On the Shadow Moses Island stage, Snake has a secret taunt where he talks about the other fighters with his support team, consisting of Mei Ling, Otacon, and Roy Campbell.
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Roy: "Be careful Snake! King Bowser is there!"
- Snake: "Bowser? That thing that looks like a Monster?"
- Roy: "He's the leader of the Koopa army. Watch out for his strong arms and fire breath."
- Snake: "But he looks kinda slow. So he actually isn't weak?"
- Roy: "Since he is king of the turtles, there is no doubt he is thickheaded. But on the other hand, he is heavier than any other fighter. So of course he has great destructive power. Watch out so you don't get crushed."
Captain Falcon
- Snake: "Hey! That's Captain Falcon, isn't it!"
- Otacon: "Good eye, Snake! He's F-Zero pilot number 07!"
- Snake: "You know, seeing Captain Falcon here reminds me... We should do that thing we've always wanted to try..."
- Otacon: "Ohhhh yeah! That thing! Good idea! OK, ready? Go!"
- Snake: "Falcon Puuuunch!"
- Otacon: "Falcon Kiiiiiiick!"
Diddy Kong
- Snake: "Otacon, there's a chimpanzee here wearing a Nintendo hat."
- Otacon: "That's Diddy Kong. He's Donkey Kong's partner. Not only is he lightweight, he can use a wide range of weapons as well. He can fly using those barrel jets on his back, and he can shoot nuts with his Peanut Popgun."
- Snake: "Peanuts? As in the ones in the little shells? Are you serious?"
- Otacon: "Wait, here's the best part. You see them lying on the ground after he shoots? If you pick up some of those peanuts, they'll restore your health a little."
- Snake: "Hmm. Edible ammunition, huh... Times sure have changed."
Donkey Kong
- Snake: "Otacon, there's a gorilla wearing a tie here. He's huge."
- Otacon: "That's Donkey Kong. As you can tell, he's got strength to spare. He may be king of the jungle, but he lives in a house just like you or me. And he seems pretty smart--well, for an ape, anyway. The Donkey Kong who fought that epic battle with Mario was this guy's grandfather."
- Snake: "That was a long time ago. What about this Donkey Kong? Does he get along with Mario?"
- Otacon: "Nope, they're still at it. Seems like they're always competing in something--kart racing, sports, you name it."
- Snake: "A chip off the old block..."
- Snake: "This is Snake..."
- Slippy: "Copy Snake! This is Slippy!"
- Snake: "Wha?! Who is this? What are you? Some kind of frog?"
- Slippy: "Easy there, buddy! Just thought I'd hop onto the wireless and give you a holler. Don't get mad!"
- Snake: "Hacked right into my channel huh?"
- Slippy: "But I'm not here to mess nothin' up. Don't worry."
- Snake: "..."
- Slippy: "Just so you know. Falco uses a blaster and a reflector that I designed, just like Fox does. But Falco likes to kick his reflector and send it flying around. Just showing off if you ask me."
- Snake: "No reason a weapon can't have more than one use. In fact, Id say its versatility shows how well you designed it."
- Slippy: "Hey, maybe so! I feel all fuzzy now! Thanks Snake!"
- Snake: "Maybe next time we meet, you can design me a weapon...."
- Snake: "Colonel! That fox is fast!"
- Roy: "You're fighting Fox, eh, Snake? His full name is Fox McCloud. He's the leader of the commando-for-hire unit Star Fox. They're mostly active in a galaxy known as the Lylat System. Fox and his comrades pilot all-terrain fighter crafts called Arwings. His skills in combat can turn the tide of any battle. ...You seem to have a thing with foxes, don't you, Snake?"
- Snake: "Don't remind me. First FOXHOUND and now this guy... I'm sick of foxes."
- Roy: "You and foxes have a long history together. You ought to be proud."
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Snake: "What's this thirst for blood I feel from this giant!? I can feel my skin tremble just by getting close."
- Roy: "Snake! Ganondorf is dangerous! He plans to control the world, and he has the power to do it! His name of King of Evil is definitely fitting."
- Snake: "With him as an enemy, can modern weapons even beat him?"
- Roy: "Look at everyone else. They're fighting with swords and barehanded. You have guns, isn't that good enough? Spouting complaints isn't like you, Snake."
- Snake: "Just thought I'd ask. I'll do my duty."
Ice Climbers
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Snake: "There's something with large eyes walking around."
- Roy: "That's Jigglypuff."
- Snake: "Jigglypuff? Isn't that a dessert?"
- Roy: "Jigglypuff is a Balloon Pokémon. Its filled with air that makes you drowsy. So it has the power to make you sleep."
- Snake: "Sleep? But I guess this is no ordinary sleep."
- Roy: "Although its a brief nap if you are near it a staggering energy reaction will happen. If you take that it will be an instant KO."
- Snake: "So it's at her best while sleeping? This thing is over the top."
- Roy: "It's a big world, especially in Super Smash."
King Dedede
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Snake: "What a huge hammer..."
- Roy: "You're fighting with Dedede, Snake."
- Snake: "Colonel, isn't that a penguin?"
- Roy: "He's the King of Dreamland. Self-proclaimed, though."
- Snake: "He's not really a penguin, right?"
- Roy: "His hammer has unimaginable power if it hits you. The outside looks like wood, but there's actually a mechanical bearing and a jet that grows in power."
- Snake: "He should have a disconnected shoulder. If he can handle it that easily..."
- Roy: "On the contrary, he swings it quite slowly. Be sure to dodge, Snake."
- Otacon: "Snake! Watch out!"
- Snake: "For what? That pink marshmallow?"
- Otacon: "That's Kirby, also known as "Kirby from Dream Land." He's from another planet--in other words, an extraterrestrial. He's got a powerful stomach that lets him swallow and digest anything. And he also has a "Copy Ability" that allows him to mimic opponents, steal their moves, and use those moves against them. On top of that, he has the power to fly around the stage, so once he's got you in his sights, there's no place to run."
- Snake: "...Huh? Yeah, got it. I'll keep an eye out."
- Snake: "Otacon, who's the guy with the sword?"
- Otacon: "That's Link. He's the hero of Hyrule. That blade in his hand is called the Master Sword, also known as the "Blade of Evil's Bane." He also has a whole arsenal of weapons at his disposal--bombs and arrows, a shield, a boomerang, and a Clawshot. He's a force to be reckoned with."
- Snake: "Gear is only useful when it's used at the right time and place. Just lugging a ton of it around doesn't do you any good."
- Otacon: "...I, uh... I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Snake."
- Snake: "What's that supposed to mean?"
- Otacon: "You tell me, Mr. Utility Belt."
- Snake: "..."
- Mei Ling: "You're fighting Lucario, aren't you, Snake?"
- Snake: "Mei Ling, what's that purple fire coming out of his hands?"
- Mei Ling: "That's his "Aura.""
- Snake: "Aura?"
- Mei Ling: "I guess you could call it his life force. Lucario can use his own Aura and turn it into power. Every time Lucario's damage increases, his aura gains strength, making his attacks more powerful. So don't think you've got him beat just because his health is down."
- Snake: "The cornered rat will bite the cat... Sounds like trouble."
- Mei Ling: "Hey! When did you become so good with proverbs?!"
- Snake: "You must have rubbed off on me."
- Mei Ling: "Well, come back in one piece, and I'll teach you all the Chinese proverbs you can handle."
- Snake: "That guy with the mustache..."
- Roy: "Ha. You mean the "King of Second Bananas"??
- Snake: "Hey, that's Luigi! Show him a little respect!"
- Roy: "Look at that pale skin. He's been living in his brother's shadow for too long."
- Snake: "That's a low blow, Colonel!"
- Roy: "Face it, Snake! Once a kid brother, always a kid brother!"
- Snake: "Colonel, what's gotten into you?!"
- Roy: "La li lu le lo! La li lu le lo! La li lu le lo!"
- Snake: "Colonel, snap out of it! Colonel! Coooooooloneeeeeel!"
NOTE : The Lalilulelo is a reference to a fake Colonel Snake encounters in Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty.
- Roy: "Snake, you know who that is?"
- Snake: "You're kidding, right? It's Mario."
- Roy: "Mario made his first appearance in 1981, and since then, he has become a worldwide phenomenon. There's probably not a single person who doesn't know Mario. He's that famous."
- Snake: "Good thing I survived long enough to meet him on the field of battle, huh."
- Roy: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, Snake. Now get out there and show him what you're made of. No regrets."
- Snake: "Got it."
- Mei Ling: "Snake, have you heard the saying "Politics makes strange bedfellows"?"
- Snake: "Don't tell me that's a Chinese proverb."
- Mei Ling: "Err, no... It means that when the going gets tough, you might need unexpected partnerships in order to succeed. Marth was a prince whose kingdom was usurped. He didn't even have an army to fight with him. But as he battled his way forward, he found new allies to fight at his side, and in the end, he was able to reunite the war-torn land of Altea."
- Snake: "So he built his army from the ranks of his defeated enemies..."
- Mei Ling: "Marth did his share of fighting too. Even when he had an army, he was always alongside his men in the thick of battle. Then he was betrayed by one of his most trusted friends. I can't even imagine how that feels..."
- Snake: "...I can."
Meta Knight
- Snake: "Mei Ling, there's a mysterious masked man flying around here with a sword..."
- Mei Ling: "That's Meta Knight. He's a knight from Dream Land. They say his sword swings can break the sound barrier. Whatever you do, don't get caught in one of his furious barrage attacks. He also commands the Halberd, a flying battleship."
- Snake: "Mm, I've seen it. The bow looks like his mask. What kind of weirdo puts his face on the bow of a ship, anyway?"
- Mei Ling: "Umm, maybe he's a little narcissistic. Kind of like someone else I know."
- Snake: "Really... And who would that be?"
- Mei Ling: "Use your imagination..."
Mr. Game & Watch
- Snake: "Otacon, there's a guy walking around in here...and he's only got two dimensions!"
- Otacon: "That's Mr. Game & Watch. He comes from a world where everything is flat. Game & Watch was a series of portable games released by Nintendo in 1980. They ere powered by large-scale integrated circuits and only had mono-chrome LCD displays, so characters kind of looked like the numbers on a calculator. The guy you're looking at now, Mr. Game & Watch, was a character who appeared in these games."
- Snake: "This is making my head hurt."
- Otacon: "Well, um... He's... I mean... Look, just start fighting him, and I'm sure everything will make sense."
- Snake: ...
- Roy: "That kid... Isn't that Ness?"
- Snake: "Ness?"
- Roy: "He may look like a mere boy, but don't let that fool you. He has PSI abilities that defy all scientific explanation."
- Snake: "Just like Psycho Mantis..."
- Roy: "Exactly. He can use teleportation, levitation, pyrokinesis, and psychokinesis."
- Snake: "Yeah, but the question is, can he read minds?"
- Roy: "Not to my knowledge, no."
- Snake: "Good. Then I won't have to worry about him predicting my every move."
- Roy: "Even if he had telepathic powers, I don't think he'd use them to mess with you like that. I hear he's a good kid."
- Mei Ling: "Ooh! How cuute!"
- Snake: "What? The yellow thing?"
- Mei Ling: "That's Pikachu. It's a Pokémon. They're popular all over the world, you know. And it may look cute, but be careful. It can store up large amounts of electricity in those adorable little cheeks. It'll try to pepper you with electric shocks."
- Snake: "Couldn't be much worse than Ocelot's old torture device..."
- Mei Ling: "Oh, and, Snake?"
- Snake: "What?"
- Mei Ling: "I was wondering, could you maybe try and catch Pikachu for me? Pleeeeease?"
- Snake: "Give me a break! What do I look like, a Pokémon Trainer?"
- Mei Ling: "Fine... Sorry I asked."
Pikmin & Olimar
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
Mei Ling: "Snake, have you heard of Zhen Zhong Ji's 'Brief Dream of Prosperity?'"
Snake: "Nope, I haven't."
Mei Ling: "It says that 'being surrounded by people always leads to loneliness'. Although Olimar brings a lot of Pikmin, they quickly die. It's often through transporting, fighting, and being eaten. Olimar can increase the number of colleagues, but if you pay attention, he's quickly alone. It's kind of sad."
Snake: "But can't he just pluck some more?"
Mei Ling: "Well, I guess so."
Snake: "There's no such thing as a person who fights alone. I don't."
Mei Ling: "Good luck Snake. I'm here to help."
- Snake: "Otacon, there's a kid with wings out here. Is he a mutant? Or is he just into costumes?"
- Otacon: "That's Pit, Snake. Pit is an angel from Angel Land. He's the captain of Palutena's Army."
- Snake: "Angels. Give me a break!"
- Otacon: "I dunno, maybe he's from a different species. But those wings on his back and those mysterious weapons he has are the real deal. He may look young, but he's a veteran warrior. Watch yourself. He used to be a weakLing, but countless trials over the years have toughened him up."
- Snake: "And by trials, you mean, "Game Overs"?"
- Otacon: "Yeah, you should know all about that."
Pokémon Trainer
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
Snake: "The one instructing the Pokémon from the background, he's a Pokémon Trainer?"
Roy: "That Pokémon Trainer is carrying Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. They're powerful Pokémon that represent the Water, Grass, and Fire type respectively. He prepares them to fight, then watches on. A good position, isn't it."
Snake: "You could say that. When the Pokémon fight, it's on the Pokémon Trainer's orders."
Roy: "On the battlefield, a soldier who manages field strategy and evaluates the progress of war is indispensable. If they maintain a good combination together, their power is probably multiplied. That's why we also work well together. Don't you think, Snake?"
Snake: "...All right, thanks for your help."
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Otacon: "It looks like you're fighting Robot, Snake."
- Snake: "There are lots of things called Robot. Isn't there something better to call him?"
- Otacon: "In America its called ROB. So I guess that's what we can call it."
- Snake: "Yeah."
- Otacon: "In Japan, Robot had a white body and red arms which were called the Famicom colors. But Foreign Famicoms were gray so ROB became all gray."
- Snake: "It's no surprise you know these kinds of things pretty well Otacon."
- Otacon: "Yeah."
- Snake: "Hey, Otacon. I got a woman here in a Power Suit."
- Otacon: "Huh? How'd you know she was a woman? Yeah, that'd be Samus Aran, the most renowned bounty hunter in the galaxy. Her Arm Cannon pack quite a wallop. If you get hit with a charged shot from that thing, you can kiss your butt good-bye.
- Snake: "Sounds like my kind of woman..."
- Otacon: "Yeah, well, just don't get too close, Snake. Samus is deadly. After Space Pirates killed her parents, she was raised by the Chozo and trained in the fighting arts. She's been places and seen things that people like you and me can't even begin to imagine."
- Snake: "But underneath that cold, metal exterior beats the heart of a woman..."
Zero Suit Samus
- Snake: "Mei Ling, Samus took her clothes off!"
- Mei Ling: "That's just her in the Zero Suit, Snake."
- Snake: "Without that bulky Power Suit, she's gotten a lot more agile… You know, I bet if I took of all this heavy gear, I could catch her... "
- Mei Ling: "Um, yeah, you wish. Even without the Power Suit, all that training she did with the Chozo has made her a super athlete. I don't think a normal human could ever keep up. Just look at her."
- Snake: "…Her loss."
Solid Snake
- Snake: "Colonel, it's me! I'm fighting myself!"
- Roy: "Snake, what's going on out there?! Could it be...? Has the "Les Enfants Terribles" project really come this far?"
- Snake: It's more than that. He's got my moves, my gear... It's like looking in a mirror."
- Roy: "Do you think they collected data on you and created another Snake...?"
- Snake: "He's got the same build, too. Creepy. But his Sneaking Suit is a different color. And his tactics are slightly different."
- Roy: "Interesting. So even if you're evenly matched in power, your fighting styles will make a big difference. You've faced tougher odds in the past, Snake. Don't let this impostor beat you!"
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Snake: "...Grr..."
- Otacon: "What's wrong, Snake?
- Snake: "Somehow, I can't like this hedgehog."
- Otacon: "Hm? Oh you mean Sonic the Hedgehog. He's a big star everyone knows. For a long time, everyone wanted him as a fighter for the brawl."
- Snake: "I know that, but I still don't like this guy being here."
- Otacon: "Why's that? Is there a reason why he shouldn't be?"
- Snake: "...No, I don't know why."
Toon Link
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Snake: "Mei Ling! What is that guy with the cat eyes?"
- Mei Ling: "He goes by the name of Toon Link. We've seen him somewhere before right?"
- Snake: "Yeah, he's like Link."
- Mei Ling: "Even though you just say "Link", there are many other people who've used that name. Although there are many similarities they lived in different eras. Branching time, passing through history, the hero of the Triforce that risks his life for Hyrule."
- Snake: "That reminds me of another guy."
- Mei Ling: "Huh? Who do you mean?"
- Snake: "There are a lot of guys who go by the name of 'Snake'."
- Snake: "This guy kind of gives me the creeps."
- Roy: "That's Wario, Snake. Wario first appeared as Mario's rival, but he really made his name in the WarioWare games. Watch out for Wario's bite. It's not just damage you take from it."
- Snake: "What do you mean, Colonel?"
- Roy: "Wario loves garlic. He eats whole cloves of it day and night. So try not get caught in his mouth. Once that smell gets on you, it'll stick to you for quite a while."
- Snake: "…That's a scary thought."
- Roy: "He also attacks by farting. He can fart to fly around, too."
- Snake: "By farting?! Are you kidding me?!"
- Roy: "Sadly, no. I am not kidding. If his belly starts to bulge, watch out."
The following quotes are translated from the Japanese version and may be altered in the American/European version
- Snake: "Colonel, there's a guy who looks like a wolf..."
- Roy: "That is 'Wolf'."
- Snake: "There's no twist to the name, huh?"
- Roy: "The leader of the ruffian unit 'Star Wolf', he is an old enemy of 'Star Fox'."
- Snake: "Though he is a wolf, did he go with a comrade?"
- Roy: "It seems like group action is a weak point. He is remarkably skilled as a pilot. The combat group he operates, his 'Wolfen' is quite strong."
- Snake: "This time it's a physical battle, I must not underestimate his strength."
- Roy: "Be careful not to get torn up by his sharp claws, Snake."
- Snake: "Otacon! What's this lizard thing?"
- Otacon: "That's a Yoshi. It's a dinosaur from Yoshi's Island. Watch out for it long chameleon-like tongue. If it gets you, you'll be swollowed whole."
- Snake: "It lays eggs and throws them, right?… Then it must be female."
- Otacon: "…Actually, it's a 'he.' At least, that's what it says."
- Snake: "It talks!?"
- Otacon: "Yes! It talks! Well, kind of…"
- Snake: "Now you've got me curious …How about I capture one so we can see what they taste like?"
- Otacon: "Uhh, Snake…"
- Snake: "What's going on here? What happened to Zelda?!"
- Mei Ling: "Snake, Princess Zelda transformed into Sheik. I can understand the clothes, but to change her skin and eye color? That must take some powerful magic."
- Snake: "...Magic...?"
- Mei Ling: "Come on, Snake! Don't get all grumpy and start talking about how unscientific it is. Science is basically just another form of magic that makes our lives easier."
- Snake: "I never thought I'd hear that coming from you, Mei Ling."
- Mei Ling: "Don't you think talking to someone halfway around the world is a kind of magic? Or flying across entire continents?"
- Snake: "No. I think this is completely different."
E3 2006 Trailer
The following quotes are not in the game but they were used in the E3 2006 Trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl "
Roy: "Snake! Sorry to bother you, but I've got big news!"
Snake: "What? Not another absurd objective, I hope."
Roy: "Are you familiar with Super Smash Bros.?"
Snake: "Ah… That Nintendo thing…"
Roy: "Yes. Actually, we've recieved an invatation for you to join. Are you up for it?"
Snake: "…"
Roy: "Where are you right now, anyway?"
Snake: "I'm on reconnaissance duty"
Roy: "Reconnaissance?! Of what kind?!"
Snake: "Knowing you enemy is the quickest path to victory."
- Slippy Toad is the only non-Metal Gear Solid character in Super Smash Bros Brawl to communicate Snake via Codec.