List of spirits (Mega Man series)

The following is the list of the Spirits from the Mega Man series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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Primary Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Slot Base Stats Ability Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
Bass Attack ★★★ 3   1374
No Effect Mega Man 7
(Artwork: Mega Man 10)
Cut Man Grab ★★ 2   1081
No Effect Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Duo Shield ★★ 1   807
Fist Attack ↑ Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
(Artwork: Mega Man 8)
Elec Man Grab ★★ 2   916
Electric Attack ↑ Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Pikachu Wily Castle (Battlefield form) Hazard: Zap Floor •The floor is electrified
•The enemy's electric attacks have increased power
Stamina battle
Fire Man Attack ★★ 2   1,013
Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man Norfair Burning Floors Stamina battle
•Burning Floors
•The enemy prefers down smash attacks
Full Armor X Grab ★★★★ 1   1567
Super Armor Mega Man X
(Artwork: Mega Man Maverick Hunter X)
Enhanced form of the X spirit
Geo Stelar & Omega-Xis Neutral ★★ 3   749
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Mega Man Star Force Richter & Wolf Moray Towers Hazard: Zap Floor •The floor is electrified
Guts Man Grab ★★ 1 No Effect Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Giant Mega Man Gerudo Valley (Ω form) •Earthquake
•Item Tidal Wave
•The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
Stamina battle
•The enemy favors grabs and throws
Knight Man Shield 2 Mega Man 6
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man Zero Attack ★★★ 2 Mega Man Zero
(Artwork: Mega Man Zero 2)
Zero Suit Samus Midgar (Battlefield form) Assist Trophy Enemies Stamina battle
•Hostile assist trophies will appear
•The enemy starts the battle with a Beam Sword
MegaMan Volnutt Grab ★★★ 3 Mega Man Legends Mega Man The Great Cave Offensive
MegaMan.EXE Grab ★★★★ 3 No Effect Mega Man Battle Network
(Artwork: Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star)
Mega Man Hanenbow (Battlefield form)
Metal Man Grab ★★ 2   595
No Effect Mega Man 2
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mettaur Shield 1   302
Jump ↓ Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Pac-Man Wrecking Crew N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy shields often
•The enemy doesn't like to jump
Model X Grab 3   549
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Mega Man ZX Mega Man (x4) Moray Towers N/A •The enemy favors smash attacks
Model ZX Grab ★★ 3   910
Transformation Duration ↑ Mega Man ZX Enhanced form of the Model X spirit
Napalm Man Attack 1 Mega Man 5
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Proto Man Shield ★★★★ 3 Mega Man 3
(Artwork: Mega Man 10)
ProtoMan.EXE Shield ★★★ 2   1,299
Sword Attack ↑ Mega Man Battle Network Shulk Mute City SNES (Battlefield form) Item: Swords •The enemy has increased melee-weapon damage and move speed
Sigma Attack ★★★ 3   1,961
No Effect Mega Man X
(Artwork: Mega Man Maverick Hunter X)
Ganondorf Midgar (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy's melee weapons have increased power
Stamina battle
Skull Man Shield ★★ 2   590
Mega Man 4
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Reflect Samus Wily Castle Reflect-Damage Buffed •The enemy reflects projectiles
Stamina battle
•All fighters' reflected projectiles have increased power
Slash Man Attack 1   606
No Effect Mega Man 7 Mega Man Garden of Hope Sticky floor Stamina battle
•The enemy favors back air attacks
Snake Man Grab 1   635
No Effect Mega Man 3
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Snake (x2) Kongo Jungle (Ω form) Item: Bombchu Stamina battle
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Star Force Mega Man Neutral ★★★ Mega Man Star Force Enhanced form of the Geo Stelar & Omega-Xis spirit
Tron Bonne Grab ★★ 3   704
No Effect Mega Man Legends Wendy & R.O.B. (x2) Wuhu Island N/A •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle
Wily Capsule Grab ★★★ 3 Mega Man 4
(Artwork: Mega Man 7)
R.O.B. Stamina battle
Wood Man Shield ★★ 2   786
Fire Weakness Mega Man 2
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man (x2) Duck Hunt N/A •The enemy's down special has increased power
Stamina battle
•The enemy shields often
X Grab ★★★ 1 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Mega Man X
(Artwork: Mega Man Maverick Hunter X)
Mega Man New Donk City Hall Stamina battle
Yellow Devil Neutral ★★★ 1 Mega Man
Zero (Zero Buster) Attack ★★ 2   1051
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Mega Man X Mega Man
Zero (Z-Saber) Attack ★★★★ 2   2447
Weapon Attack & Move Speed ↑ Mega Man X2
(Artwork: Mega Man X5)
Enhanced form of the Zero (Zero Buster) spirit

Support spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Cost Ability Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
Air Man Shield ★★ 2 Fog Immunity Mega Man 2
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Auto ★★ 2 Super Scope Equipped Mega Man 7
Axl ★★ 1 Mega Man X7 Mega Man (x2) Midgar (Ω form)
Beat ★★ 1 Mega Man 5
Bomb Man Grab ★★ Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Young Link (x2) Wily Castle (Ω form) N/A •The enemy's explosion and fire attacks have increased power
Stamina battle
•The enemy favors down specials
Crash Man ★★ Mega Man 2
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Dark Man 4 1 Mega Man 5
Dive Man Shield 2 Steel Diver Equipped Mega Man 4
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man (x2) Great Bay (Battlefield form) N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy starts the battle with a Steel Diver
Dr. Light ★★★ 2 Zap-Floor Immunity Mega Man
(Artwork: Mega Man 9)
Dr. Wily Attack ★★★★ 2 Jam FS Charge Mega Man
(Artwork: Mega Man 10)
Dr. Mario & Mega Man (x8) Wily Castle N/A Stamina battle
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
•The enemy is metal
Drill Man 1 Mega Man 4
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Flash Man ★★ 2 Mega Man 2
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Galaxy Man Attack 1 Mega Man 9
Hard Man Attack ★★ 1 Weapon Attack ↑ Mega Man 3
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man (x3) The Great Cave Offensive (Ω form) Earthquake Stamina battle
•Periodic earthquakes will shake the stage
•The enemy favors down air attacks
Ice Man ★★ 1 Lava-Floor Resist Mega Man
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Quick Man ★★ 1 Mega Man 2
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Roll ★★★ 2 Mega Man
(Artwork: Mega Man 9)
Roll Caskett ★★ 1 Shooting Attack ↑ Mega Man Legends Isabelle & Diddy Kong Pilotwings Item: Hocotate Bomb •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle
Rush ★★★ 1 Mega Man 3
Shadow Man Shield ★★ 1 Killing Edge Equipped Mega Man 3
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
3 Greninjas Norfair (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy's neutral special has increased power
Stamina battle
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Spark Man ★★ 2 Energy Shot Attack/Resistance ↑ Mega Man 3
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Sword Man Attack Mega Man 8 2 Mega Mans Find Mii (Ω form)
Top Man Grab 2 Screw Attack Equipped Mega Man 3
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man Distant Planet (Ω form) •The enemy's dash attacks have increased power
Stamina battle
Wind Man Shield 2 Instadrop Mega Man 6
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)
Mega Man Skyworld Hazard: Heavy Wind •Dangerously high winds are in effect after a little while
Stamina battle
•The enemy loves to jump

Master Spirit

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Facility Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
Gravity Man Dojo Mega Man 5
(Artwork: Rockman Complete Works)

Fighter Spirit

Image Name Origin Game
Mega Man Mega Man
(Artwork: Mega Man 10)