Latias and Latios | |
{{{content2}}} Latias's and Latios's official artwork from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. | |
Games | Brawl SSB4 Ultimate |
Move | Steel Wing |
Rarity | Uncommon |
Voice actor | Michele Knotz |
Japanese voice actor | Tomoko Kawakami (Latios in Brawl, Latias) Masashi Ebara (Latios in SSB4 and Ultimate) |
Articles on Bulbapedia | Latias (Pokémon) Latios (Pokémon) |
“ | The pair fly in one after another, unleashing attacks as their paths cross. The air pressure generated by these two creates wind currents that affect items and fighters. | ” |
—Pokémon Encyclopedia, Smash Bros. DOJO!! |
Latias (ラティアス, Latias) and Latios (ラティオス, Latios) are fictional creatures in the Pokémon franchise. They appear starting in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a 2-in-1 Poké Ball Pokémon.
Latias and Latios are a pair of Dragon/Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon first appearing in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Latias are Latios are categorized within the Pokédex as the "Eon Pokémon" at #380 and #381 respectively. One of them, depending on the version, appears randomly in the wild after beating the Pokémon League roaming the Hoenn region and attempting to flee after each encounter, while the other can be found in the event-only Southern Island. Both make a return in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, where, depending on the version, one of the pair requests the player and Steven Stone to save the other in Southern Island from Team Magma (Omega Ruby) or Team Aqua (Alpha Sapphire). After defeating the villainous team, Latios (Omega Ruby) or Latias (Alpha Sapphire) will join the player's team.
Steel Wing is a Steel-type physical move with 70 base power and 90% accuracy which has a 10% chance of raising the user's Defense by one level. It is available as a TM or a tutor move to several Flying-type or bird-like Pokémon, including Latias and Latios.
In Super Smash Bros. Brawl
As Poké Ball Pokémon
Latias and Latios appear in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a 2-in-1 Poké Ball Pokémon, marking the first time two different species of Pokémon come out of one Poké Ball. Only one will come out, but both have the same outcome.
When summoned, both Latias and Latios scoot off in opposite directions (Latias will attack from the right, Latios from the left). They zoom back and cross paths in an X-fashion, similar to the Kat & Ana Assist Trophy (However, Kat & Ana cross at the same time, while Latias and Latios cross one at a time). The impact causes heavy damage, and knockback is rather strong. The winds from their speed pick up and affect items and characters, forming a sort of "vacuum" at their intersections. This can be extremely dangerous for light characters and those with poor recoveries because a player can easily get caught in a "vacuum" and get KO'd off the side or knocked too far away from the stage to recover. All hits chaining can result in a OHKO in some situations. They do not harm the person who summoned them. Despite them being very rare in the Pokémon games (running from the player at every opportunity), they are treated as common Pokémon in Brawl.
Latias & Latios can be avoided by using a recovery move like Pit's or Snake's to hover around the upper blast line. Since Latias & Latios usually do their attack horizontally, the technique will usually work, but if the player starts to fall, they are likely to get hit.
- Latias and Latios
- Eon Pokémon. There are only female Latias and only male Latios. If they sense the presence of a human or an enemy, they will generally use the light-bending trait of their down coats to make themselves invisible. They use telepathy to speak to companions. They travel in herds, but even so, they are rarely seen. They're a combination of Dragon and Psychic types.
- : Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire
- : Pokémon Emerald
Name | Game | Effect | Character(s) |
Latias & Latios | Pokémon series | Attack +22 |
Latias & Latios (Pokémon series) |
In Super Smash Bros. 4
As Poké Ball Pokémon
Latias and Latios return as Poké Ball Pokémon and are functionally identical to their Brawl version, but nerfed in both damage and knockback.
In Smash Tour
Latias and Latios appear as an item in Smash Tour: when used, they allow the user to team up with a chosen opponent during a battle.
- Latias and Latios
- Latias and Latios are Eon Pokémon. Both are Dragon/Psychic-type Pokémon. The red Latias is female, while the blue Latios is male. By folding in their arms, they can fly faster than fighter jets. They combine speed and teamwork when they cross paths to attack fighters with Steel Wing.
- Latias and Latios are Eon Pokémon. Both are Dragon- and Psychic-types. The red Latias is female, while the blue Latios is male. By folding their arms in, they become super aerodynamic and can fly faster than fighter jets. They combine speed and teamwork when they cross paths to attack fighters with Steel Wing.
- : Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire (03/2003)
- : Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 (10/2012)
In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
As Poké Ball Pokémon
Latias and Latios return as a Poké Ball summon and appear together as a Spirit.
No. | Image | Name | Type | Class | Cost | Ability | Series |
495 | Latias & Latios | ★★★ | 2 | Strong-Wind Immunity | Pokémon Series |
Latios in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.
Latias in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.
- Unlike other Legendary Pokémon, the crowd does not gasp when Latias and Latios appear. Additionally, they have the standard frequency rate instead of the Legendary rate.
- The setting of the duo's spirit battle, the gondola area of Delfino Plaza, is a reference to Alto Mare from the movie Pokémon Heroes, which heavily features the legendary dragon duo.
Smash Tour | |
Red items | Back Shield · Black Knight · Bob-omb · Boo · Bunny Hood · Daisy (Baseball) · Darkrai · Dixie Kong · DK Barrel · Energy Tank · Franklin Badge · Hammer · Home-Run Bat · Kat & Ana · Latias & Latios · Magnus · Majora's Mask · Mecha-Fiora · Metal Box · Mr. Resetti · Mr. Saturn · Ore Club · Phosphora · Plasm Wraith · Poison Mushroom · Rocket Belt · Sidestepper · Steel Diver · Super Mushroom · Super Scope · Ultimate Chimera · Wolfen · X Bomb |
Blue items | Ashley · Boss Galaga · Bus to the City · Chain Chomp · Dillon · Doc Louis · Excitebike · Ghosts (Luigi's Mansion) · Great Fox · Isabelle · POW Block · Riki · Snorlax · Super Star · Tetra · Timmy & Tommy · Tingle · Yellow Wollywog · Zinger |
Green items | Porky Minch · Proto Man · Substitute Doll |
Random events | Banzai Bill · Flying Man · Iridescent Glint Beetle · Kamek · Koffing · Metal Face · Metroid · Nabbit · Reaper · Ridley · Souflee · Tac · Yellow Devil |
Non-playable Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. Brawl | |
Poké Ball | Bellossom · Bonsly · Celebi · Chikorita · Deoxys · Electrode · Entei · Gardevoir · Goldeen · Groudon · Gulpin · Ho-Oh · Jirachi · Kyogre · Latias and Latios · Lugia · Manaphy · Meowth · Metagross · Mew · Moltres · Munchlax · Piplup · Snorlax · Staryu · Suicune · Togepi · Torchic · Weavile · Wobbuffet |
Stage elements | Pokémon Stadium 2: Cubone · Drifloon · Dugtrio · Electivire · Hoppip · Magnezone · Skarmory · Snorunt · Snover Spear Pillar: Azelf · Cresselia · Dialga · Mesprit · Palkia · Uxie |
Trophy-only | Blaziken · Bulbasaur · Buneary · Charmander · Chimchar · Cyndaquil · Darkrai · Glaceon & Leafeon · Gyarados · Mewtwo · Mudkip · Pichu · Plusle & Minun · Riolu · Starly · Totodile · Treecko · Turtwig |
Bosses | Rayquaza |