Character info
Brawl main Diddy Kong
Team info
Crew(s) ITC
Personal and other info
Real name Daniel
Location Shoreline, WA United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Amateur
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Felix is a Diddy King main from Western Washington and is currently ranked 4th on the Washignton Power Rankings for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He is arguably the best Brawl player in WWA, and one of the best Diddy's on the west coast having beat Valdens, Praxis, and DEHF in tourney/money matches.


  • Felix pioneered many Diddy techs including the "Felix Combo" which is not supposed to work but due to immense levels of awesome Felix is the only one that can perform it.
  • Felix always teams with a Shoreline smasher; either Nerd or Toobusytocare
  • Regularly Places at Washington and Oregon Tournaments.
  • Is also known for his incredible Pit and Ice Climbers.

External Links

Ways of contacting him

  • You wish ;)