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  Reminder: Please use the Show preview button located next to the Save page button to preview your edits. This prevents consecutive edits to the same page from clogging up the recent changes list.

Please use the "Show preview" button. It prevents Recent Changes from being flooded with edits and allows you to make sure your edit is how you want it to look before saving. --CanvasK (talk) 10:49, May 5, 2021 (EDT)

Yo, reminder of this:
What you are doing is rather disruptive, as some users are gonna want to check the Recent Changes to spot any unnecessary edits or any errors that need to be fixed, and continuously editing one page over multiple edits clogs up the Recent Changes page, thus making it more difficult to spot any erroneous/unwanted edits.  SuperSmashTurtles of the Turtle Tribe  11:12, May 5, 2021 (EDT)