Forums: Index → Brawl Talk → Item Origins
We did stages... so now it's item time. (NOTE: I left some things that may or may not have effective images for history [like do we really need a Star Wars pic for Beam Sword history?] but let's try anyways.) Miles (talk) 22:27, 13 October 2010 (EDT)
Banana PeelBarrelBarrel CannonBeam SwordBob-ombBumperBunny HoodCloaking DeviceDeku NutDragoonFire FlowerFlipperFoodFranklin BadgeFreezieGolden HammerGreen ShellHammerHeart ContainerHome-run BatHotheadLightning BoltLip's StickMaxim TomatoMetal BoxMotion-Sensor BombMr. SaturnParasolPitfallPoison MushroomPoké BallRed ShellScrew AttackSmart BombSoccer BallSpringStar RodStarmanSuper MushroomSuper ScopeSuperspicy CurryUniraWarp Star
Assist Trophies
- Andross
- Barbara
- Ray Mk III
- Devil
- Dr. Wright
- Excitebike
Gray Fox- Hammer Brother
- Helirin
- Infantry and Tanks
- Isaac
Jeff- Jill
- Kat and Ana
- Knuckle Joe
- Lakitu and Spinies (separate articles? ...)
- Little Mac
- Lyn
- Metroid
- Mr. Resetti
- Nintendog
- Saki Amamiya
- Samurai Goroh
Shadow the Hedgehog- Starfy
- Tingle
- Waluigi