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JJlinyard "Jin, IceSeiryuuJin, íCéj"
Character info
Smash 64 mains Mario, Link
Melee mains Fox, Marth
Other Melee characters Falco, Link
Brawl mains Fox, Marth
Team info
Crew(s) HSAM
Personal and other info
Real name Jonathon Johnson-Linyard
Birth date (age 32)
Location London England
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Semi-Pro
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Jjlinyard, also known as "IceSeiryuuJin" or "ICEJ", is a British smasher from the northwest London area. Jjlinyard was unaware of the competitive smash scene until the release of Brawl, having only played Melee & Smash 64 casually. Recently, he has started to act in the competitive Brawl scene through


Henrys Sister Alice Mcdermott, the name of his clan of school friends, although there are only about 9 members who regularly play competitive smash. He is the Co-Creator of the London clan.


JJlinyard goes to as many in-person tournaments he can find as online play in brawl frustrates him. He is also a proud host and usally hosts in-person regular tounies named HSAM, with his clan.

List of Tournaments Played

  1. HSAM Tournament 1 - Brawl = 1st, Doubles = 1st, Melee = 1st.
  2. HSAM Tournament 2 - Brawl = 3rd, Doubles = 2nd, Melee = 1st.
  3. HSAM Tournament 3 - Brawl = 1st, Doubles = 1st, Melee = 1st.
  4. Rebirth, London RanBAT - Brawl = 3rd, Melee = Drowned in Pools.
  5. HSAM vs Nibiru Clan Battle - Smash 64 = HSAM Win, Melee = HSAM Win, Brawl = Nibiru Win.
  6. London Ranbat - Brawl = 10th, Melee = Drowned in Pools.
  7. HSAM Tournament 4 - Brawl = 1st, Doubles = 4th, Melee = 2nd.
  8. London Monthly - Brawl = Drowned in Pools, Melee = 9th.
  9. HSAM vs Nibiru 2 - Melee = HSAM Win, Brawl = HSAM Win.
  10. HSAM Tournament 5 - Brawl = Drowned, Doubles = 1st, Melee = 1st.
  11. London Monthly - Brawl = 7th, Melee = 9th.