Personal and other info
Real name Chris
Location Marietta Georgia United states
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Noob Pro
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About MarsFool!

MarsFool! Is a fairly new smasher having been playing competiively less than six months. His main at one point was Marth but actually switched to Ganon because of his roommates "irritating" Sheik. MarsFool! is a rather silly person who jokes alot and says rather off the wall things. MarsFool! also prefers to spend more time learning the technicalities of melee than actually playing it.


MarsFool! is an EXTREMELY fast learner. He watches and learns and repeats. He can quite often be found imitating things he has seen Mew2King or KoreanDJ do during a match.


MarsFool! has the tendency to get rather frustrated when he doesnt perform well in his own eyes, but not taking into consideration he hasnt been playing long.


MarsFool! does not choose to gimp his gameplay based on a tier list. He understands that for the most part it exists for a reason but wil not always make his decisions according to that nor will he base all gameplay on what it says. MarsFool! believes that to be good with a character you must put time, effort, and faith into. Only then will you be able to play your character at its maximum efficiency. MarsFool! learned to play Ganon against Sheik and is known for defeating them at tournaments. He actually has a Burger King Crown (obtained in virginia on the way to VLS) that he has scribbled out burger and replaced with Ganon and that he also puts a scratch into every time he knocks a Sheik out of the winners or losers brackets.

Worst match-ups

MarsFool! would prefer to never see these characters at a tourney again:

MarsFool! Likes to joke and call Sheik "Cheap" as well as Peach since the names sound so similiar. He only really thinks sheik needs a nerf tough.

Smash idols

Ga Peach also helped MarsFool! pick Ganon when he wasnt sure which character to main. Xif, Laijin, and SleepyK also have faith that MarsFool! can become as great as he desires from his passionate gameplay style and amount of character he displays.

External Links


Tournament Performance

Waba Games

Tied for 5th

Tipped off 2


Southern Polytechnic State University annual tournament 2


Southern Polytechnical State University Charity Tournament

Tied for 3rd

Get Four Stocked 5

Made it out of pools 4th seed, Tied for 25th place