Competency Charts

Icon Description
  I am extremely good with these characters. I use these characters most often, and they are my favorites.
  I'm pretty good with these characters. It's not uncommon to see me using them.
  I'm fairly good with these characters. I use them from time to time.
  I'm decent with these characters. I may use them, but not particularly often.
  I'm alright with these characters. It makes sense to say that I'm not good nor bad with them.
  I wouldn't say I'm particularly fond of these characters. However, I might manage.
  These characters are "eh" in my eyes. Chances are you won't see me use them.
  I can't do well with these characters or I don't like using them. I likely won't use them in my fights.
  I loathe using these characters. I will never use them, with some exceptions.
  I haven't used these characters in this game so I don't have a logical tier for them. This tier does not exist for some competency charts.

In each tier, characters are listed from best to worst. In the case of neutral tiers, they are listed from most knowledge of their gameplay to least knowledge of their gameplay.



Tier Characters


  • I was formerly known as LavaKirby.