving. If it hits, the Phantom Thieves will execute an All-Out Attack on up to four opponents. KOs instantly if damage is high enough.


In version 3.0.0 of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, getting an Instant KO with this Final Smash in Classic Mode will prevent the game from progressing if the player had died previously and resumed the round. This glitch was fixed in the version 3.0.1 update.


Joker initiating and using an All-Out Attack in Persona 5

All-Out Attacks were introduced in Persona 3, and have since become a staple of the Persona series. When a player knocks down every enemy in the current battle (whether that be from getting critical hits, from exploiting weaknesses, or by the enemy missing with a physical attack), they are then given the option to perform an All-Out Attack, where every currently active party member attacks the opponent relentlessly, dealing significant physical Almighty damage that cannot be voided, repelled, or absorbed.

The Final Smash version of All-Out Attack is nearly identical to the way it is portrayed in Persona 5, including the splash screen (called the Finishing Touch). However, there are some differences. Noticeably, the Final Smash version is performed faster than the original. Additionally, in Persona 5, the defeated opponents are seen gushing high-pressure blood, which is replaced with sparkles in Ultimate; likewise, one of Morgana's lines, "Time for some bloodshed!", was altered to "Time for some brutality!" in the English script. As the original game is rated M, the cinematic was mostly likely censored to maintain Ultimate's E10+ rating and for flavor reasons, due to the character implications of Joker and his teammates brutally murdering fellow fighters (as opposed to enemy Shadows or Personas).

In Persona 5, the splash screen at the end of the attack is only displayed when the attack defeats every enemy left in the battle, with a unique screen for each party member depending on who initiated the attack; in Ultimate, it is always displayed, regardless of if it KOs an opponent or not. The splash screen overriding the victory animation and having the results screen overlaid on top of it if All-Out Attack finishes a battle in Ultimate is identical to Persona 5, wherein an All-Out Attack completing a regular enemy encounter results in the post-battle victory animation being skipped in favor of showcasing the party's XP and money gains overlaid onto the splash screen.

In Ultimate, every character who appears in the attack appears to be holding one of their best weapons from Persona 5; for example, Ryuji holds Mjolnir and Ann holds the Naraka Whip.

In both English and Japanese, the line Joker says when he uses the Final Smash is based directly off his in-battle lines in Persona 5: "Ravage them!", used in the English audio, is a line he may say when he uses a Persona skill that will land a critical hit, kill an enemy or hit its weakness, while the Japanese line, "いくぞ!, Let's go!", is one of the lines he may say when initiating an All-Out Attack. With the exception of the slightly altered "Time for some brutality!", all of the voice lines Futaba and Morgana can say during the attack are taken directly from Persona 5, rerecorded by the original voice actors.

In Persona 5, Morgana says the voice lines when initiating an All-Out Attack (and only if he initiated the Hold Up), whereas in Ultimate he says them during the attacking portion of the All-Out Attack (which uses different lines in Persona 5 itself when he is the Navigator).


Names in other languages

Language Name
  Japanese 総攻撃
  English All-Out Attack
  French Assaut général
  German Voller Angriff
  Spanish Asalto general
  Italian Attacco totale
  Chinese (Simplified) 总攻击
  Chinese (Traditional) 總攻擊
  Korean 총공격
  Dutch Dievencharge
  Russian Совместная атака


  • Joker is the only character whose Final Smash can cut straight to the results screen.
  • All-Out Attack is the first Final Smash to incorporate pre-rendered cinematics, those being the cut-ins for both sets of Phantom Thieves (the ending splash screen is fully modeled). It would later be followed up by Gigaslash, House of Boom, and Supernova.
    • Likely as a space-saving measure, the cinematic runs at 30 frames per second, as opposed to the rest of the game running at 60 frames per second. It shares this trait with later pre-rendered Final Smashes.
    • Consequentially, two bugs can occur:
      • If the player hits the home button during the cinematic portion of All-Out Attack and then resumes the game, the "hit" animation cinematics are skipped entirely as the game immediately transitions to Joker posing on-screen.
      • The cutscene can be slowed down with the slowdown of the Bomber when the person is hit at the right time.
  • All-Out Attack is one of six Final Smashes that can instant KO at certain percentages; the other five are Giga Bowser Punch, Triforce of Wisdom, Plasma Scream, Infernal Climax, and Sealing the Keyhole.
  • As the high-pressure blood in the attack is replaced with sparkles, All-Out Attack is the second Final Smash that is censored from the original game, the first being Infernal Climax, as Bayonetta was completely naked in her original game, while keeping a large portion of her outfit on in Smash.
  • Joker's inclusion on the official banner plays the same sound when initiating an All-Out Attack in Persona 5.
  • If Joker lands this move close to the blast zone, he can potentially self-destruct when the cinematic ends.