PK Flash is a special attack that can be performed by Ness. It is a Neutral B attack, and can be held for devastating effects. When performed normally, PK Flash moves up into the air alittle higher than about one body's length, and detonates in a green explosion. When the B button is held, PK Flash will continue down and can be controlled with the control stick. This creates a much larger and stronger explosion upon detonation. If this attack runs into a platform or the stage before it is detonated, it will disappear. When performed in the air, it sends the user into a helpless falling animation.

The most damage it can deal without assistance from items or Special Melee is at least 39%.

PK (or PSI) Flash is one of Ness's unique moves in EarthBound. At its lower levels, it can only deal minor effects like crying and colds, but at the omega level, it is capable of delivering one-hit KOs to all enemies.

Template:Ness Special Moves