Beta elements are components of video games that for whatever reason, are removed or altered before that game is released. Known info about beta elements usually comes from one of two sources. The first is information released about a game, by its creators, before the game is complete. The second is data found within the coding of a game that serves no purpose, but could have been implemented into the game at one point. Elements that do not make it into the final game are often seen in things such as trailers and demos.
In the Super Smash Bros. series
Many elements removed from the final games have been found in all three Super Smash Bros. games. Many of these have been seen in gameplay trailers, such as Kirby's "Melee" Hammer being used in midair at the E3 2006 trailer. His Hammer in midair was later changed from multiple circular swings to two powerful horizontal swings. Some of the best known beta elements include the Kirby-themed stages in Super Smash Bros., removed stages such as DUMMY and AKANEIA in Melee, and leftover character data for characters such as Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, and Dixie Kong in Brawl. The character data has caused many players to speculate that these characters were intended to be playable.