The Light Realm
Map of the Light Realm, featuring all fighters that can be unlocked.

The Light Realm is the starting area in World of Light. After Galeem vaporized everyone who opposed him (aside from Kirby), Kirby crash lands into the light realm and is tasked to rescue all fighters and defeat Galeem.


There are five bosses present in the Light Realm, with three of them fought in sub-areas. Giga Bowser is found in the Molten Fortress, Galleom is found in the Base, and Rathalos is found in the Forest Hill.

No. Image Name Type Power Stage Music
1,097 Giga Bowser ??? ??? Final Destination Giga Bowser
1,098 Galleom ?? ?? ?? Boss Battle - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
1,295 Rathalos ?? ?? ?? Roar/Rathalos
1,095   Master Hand ?? ?? Final Destination Master Hand
1,105   Galeem ?? ?? ?? Galeem

Captured Fighters