Vincent Tran

Joined October 10, 2010
Revision as of 18:04, April 13, 2015 by (talk) (Capitalization fix. SmashWiki formatting fix.)
Anime Stuff
What is this I don't even...
<youtube height="250" width="300">xuptqpz6G2M</youtube>
<youtube height="250" width="300">xuptqpz6G2M</youtube>
<youtube height="250" width="300">xuptqpz6G2M</youtube>
<youtube height="250" width="300">xuptqpz6G2M</youtube>

<choose> <option>Scrump-a-douches! —Vincent Tran</option> <option>We'll slaughter them with gravy, and have them ripped asunder by chihuahuas wearing chainsaw hats! —Squidbillies, 2010</option> <option>Everyone loves to watch 2 guys charge for 30 minutes, throw a punch, then charge more. —Omega Tyrant</option> <option>Glad I could help my grandson overcome this deadly challenge in exchange for a little money. —Cranky Kong, DKCR</option> <option>Now go get out there and give those drum guys what for! Yes, I said "what for." I'm old. Get over it. —Cranky Kong, DKCR</option> <option>So, who hasn't stolen your bananas at this point?" —Cranky Kong to Donkey Kong in DKCR</option> <option>It sure looks dangerous out there... See ya!—Cranky Kong to Donkey Kong in DKCR</option> <option>A hangover is the wrath of grapes.—Unknown</option> <option>IT'S AN UGLY! LET'S CATCH IT! :D—Vincent Tran</option> <option>Distance and time are both phantoms born of uncertainty of the heart—Gen Fudo, Sousei no Aquarion</option>

BayonettaSymbol.svg LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! KingdomHeartsSymbol.svg
Vincent Tran
Character info
Melee mains Kirby, Ganondorf
Other Melee characters Captain Falcon, Mewtwo
Brawl mains Kirby, Captain Falcon
Other Brawl characters Ganondorf, Ike
Personal and other info
Real name Vincent Tran (?)
Birth date (age 27)
Location California United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Below average XD

please do not edit this page, but if you see a spelling/grammar error, feel free to correct it..

Hello! Chances are, you stumbled upon this page by accident, or you saw me edit something and clicked on my name. I'm very willing to brawl anyone. Please put friend codes of your own on my talk page.

Brawl friend code: 5198-5044-0252
Wii number (for exchanging playback vids): 6130-8160-8298-8572


I got brawl as soon as it came out, and played it for seven straight hours from 5:00pm to around midnight. After that, I ate dinner and did all the regular crud I usually do before going to sleep :p. I'm a very relaxed and cheerful fellow user on SmashWiki, so don't hesitate to ask me questions if you are new (albeit I'm quite new myself). I'm generally lazy, but I will enforce the SmashWiki rules, and will not hesitate to completely and utterly destroy your wrongful edits (how scary XD). Otherwise, I'm willing to help you understand the rules of SmashWiki (or you could simply look them up). Note that I'm not fully aware of the rules myself :I.

About the person who created this user page, or in other words, me!

I often feel rather calm and happy, although I can occasionally be serious. That's really all there is too it :|. If you check the history of this page, you'll see there was a lot more to it, but I really just wrote all of that because I had no idea what to put here :|. What I'm writing right now is meant to fill the space up. I often use text emoticons. :| This video should (might) give an idea or two to what I'm like: or not :| <youtube>zpHCsR6yHjw</youtube>

  This user likes Kirby, and will not hesitate to kirbycide. :D

Stuff I can do

I'm fairly potent at wiki coding, although I may occasionally revert to HTML, since I took a class of Web Design recently, and have been using it for most of the year, as well as some CSS, but that shouldn't matter too much, as the 2 are fairly similar. I can use Photoshop for the most part, although I use (but do not necessarily have or own) Adobe Photoshop CS3 :|. I could effectively create something I want to make out of wood given the specific tools and enough wood. I more or less can learn how to do something given enough time. If I really try, I'm sure I can figure out any task or problem and find the most effective solution or answer. More or less, these are things the average person can do :|.

Video games I own

The coding of this chart was stolen from Toomai (after being altered a bit :o), while the idea of stealing something from Toomai is from Miles of SmashWiki :D.

Game System Finished Personal Rating
Super Smash Bros. N64 Yes 7/10
Super Smash Bros. Melee GC Yes 8/10
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii Yes 9/10
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages* GBC Yes 8/10
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64 No 9/10
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past GBA Yes 9/10
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords GC Yes 8/10
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap GBA Yes 9/10
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Yes 8/10
Paper Mario N64 Yes 8/10
Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door GC Yes 8/10
Super Paper Mario Wii Yes 8/10
Super Mario 64 N64,DS Yes 8/10
Mario Party 1-8 N64,GC,Wii Yes average of 6-8/10
Mario Party DS DS Yes 7
Mario & Luigi, Superstar Saga GBA Yes 9/10
Mario & Luigi, Partners in Time DS Yes 8.5/10
Mario & Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story DS Yes 9/10
Mario Galaxy 1 Wii Yes 9/10
Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Yes 8.5/10
Super Mario RPG SNES/Wii Yes 9/10
Super Mario Bros., 1-3 GBA Yes 7/10
Super Mario World, Super Mario Advance 2 (one game) GBA Yes 9/10
Mario Kart Super Circuit GBA Yes 7/10
Yoshi's Island, Super Mario Advance 3 (one game) GBA Yes 7/10
Golden Sun GBA Yes 9.2/10
Golden Sun, the Lost Age GBA Yes 9.3/10
Kirby Dreamland* GB Yes 7/10
Kirby's Adventure NES Yes 7/10
Kirby's Dreamland 2* GB Yes 7.01/10
Kirby Super Star SNES Yes 8.5/10
Kirby Dream Land 3 SNES Yes 7.5/10
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland GBA Yes 8/10
Kirby 64:The Crystal Shards N64 No 8/10
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror GBA Yes 8/10
Kirby Canvas Curse DS Yes 7/10
Kirby Squeak Squad DS Yes 8.5/10
Kirby Super Star Ultra DS Yes 8.5/10
Kirby Air Ride GC Yes 7.5/10
Kirby Epic Yarn** Wii Yes : (
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 yes 9.5/10
Final Fantasy Virtual Console/Wii/iPhone yes 8/10
Final Fantasy IV DS yes 8/10
Final Fantasy XIII PS3 no 8/10

*The few Game Boy Color/Game Boy games I found worth mentioning.

**It would've been a great game if you could actually lose.

This chart is not finished. I will insert the data when I have time. (Which is quite impossible, and so this chart will most likely never be finished :|)


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I enjoy solving riddles, can you solve these? There is a specific answer for each riddle. <choose> <option>#What was the biggest ocean in the world before Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean?

  1. How many cookies could you eat on an empty stomach?
  2. Three mature and hefty women were walking in San Francisco under one regular-sized umbrella. Why didn't they get wet? </option>

<option>#What can a pitcher be filled with so it is lighter than when it is filled with air?

  1. A dog is tied to a 15-foot long leash. How can the dog reach a bone that is 20 feet away?
  2. I went into a store and found out that it cost $3 for 400, which meant that each part cost $1. What did I want to buy? </option>

I'm sure you know what this is.

Vincent Tran
Dispute Handling ??%    
Smash Skill 30%    
Smash Knowledge 80%    
Spelling/Grammar 60%    
Typing Speed 80%    
Wikipresence 20%    
Wikiskill 50%    
Basic Attributes
Firewall This user is immune to Flame attacks.
I R Seeing You This user uses the IRC.
Icy Head This user cannot use Flame attacks.
Mr. Vulcan This user's Logic attacks deal 33% more damage.
Notoriety This user is a significant contributor.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Polygon Team This user can create 3D imagery.
Rasterizer This user can create .png images.
Respectability This user cannot use Troll attacks.
Rock Head This user is immune to Troll attacks.
Other Attributes
By The Numbers This user attempts to define everything in terms of predictability and definite values.
Creative Breeze This user can easily create names, nomenclatures, systems, and symbols.
Lone Wolf This user does things his own way, at his own pace.
Musical Master This user is a lover of video game music.
Overcautious Every time one of this user's talk page posts is in the Review phase,
there is a 66.7% chance it will be overthought and discarded.
Strength Of Opinion This user's opinion is often nonexistant and/or immutable.

Random Video

Random videos of stuff. :|

Other places I'm on

DK wiki (though rarely, but under the same name),
Newgrounds (under the username Supernitro),
All is Brawl (under the username Supernitro),
Deviant Art (under the username Supernitro000),

I've also created the Lock's Quest wikia, which needs major cleanup and information.

*Note, I stole the ideas for my user page from several wiki users. :D