Annie (disambiguation)

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Annie is a character from Custom Robo 2, a game for the Nintendo 64 only released in Japan. She makes minor cameo appearances in Melee and Brawl.

Character Description

In the Japan-only Nintendo 64 game Custom Robo 2, among the various lines and models of robots available, the robot "Annie" belongs to the Jumper model in the Stunner line. Annie is used by Nanase, a cadet at the commander training school Takuma Academy, until the climax of the game's story, where she came to use an illegal robot named Majei. Nanase, apparently, met "her undeniably tragic end" for this.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

Annie makes a cameo appearance in Melee as a collectible trophy.

As a trophy

"Annie, a Jumper model in the Stunner line of robots, was the robot used by Nanase, a cadet at the Takuma Academy, a commander training school. At the climax of the story, Nanase fell prey to temptation and stained her hands with the illegal robot Majei. This act ultimately set the stage for her undeniably tragic end."
Game: Custom Robo 2 (Japan Only)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Annie makes a cameo appearance in Brawl as a sticker, which when applied to a character's trophy base in the Subspace Emissary mode, increases the character's Launch Power rating by 10.