Super Smash Bros. Melee
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Super Smash Bros. 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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Edge slipping

Revision as of 17:46, March 29, 2023 by Juju1995 (talk | contribs) (→‎Mechanics: Teching is possible when edge-slipped in Ultimate.)
Snake being edge slipped by Captain Falcon.

Edge slipping is a mechanic that occurs in all but the first Super Smash Bros. game, where a character is knocked off a platform while they were still on their feet. This often occurs when a shielding character slides off a platform from shield knockback, but it may also occur when hitboxes that produce too low of knockback to lift a character off the ground are landed, which causes a character to slide off the platform. Certain rapid-fire neutral attacks also push the user backwards with prolonged use, and if they're standing on an edge while doing so, they can slip off that way. If the edge is grabbable, then they will always grab it.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee's Debug Mode, this animation is referred to as "Missfoot".


The mechanics of edge slipping are determined by the direction that the character is facing. If a character is facing forward while they slip off an edge, they are free to perform any action immediately upon falling off the platform. However, if a character edge slips in the reverse direction they were looking, they will enter their edge slip animation, and be unable to perform any action for a certain amount of frames. For every character, they are able to DI the fall left or right after the eighth frame, but are still unable to affect the vertical momentum of their fall or perform any other action. For how many frames a character will be unable to perform an action varies for each character; for example, Snake and Marth will be unable to perform any action for 27 frames. Once these frames are up, a character may jump or attack out of their edge slip animation. An important thing to note is that while in these frames during their edge slip animation, a character cannot tech upon hitting the ground, thus they will always end up in their knocked down state if they hit the ground during these frames. In Ultimate, teching is possible.

How far a character slips off an edge is directly related to the knockback of the hitbox that pushed them off the ledge. For example, Luigi's forward tilt knocking a shielding opponent into their edge slip animation off a platform will result in the opponent moving barely away from the platform. But his forward smash would send the same opponent a considerable distance away from the platform.

Frame Data

Character Frames
Mario 26
Donkey Kong 25
Link 26
Samus 26
Dark Samus 26
Yoshi 25
Kirby 26
Fox 26
Pikachu 25
Luigi 26
Ness 26
Captain Falcon 26
Jigglypuff 26
Peach 28
Daisy 28
Bowser 26
Ice Climbers 26
Sheik 30
Zelda 28
Dr. Mario 26
Pichu 25
Falco 26
Marth 26
Lucina 26
Young Link 26
Ganondorf 26
Mewtwo 26
Roy 26
Chrom 26
Mr. Game & Watch 26
Meta Knight 27
Pit 26
Dark Pit 26
Zero Suit Samus 29
Wario 24
Snake 26
Ike 26
Squirtle 26
Ivysaur 26
Charizard 26
Diddy Kong 25
Lucas 26
Sonic 30
King Dedede 24
Olimar 26
Lucario 26
R.O.B. 26
Toon Link 26
Wolf 26
Villager 26
Mega Man 26
Wii Fit Trainer 27
Rosalina & Luma 26
Little Mac 26
Greninja 30
Mii Brawler 26
Mii Swordfighter 26
Mii Gunner 26
Palutena 26
Pac-Man 26
Robin 26
Shulk 26
Bowser Jr. 26
Duck Hunt 26
Ryu 26
Ken 26
Cloud 26
Bayonetta 28
Inkling 26
Ridley 29
Simon 26
Richter 26
King K. Rool 25
Isabelle 26
Incineroar 27
Piranha Plant 26
Joker 28
Hero 26
Banjo & Kazooie 26
Terry 26
Byleth 26
Min Min 26
Steve 26
Sephiroth 26
Pyra 26
Mythra 26
Kazuya 26
Sora 26


A drop-counter is a technique that can be performed in all five Super Smash Bros. games. The technique is performed by having a player standing next to an edge. Afterwards, a recovering opponent must use a short-ranged attack. The standing player must shield against it. The knockback must be strong enough to make the shielding player slide off the edge of the platform, allowing the player to retaliate instantly with an aerial attack.

This technique is also known as a very efficient way to gimp Marth in Melee, as when Marth uses his Dolphin Slash to attempt to recover on to the stage, his sword will hit the farthest edge of the opponent's shield, causing them to topple backward and edgehog the ledge, sending Marth to his doom. Two ways to counter this are to sweet spot the ledge or land on the stage.


Edge slipping is often used to set up a powerful but slow attack, to set up locks that work on knocked down opponents, or to simply set up a free punish. For example, while fighting on Battlefield, Player A is using Bowser while their opponent Player B is using Wario. At one point, Player A catches player B shielding on one of the middle platforms, from where Player A attacks Player B from below with an autocancelled short hopped forward aerial. This causes Player B's Wario to slide off the platform backward and enter their edge slip animation, from where Player A immediately follows up with Bowser's forward smash, which hits Player B's Wario who cannot avoid the forward smash, resulting in a KO.

Another scenario on Battlefield involves Player C who is using Falco, and Player D who is using Donkey Kong. During the match, Player D is at 0% while standing on a middle platform with their back to the edge. Player C catches this and attacks with Falco's back aerial, which causes Player D's Donkey Kong to slide off the edge and into their edge slip animation. Upon Player D's Donkey Kong hitting the ground, Player C immediately follows up with Falco's Blaster, trapping Player D's Donkey Kong in a laser lock. The slip can also be used for a quick jab lock.
