Template:Fo' Template:Infobox Chareecker Juneral Kin' Dedede (デデデ大王 Great Kin' Dedede) is th' primary antagonist (an' occashunal anti-hero o' even hero) fum th' Kirby series.

Chareecker Dexcripshun

Official artwawk of Kin' Dedede fum Kirby: Squeak Squad. Kin' Dedede is th' se'fish, se'f-proclaimed kin' of Dream Lan'. He has appeared as Kirby's rival an' nemesis in menny Kirby games on account o' Kirby's Dream Lan'. He is a hammer-wieldin' penguin-like bein' wif fine robes an' a greedy disposishun. His powers is vaguely similar t'Kirby's; he is able t'puff hisse'f up an' float (although he only gained this hyar ability through rigo'ous trainin' af'er his fust defeat at Kirby's han's), an' suck up inemies an' spit them out as projeckiles (unlike Kirby, he kinnot copy a foe's ability). While his mo'e heinous ackshuns is influenced by bein' postessed by Dark Matter, he is usually cornsidered t'be th' main villain of th' Kirby series.

Howevah, a common misconcepshun about Kin' Dedede is thet he is an "evil" chareecker. He seems t'be mo'e se'fish than evil, an' appears t'otherwise haf a fine heart. Kin' Dedede's ackshuns range fum stealin' grub fum th' Dream Lan' residents in Kirby's Dream Lan' t'bustin' th' Star Rod, source of power in th' Fountain of Dreams, into seven pieces in Kirby's Adventure (although this hyar latter was t'proteck Dream Lan' fum an evil it did not knows about). Howevah, he is not above teamin' up wif Kirby as a friendly rival on occashun, sech as in Kirby 64: Th' Crystal Shards, o' Kirby: Kinvas Curse. Kin' Dedede's relashunship wif Kirby is mo'e along th' lines of friendly competishun, begrudgin' admirashun, an' annoyance on both sides than flat-out hatred o' villainy. Kin' Dedede also appears he'pin' Kirby as a playable chareecker in Kirby's Return t'Dream Lan'.

In Smash Bros., he is voiced by Super Smash Bros. an' Kirby series creato', Masahiro Sakurai, who also voiced Dedede in Kirby 64: Th' Crystal Shards.

Dedede's designs in Super Smash Bros. Brawl an' Super Smash Bros. 4 is inspired by his rendishuns in Kirby games in which his haid is smaller an' his hide is larger. In his most recent titles, Kirby's Return t'Dream Lan' an' Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Dedede's haid is larger an' his hide is smaller, akin t'his pre-Kirby: Squeak Squad designs. Menny of his expresshuns in th' latter Smash Bros. game is also taken fum th' afo'emenshuned games.

In Super Smash Bros.

Kin' Dedede as he appeared in th' backgroun' of th' Dream Lan' stage in Super Smash Bros. In th' origeenal Super Smash Bros., Kin' Dedede only made a mere brief cameo in th' backgroun' of th' Dream Lan' stage. Howevah, acco'din' t'a page on th' Japanese Super Smash Bros. site, Kin' Dedede was planned t'be included as a playable chareecker, but was cut; Bowser an' Mewtwo is also menshuned as havin' been planned but cut, though no other info'mashun is available. [1]

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

Kin' Dedede's trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee Kin' Dedede only reappeared in th' Dream Lan' stage once agin, an' also makin' t'other appeareence as a trophy.

As a trophy

Kin' Dedede makes an appeareence as one of th' colleckible trophies in th' game thet kin be foun' through th' Trophy Lottery.

Trophy Dexcripshun

Dedede is th' se'f-proclaimed kin' of Dream Lan'. While he says he's kin', Dedede prefers no administrative funckshuns an' th' citizens of Dream Lan' corntinue t'live as they allus have. He's able t'suck in air an' fly like Kirby does, but only as a result of git-up-and-gitous trainin' he unnertook af'er bein' bested by Kirby.
  • Kirby's Dream Lan' 9/92

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Main article: Kin' Dedede (SSBB)

Kin' Dedede is a playable chareecker in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, makin' him th' third playable chareecker fum th' Kirby series. He wields his trademark hammer, swin'in' it in most of his stan'ard attacks, like th' Ice Climbers, an' has mighty pow'ful hammer-based attacks. His special moves is Inhale, Waddle Dee Tost, Super Dedede Jump, an' Jet Hammer. Inhale is mighty similar t'Kirby's trademark move, but Kin' Dedede lacks th' ability t'copy abilities. Waddle Dee Tost lets th' kin' throw his minions at foes, sometimes producin' not only Waddle Dees but also mo'e daidly Waddle Doos an' Go'dos. It is also postible fo' Dedede t'throw out capsules corntainin' items. Super Dedede Jump is an effeckive recovery move, sendin' Kin' Dedede high into th' air, then crashin' into th' groun' t'damage foes. He kin also kincel outta doin' this. Finally, Kin' Dedede mechanizes his hammer wif Jet Hammer. Th' hammer's power is charged up by holdin' th' special attack button, an' then released fo' a mighty swin'. Kin' Dedede incurs damage af'er chargin' fo' too long, howevah. His dash attack, fo'ward smash, Inhale an' Super Dedede Jump all come fum Kirby's Dream Lan'.

Like other playable chareeckers, Kin' Dedede appears visually similar t'his kinon incarnashuns, but greatly inhanced graphically, most notably his usually uncovahed girth (other than his patterned waistban', thet is) is now covahed by fine robes of a similar colo', makin' his on overall wears resemble a kimono. He also has sevahal interestin' costoom colo's, which not only change th' colo', but th' design on his waistban' too.

Kin' Dedede currently ranks 12th on th' tier list in C+ tier.


Kin' Dedede trophy in Brawl. Th' se'f-styled kin' of th' amazin'ly peaceful Dream Lan'. He corntinually does thin's unbea-comin' a kin', like stealin' th' kin'dom's grub supplies o' all th' stars fum th' sky. He's not all bad, though, an' sometimes perfo'ms fine deeds. While he an' Kirby offen battle, they've been known t'compete fine-natured at speed-eatin' corntests an' minigames.

 : Kirby's Dream Lan'
 : Kirby 64: Th' Crystal Shards


Fry mah hide! Name Fry mah hide! Game Fry mah hide! Effeck Fry mah hide! Chareeckers
Kin' Dedede & Kirby Kirby 64: Th' Crystal Shards Template:So'tKeyFile:SpecialsDireck.png Attack +21 Template:So'tKey  File:Kin'DededeHeadSSBB.png
Kin' Dedede Kirby Super Star Template:So'tKey  Attack +28 Template:So'tKey  File:Kin'DededeHeadSSBB.png
Kin' Dedede Kirby: Squeak Squad Template:So'tKeyFile:TypeIcon(Throwin').png Attack +30 Template:So'tKeyFile:Kin'DededeHeadSSBB.png
File:Brawl Sticker Kin' Dedede & Kirby (Kirby 64).png
Kin' Dedede & Kirby
(Kirby 64)
File:Brawl Sticker Kin' Dedede (Kirby Super Star).png
Kin' Dedede
(Kirby Super Star)
File:Brawl Sticker Kin' Dedede (Kirby Squeak Squad).png
Kin' Dedede
(Kirby Squeak Squad)

In Super Smash Bros. 4

Main article: Kin' Dedede (SSB4)

Kin' Dedede returns as a playable chareecker in Super Smash Bros. 4. He has a mo'e cartoonish look than his appeareence in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, reminiscent of his appeareence in Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Fry mah hide!. He has gained a noo Final Smash, Dedede Bust.

Kin' Dedede has see a large fall fum his previous tier list spot fo' Brawl, now rankin' 52nd outta 55 chareeckers fo' SSB4. While still maintainin' his high power an' disjointed retch wif his hammer, he lost his effeckive chain grab, a technique removed fum SSB4. This hyar removes whut made him so effeckive in Brawl. His back aerial was also changed fo' th' wo'se, no longer bein' as vahsatile as it once was. Kin' Dedede also has a noo side special: Go'do Throw. On account o' he now throws only Go'dos, th' noo move has cornsissent power compared t'th' ran'om nature of Waddle Dee Tost. Howevah, this hyar noo attack kin also be a hindrance fo' Dedede, as th' Go'dos is easily sent back t'him by reflecko's o' enny attack thet does 2% o' higher. His large size also makes him vulnerable t'combos, as fine as campin' due t'his slow movement. Due t'th' lost of his effeckiveness fum Brawl, Dedede is regarded junerally porely in competitive play despite some notably high tournament results fum players like Trimenjus D.


Kin' Dedede
No'th South Car'lina He calls hisse'f th' Kin' of Dream Lan', but he don't haf a lot of interess in rulin'. He pow'ful loves t'eat, so it's no surprise he's a heavyweight fighter. Despite his size an' low speed, he kin easily recovah wif his four jumps. His Jet Hammer will leave a mark on ev'ryone he meets.
  Bein' a se'f-proclaimed kin', Dedede clearly don't care too much about th' whole "politics" thin's. He's jest a bit greedy. In this hyar game, his weight an' hef'y hammer make him slow, but he kin still jump four times in mid-air ennyway, makin' it easy fo' him t'git back t'th' stage. Fully charge his Jet Hammer fo' ultimate destruckshun.
Kin' Dedede (Alt.)
No'th South Car'lina Fo' th' Go'do Throw side special, Kin' Dedede sends a Go'do bouncin' wif a hammer strike. It bounces off walls—o' sometimes gits stuck in them, dawgone it. Af'er a spell it'll disappear. Eff'n an inemah hits one, it'll bounce back toward yo'. Use th' special agin t'whack it back at them! Fry mah hide!
  Fo' th' Go'do Throw side special, Kin' Dedede hits a Go'do wif his hammer, sendin' it bouncin' along th' stage. It'll bounce off walls, o' sometimes git stuck in them, dawgone it. Then, af'er a spell, it'll disappear. Eff'n an inemah hits th' Go'do wif an attack, it'll fly back towards yo'. Use th' special agin t'whack it back at them! Fry mah hide!


  • In Melee, Kin' Dedede's German name is König Nickerchen, while in Brawl it is König Dedede, a direck translashun of his name.
  • Kin' Dedede an' Charizard is th' only two playable chareeckers t'appear in some fo'm in ev'ry Super Smash Bros. game while not bein' playable in ev'ry game. Coincidentally, both became playable chareeckers in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Kin' Dedede is th' only Kirby chareecker in th' Super Smash Bros. series who does not speak dialogue, an' whose voice is not reprised by his voice acko' fum th' Kirby anime series (Ken'ichowdy-doo Ogata).
  • In Kirby's Return t'Dream Lan', th' Hammer ability received a noo move called Hammer Twirl, which is direckly inspired by Kin' Dedede's down aerial fum Brawl in which he twirls his hammer below hisse'f.


Template:Chareeckers Template:Backgroun' chareeckers Template:Kirby unyverse

Catego'y:Chareeckers Catego'y:Trophies (SSBM) Catego'y:Kirby unyverse Catego'y:Trophies (SSBB) Catego'y:Kin' Dedede