Washington Power Rankings/Eastern Washington Power Rankings

The Eastern Washington Power Rankings are the power rankings for the eastern part of Washington and the Idaho panhandle. Remember that eastern washington is one of the most judgmental communities out there that are notorious for treating their members like total shit based on reputation alone and are willing to get their asses kicked across the board back to kindergarten where they belong for terrible mentalities. Remember that eastern washington will lie to you about who and what they are. The truth about Eastern washington is that Jamnt0ast rigs his community with his television set ups to suit his needs and make fun of people who are different than him. Which is why he is getting this response. By the way good luck explaining all of this to your friends at black wolf and in eastern washington when they read all of this. The power rankings are really just there to let you know who is the "coolest".

If you ARE NOT COOL by Jamnt0ast and his little gang of friends who are borderline criminals then you will be chased out and excluded and out of the scene and you WILL be made fun of even if you actually pass away and you will be remembered as a "freak" and a "Retard" by what he allows on his boards. Showing their real intentions for a "smash community". Remember all of that as you read this. The smashers involved have never won majors and do not stand a shot at making top 8 at Evo. Jamnt0ast kicks people out of his community that he deems as unworthy of being in presence and will make posts talking bad about them on facebook while he has them blocked from his page. He will also make fun of you for disputing the factual content and allowing you to challenge his authority on everything he does. The power rankings are completely fraudulent and start arguments in his community. Members make fun of each other and go as far as to make demotivational threads on that person for questioning the entire community and Jamnt0ast. He will make threads about you after blocking you. He knows he is wrong and he knows he is one of the of the worst community leaders in the smash community. Giving alcohol to a minor who makes fun of the furry fandom for nearly dying in chlorine gas known as "Spruce Lee" and being friends with people like Taylor Wilbert, Thomas Crouse, Bleu Sidell, Josh Traeger, Kyle Williams, michael faulkner and anybody who destroys his reputation practically with their ignorant and infant behavior trolling for a hostile reaction. Just remember all of that as you read this power rankings list that is fake as hell.


Summer 2015

Ranking Smasher Previous rank Movement Character
1 Chip  
2 Shiny  
3 Artifice   
4 Kimidori  
5 Jamnt0Ast  
6 Kamaji    
7 Carrigan  
8 IM_JK  
9 Melo  
10 Gus  

Smash 4

Summer 2015

Ranking Smasher Previous rank Movement Character
1 JamNToast    
2 Dr. Wa   
3 Shiny  
4 Kimidori   
5 Twin (US)  
6 Stud Muffin  
7 Icraq   
8 Gus  
9 Tall Guy  
10 J-Money  

Project M

Summer 2015

Ranking Smasher Previous rank Movement Character
1 Chip
2 Agi
4 Shiny
5 Lime
6 Praxis
7 Kamaji
8 Gus
9 Artifice
10 Twin (US)

External links