Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of spirits (Banjo-Kazooie series)

The following is the list of the spirits from the Banjo-Kazooie series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Primary Spirits

No. Image Name Type Class Slot Base   Max   Base   Max   Base   Max   Ability Origin Game Acquisition
1,339 Bottles
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,781 7,150 712 2,860 1,069 4,290 No Effect Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v5.0.0)
1,340 Mumbo Jumbo
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,913 8,744 1,526 4,578 1,223 3,671 Magic Attack ↑ Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Banjo-Tooie)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v5.0.0)
1,341 Jinjos
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,700 6,824 901 3,617 799 3,207 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v5.0.0)
1,342 The Mighty Jinjonator
★★★ ⬡⬡ 3,470 10,441 2,227 6,699 844 2,541 Giant Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Enhance the Jinjos spirit

Support Spirits

No. Image Name Class Cost Ability Origin Game Acquisition
1,338 Tooty ★★ Poison Damage Reduced Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v5.0.0)
1,343 Jiggy Lightweight Banjo-Kazooie •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v5.0.0)
1,344 Gruntilda ★★★★ ⬢⬢⬢ Poison Power Up Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 15,000G (since v5.0.0)
1,345 Buzzbomb Floaty Jumps Banjo-Kazooie
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v5.0.0)

Fighter Spirit

No. Image Alternate Artwork Name Origin Game Acquisition
1,337 Banjo & Kazooie Diddy Kong Racing (Banjo)
Banjo-Kazooie (Kazooie)
(Artwork: Banjo-Tooie)
•Complete Classic Mode with Banjo & Kazooie
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after downloading Banjo & Kazooie)

Spirit Battles

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
1,338 Tooty Diddy Kong  
Banjo & Kazooie  
3,500 Spiral Mountain N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy shields often
•Magic attacks aren't as effective against the enemy
Main Theme - Banjo-Kazooie
  • The Diddy Kong puppet fighter likely references to Banjo's debut as a playable character in Diddy Kong Racing, with both games created by Rare Ltd.
  • The Banjo & Kazooie minion fighter references Banjo being Tooty's brother.
  • This spirit's Poison Damage Reduced effect and battle conditions reference Tooty's imprisonment at the hands of Gruntilda in Banjo-Kazooie in which the titular duo must work together to rescue her before Gruntilda steals Tooty's beauty.
1,339 Bottles Donkey Kong  
3,900 Spiral Mountain (Bottles) •Invisibility
•Item: Pitfall
•The enemy is invisible
•The enemy favors side specials
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Spiral Mountain
  • The Donkey Kong puppet fighter likely references Donkey Kong's current design and Bottles sharing a creator, Rare Ltd.
  • The Invisibility rule references the events of Banjo-Tooie, where Bottles is killed by Gruntilda and spends most of the game as a ghost.
  • The Invisibility rule, the puppet fighter's favored Headbutt, and the Pitfall items reference Bottles being a mole who burrows in molehills and hides underground, as he often does in Banjo-Kazooie.
  • The stage represents Spiral Mountain where Banjo and Kazooie first meet Bottles in Banjo-Kazooie, with the stage's layout featuring Bottles appearing as a background character.
1,340 Mumbo Jumbo •Gold Mii Swordfighter   (Moveset 1231, Skull Kid's Hat, Ashley Outfit)
•Giant Gold R.O.B.   (INT)/  (JP/CH/KR)
9,500 Jungle Japes (hazards off) •Flowery •Defeat the main fighter to win
•You constantly take minor damage
•The enemy favors air attacks
Mumbo's Mountain
  • The Mii Swordfighter puppet fighter's costume represents Mumbo Jumbo, with the Skull Kid's Hat referencing his skull face, and the Ashley Outfit referencing his straw skirt and magic wand. The puppet fighter is gold, referencing his gold color scheme.
  • The Giant Gold R.O.B. minion fighter represents the Golden Goliath, a large golden statue Mumbo can summon and temporarily control in the Mayahem Temple area in Banjo-Tooie, with the minion fighter's Super Armor effect referencing the Golden Goliath's imperviousness to damage.
  • The stage references Mayahem Temple, a jungle-like area where Mumbo is first available as a playable character in Banjo-Tooie. The stage also likely references to Mumbo's Huts from the Banjo-Kazooie series, which function similarly to Cranky's Labs in Donkey Kong 64.
  • The music references Mumbo's Mountain where Mumbo is first encountered in Banjo-Kazooie.
  • This spirit's Magic Attack ↑ effect, the puppet fighter starting off with a Lip's Stick, and battle conditions reference Mumbo's gameplay in Banjo-Tooie in which he attacks with his zap stick (which behaves in a similar manner to the Lip's Stick), conjures magic spells, and jumps.
1,341 Jinjos •Giant Mr. Game & Watch  
Mr. Game & Watch Team    
3,800 Summit (Ω form) N/A •The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
Freezeezy Peak
  • The Mr. Game & Watch Team's colorations represent the normal Jinjos in their various color schemes. Their frequent use of down aerial attacks references the Jinjos flying into Gruntilda's shield during the final battle of Banjo-Kazooie.
  • The Giant blue Mr. Game & Watch puppet fighter represents The Mighty Jinjonator, the giant, blue combined form of the normal Jinjos.
  • The stage and music represent Freezeezy Peak, a cold mountain world in Banjo-Kazooie.
  • The minion fighter and the battle conditions reference the Jinjos' roles during the final boss battle of Banjo-Kazooie where the normal Jinjos, after flying into Gruntilda's shield, combine into The Mighty Jinjonator, who finishes the battle by ramming her shield repeatedly.
1,343 Jiggy •Gold Kirby  ×5 (10 HP)
2,000 The Great Cave Offensive N/A •Timed stamina battle
•The enemy falls slowly
Treasure Trove Cove Spirit Battle trivia:
  • The Gold Kirby puppet fighters represent Jiggies, multiple golden jigsaw puzzle pieces found in the Banjo-Kazooie series.
  • This spirit battle represents obtaining a particular Jiggy in Glitter Gulch Mine, an underground mining world in Banjo-Tooie where the Jiggy is split into different pieces that must be collected individually.
  • This spirit's Lightweight effect and the puppet fighters' frequently jumping and falling slowly references how most Jiggies float in midair before being collected.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references the Jiggies' role of helping Banjo and Kazooie to progress through their adventures by collecting enough Jiggies to enter a new area.
1,344 Gruntilda •Giant King Dedede   (250 HP)
•Giant Dr. Mario   (40 HP)   (45 HP)   (50 HP)
13,900 Find Mii (Ω form) •Hazard: Poison Floor •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The floor is poisonous
Stamina battle
Vs. Klungo Spirit Battle trivia:
  • The green Giant King Dedede puppet fighter starting off with a Star Rod represents Gruntilda, a large, green witch who uses magical attacks. The puppet fighter's frequent shielding references Gruntilda's use of a force field to protect herself during the final phases of the boss battle in Banjo-Kazooie.
  • The three Giant Dr. Mario puppet fighters and the music represent Gruntilda's scientist assistant, Klungo, who is battled three times in Banjo-Tooie. The puppet fighters' frequent use of Megavitamins references Klungo's potion-throwing attack.
  • The stage represents the top of Gruntilda's Lair, where Gruntilda is fought in Banjo-Kazooie.
  • The Smash Balls enabled in this spirit battle references Banjo & Kazooie's Final Smash, The Mighty Jinjonator who was summoned during the boss battle to defeat Gruntilda in Banjo-Kazooie.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Poison Power Up effect and the Poison Floor hazard references the game over cutscene from Banjo-Kazooie where Gruntilda drains Tooty's youth and beauty and transfers it into herself.
1,345 Buzzbomb Ridley  ×3 (50 HP)
2,000 Garden of Hope (hazards off) N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy favors up specials in the air
•The enemy falls slowly
Spiral Mountain
  • The Ridley puppet fighters represent the Buzzbombs, a dragonfly enemy in Banjo-Kazooie.
  • The stage references Bubblegloop Swamp, the world in Banjo-Kazooie in which Buzzbombs first appear.
  • This spirit's Floaty Jumps effect and battle conditions reference the Buzzbombs' typical behavior of floating in the air and swooping down to attack the player.

Series Order

Number Name Series
1,337 Banjo & Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Series
1,338 Tooty
1,339 Bottles
1,340 Mumbo Jumbo
1,341 Jinjos
1,342 The Mighty Jinjonator
1,343 Jiggy
1,344 Gruntilda
1,345 Buzzbomb


  • With the exception of Banjo & Kazooie, Mumbo Jumbo, and Jiggy, all the spirits in the Banjo-Kazooie series use an original render based on their appearance on Spiral Mountain. Of the three, Mumbo Jumbo is the only one to appear on Spiral Mountain in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  • Gruntilda is the first DLC Legend-class spirit whose effect isn't an "Other Skill" effect, but rather a "Hazard Skill" effect.