The revival platform is a special platform in all Super Smash Bros. games, that appears after a player has been KO'd. Provided the player is not out of stocks, they will respawn on a platform floating above the center of the stage. The platform disappears as soon as the player moves or attacks. If the player does not act, the platform will disappear by itself after 5 seconds; in Super Smash Bros. 4, this time limit is represented by a section of the platform that gradually changes color from yellow to red. The platform cannot be boarded by any other character. This is mainly because it's just a graphical representation of the player's return, instead of the character appearing out of nowhere. More than one platform can be on the screen at once, one for each KO'd player, appearing next to each other.
The revived character is invincible the entire time they are on the platform. This is commonly used to avoid temporary dangers such as opponents using a Final Smash. In addition, many players utilize the invincibility to plan out their strategy and gather their thoughts. After dropping down from the platform, the character has a further period of invincibility to aid their descent.
The animation for characters being revived hasn't changed much over the four games. After a KO, the character will simply descend from the sky on the revival platform. The original game had a slightly different animation, though; upon appearing on the platform, characters would be lying down, and then would get up while the platform descended.
In Super Smash Bros., a character gets the Mystic bonus for being on a revival platform when his/her opponent is KO'd. In Melee, the player gets the Angelic bonus point for ending the match this way.
The revival platform originates from the game Mario Bros. When Mario or Luigi dies, he respawns on a small platform, accompanied by a short melody. While on the platform, the plumber is invincible. The melody that plays when Mario or Luigi respawns is not included in the Smash Bros. games.
The revival platform in Super Smash Bros..
The revival platform in Melee.
The revival platform in Brawl.
- There is a glitch where if a player is KO'd while another is descending on their revival platform, both characters' platforms will be in the same location, instead of next to each other.
- The Ice Climbers have the largest revival platform for playable characters.
- Giga Bowser has the largest revival platform for non-playable characters.
- Revival platforms do not appear in the Subspace Emissary.