Peanut Popgun

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File:Diddykong 070904a.jpg
Peanut Popgun Move

The Peanut Popgun is Diddy Kong's Neutral B attack and is also his projectile weapon. The Peanut Popgun fires out peanuts that hit the opponent. The player can boost the speed and lower the angle of the shot by holding down the button. If the player holds the button down too long, the Peanut Popgun will explode, briefly stunning Diddy Kong, but otherwise not dealing any damage. The shelled peanuts shot out may break, dropping a small edible peanut, which will recover a small amount of damage when eaten. Interestingly, the Peanut shells fired from the popgun count as items and thus can be caught and thrown back. The Popgun is fully charged when Diddy reaches up and grabs his hat. In order to fire a fully charged peanut without stunning yourself, release the Special button as soon as Diddy grabs his hat.

Peanut Popguns were Diddy's weapons of choice in Donkey Kong 64. He would wield two at once, although his shells didn't become peanuts once he hit his opponent.

A reflected peanut will be redirected downward based on how long the shot was charged.

Trophy Description

A unique firearm that only Diddy Kong can use. It's made of a chunk of wood and shoots peanuts. In Donkey Kong 64, he carried two pistols and could fire two shots at a time. In Smash Bros., the peanut ammo bursts out of its shells when fired. The peanuts can be grabbed and eaten to reduce damage. The longer the gun is charged before firing, the faster the peanuts fly.

  • Donkey Kong 64 (1999)
  • Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast (2007)

Template:Diddy Kong Special Moves


  • According to the DK Rap from Donkey Kong 64, the game which the Peanut Popgun originated from, the weapons themselves were originally referred to as pistols.