
This article is about Pikachu's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee. For other uses, see Pikachu. Also, for information about Pikachu's clone, see Pichu.

Announced at E3 2001, Pikachu (ピカチュウ, Pikachū) is a Pokémon and starter character in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Normal Moves

  • Forward smash - Pikachu rears back, then ejects an attached jolt of electricity in front from it's cheeks. A powerful attack that can evade some attacks with the initial animation. Has decent range. The hitbox is disjointed, which makes it a wise choice for edge guarding.
  • Up smash - Pikachu does a backflip. This is the most powerful up smash in the game in terms of knockback, and is extremely quick with decent range. Pikachu's Usmash is extremely versatile, whether it be setting up juggles or going for a quick low percent KO.
  • Down smash - Pikachu spins around in place repeatedly. This is a multi-hit attack that comes out very quickly. As with it's other smash attacks, the Dsmash is a useful move for Pikachu. Easily used from a successful crouch cancel, and sets up for an aerial at lower percents.
  • Nair - Pikachu curls up in a ball and does somersaults in the air. This is a versatile aerial, as it does decent damage, decent knockback, and comes out very quickly. A generic use-anywhere aerial.
  • Uair - Pikachu swiftly swings his tail above him in an arc. This attack is pure gold! Extremely quick with low knockback, this can be used to juggle opponents repeatedly. Also, if hit with the tip of the tail at certain points during the arc, this will send opponents far at a nasty side angle similar to Sheik's f-air. This trajectory can be achieved even at low percents. This attack makes edgeguarding a breeze with predictable recoveries. An essential attack for controlling a match.
  • Fair - Pikachu does a barrel roll for lack of a better term. This has multiple hits with minimal damage. This has more horizontal range than any of Pikachu's aerials, and even still that is not saying much. This is good when used as an interruption attack and for setups. Next to no knockback on this attack.
  • Dair - Pikachu does a barrel roll, except he is facing the ground. Unlike the fair, this does one hit in the air, and one hit upon landing if the animation is still going. The aerial hit does decent damage, has good priority and good knockback, moreso than the nair. This attack lags significantly more than the nair however, and has a noticeable startup.
  • Bair - Pikachu spins in a manner similar to his down smash. Decent range, damage and knockback, however it lags noticeably if missed. To summarize it is a worse version of Pikachu's nair.
  • Neutral A - An extremely quick headbutt. Does very minimal damage (1-2%), and has a short range. This attack can be cancelled into itself with two frames between possible inputs, so it can be mashed for a quick series of headbutts. If you need an extremely quick attack, this is basically your only use for this attack. This has low priority, and lags noticeably before you can do anything else aside from chaining this attack into itself.
  • Ftilt - Pikachu plants himself on his hands and kicks his feet in front of his body. This attack can be a UFtilt or DFtilt as well, depending on the direction held. This move has surprising range, and hits for nearly the whole duration of it's animation. Can be used as a defensive attack, or as an edgeguard. It is best used as a counter to shuffling characters, as it will almost always interrupt their approach. Low damage, low knockback.
  • Utilt - Pikachu swings his tail above his body in an arc. This attack is hard to set up, as it has low range and low priority. The knockback works well for juggles however, as it sends opponents upward. Low damage, low knockback.
  • Dtilt - Pikachu sweeps his tail in front of him. This move has decent range, low knockback, low damage, and low priority. However, it doesn't have a lot of lag and hits rather low. This can be used as an edgeguard against a sloppy recovery, though there are better options.
  • Forward throw - Pikachu places the opponent on his back and shocks them, sending them forward. This throw is multi-hit, and has low knockback. The only use for this throw is to build damage if you have no other throw setups, which is a rare situation.
  • Back throw - Pikachu does backwards somersaults with the opponent, then flings them behind him. Has decent knockback, and is best used near an edge so as to get maximum range from your throw.
  • Up throw - Pikachu places the opponent on his head, then headbutts the opponent upward. This is a useful throw for high percent fastfallers, as it will lead to a usmash or uair most times.
  • Down throw - Pikachu places the opponent on the ground, then jumps on them. This is good for lower percent lightweights, as it will sometimes lead to a usmash. This throw is more easily DIed than the up throw.

Special Moves

Pros & Cons


  • Small
  • A fast, immensely powerful up smash (even more powerful than Fox's)
  • Up aerial can semi-spike and KO characters at low percents
  • Extremely long, versatile recovery (albeit with some landing lag on Pikachu's up B)
  • Decent projectile
  • Very quick overall


  • Pikachu's light weight and medium falling speed allow it to be juggled fairly easily
  • Low range on most of its attacks, including grabs.
  • Limited approach

Trophy Descriptions

It's safe to say that Pikachu is the most famous and popular of all Pokémon. It has electric pouches in both cheeks; when in danger, it shoots electricity at its enemies. Although Pikachu can evolve into Raichu by exposure to a Thunderstone, many trainers like Pikachu so much that they don't let it evolve. (Pokémon Red & Blue, 9/98)
Pikachu (Smash Red):
While its electrical attacks, such as Thunder Jolt, are powerful, Pikachu is at its best speeding around the fray and waiting for its chance to strike. You can control the path of Pikachu's two-directional Quick Attack, allowing you to jump twice. Hold down the B Button to charge up Skull Bash. (B: Thunder Jolt, Smash B: Skull Bash)
Pikachu (Smash Blue):
The angle of the Control Stick controls the direction of Pikachu's Quick Attack. Pikachu will move blindingly fast, and it will also cause damage to any character it runs into. Move the Control Stick during Quick Attack and Pikachu will move in up to two directions. Be sure to check out the ceilings on the level when you use Thunder. (Up & B: Quick Attack, Down & B: Thunder)


  • Pikachu can cancel his taunt into any attack or into his shield after the 60th frame (immediately after he starts his second wave). This can be used to trick opponents.
  • Pikachu can do the most knockback with his up smash out of all upsmashes in the game.
  • Pikachu is easily chain thrown by Sheik and Ganondorf. It is not unusual to see a Sheik combo Pikachu from 0% to KO with chain throws.

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