Gaki AKA WINGZERO/HEERO "Wingzero/Heero"
Character info
Brawl main Toon Link
Team info
Crew(s) The Gundam Wing Crew
Former crews "Arg We Be Pirates!"
Personal and other info
Real name n00b
Location Amsterdam Netherlands
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other n00b
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Gaki is an European smasher who mains Toon Link. Also he is reputed to be one of the lacking Ice Climbers players (if not, the WORST) in Europe and is a Ranked player in Europe. Also his Brawl skills are highly lacking skills, downloaded a backup copy ("arg i be a PIRATE!") before US launch, he's currently ranked 7th by pwning n00bs at smashbrawlrankings with a notable tally of 8 victories and 84 losses. He also had an contract at Ubisoft.. but claims to have a new sponser now.(we're speculating that it might be Microsoft) We think that he is so good in this game because he probably lives in his mother's basement..pretty sad actually

P.S. The Fellowship: Are you frightened? Gaki: Yes. The Fellowship: Not nearly frightened enough..

The Fellowship Is Coming..