Super Smash Bros. for Wii U


Revision as of 20:31, February 17, 2018 by EXemplary Logic (talk | contribs) (EXemplary Logic moved page Smash4United to Tournament:Smash4United: seeding new namespace)
Dates January 16th, 2015
Venue Gamers of the West
Address/City Jonker Fransstraat 114, 3031AX
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Netherlands
Attendance 32
Entry fees Entry fee: €5
Pot size(s) Super Smash Brothers for Wii U: Gamecube Super Smash Bros Edition Controller
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U winners Netherlands Gymmo

Smash4United was a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U regional tournament held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on January the 16th, 2015 hosted by Smash Gamers United. It featured singles for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U singles

(32 entrants)

Place Name Earnings
1st   Gymmo Gamecube Super Smash Bros. Edition Controller
2nd   L Metal Pac-Man figure
3rd   Badr Foam-Sword
4th   Mank Pocky
5th   Skippo Pocky
5th   WhYZZ Pocky
7th   Nevyl Pocky
7th   Grove Pocky
9th   Arceus Pocky
9th   Tofu* Pocky
9th   Purin Pocky
9th   Ayoub Pocky
13th   Super Sand Pocky
13th   PirateBunnii Pocky
13h   Bobo Pocky
13th   Ando Pocky
17th   Artho Pocky
17th   Chulo Pocky
17th   Tappibear Pocky
17th   GogoDonny Pocky
17th   Carlyson Pocky
17th   Supergoomba Pocky
17th   Riv Pocky
17th   Quan the Ripper Pocky
25th   Demon Pocky
25th   Eefretu Pocky
25th   Impa Pocky
25th   Rob Pocky
25th   Cruz Pocky
25th   Dumbfire Pocky
25th   Brodin Pocky
25th   Melvin Pocky

External links