
Joined April 17, 2014
Revision as of 01:56, March 26, 2018 by (talk) (Apprenticeship... Hello, my name's Tanner. I want to join you and assist in your TCG uploads on here if you can take on a protege. I'm not autoconfirmed yet. Let me know something either way. Thank you.)
[[]] This user has Rollback, which means she has some control of t3h ph1re!
In Lumiose.jpg
Character info
Brawl mains Pit, Marth
Other Brawl characters Ice Climbers, Wolf, Pikachu
Smash 4 (3DS) mains Dark Pit, Shulk
Other Smash 4 (3DS) characters Mega Man, Pit, Duck Hunt
Personal and other info
Birth date (age 34)
Location Texas United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Amateur

You can find my Bulbapedia user page here.

I also have a personal sandbox. You can visit it here.

Pages created

Organized by date created. An asterisk indicates pages that had a different name when created.


Copy Ability (SSB4) was formerly on this list, but it is now merged with the other Copy Ability lists.

Disambiguation pages

Converted from a former redirect

Wiki Stats and Userboxes

Dispute Handling 60%    
Smash Skill 75%    
Smash Knowledge 85%    
Spelling/Grammar 95%    
Typing Speed 50%    
Wikipresence 85%    
Wikiskill 90%    
Basic Attributes
Controller Of Zed This user has rollback.
Flamefizzler This user takes 75% less damage from Flame attacks.
Icy Head This user cannot use Flame attacks.
Mr. Vulcan This user's Logic attacks deal 33% more damage.
Notoriety This user is a significant contributor.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Rasterizer This user can create .png images.
Respectability This user cannot use Troll attacks.
Rock Head This user is immune to Troll attacks.
Other Attributes
Bulba Officer Initiate This user is a Bulbapedia Administrator.
Truth Seeker It is harder for this user to believe an unproven rumor or leak.
Mobile Editor This user occasionally makes wiki edits on her smartphone.
Reminds Me of a Puzzle This user plays the Professor Layton series.
Purity This user refuses to use hacks or mods for any game.
Cup of Java This user can create Java programs.
Wiki Janitor This user regularly checks maintenance reports and tries to resolve as much of them as possible.
Studious This user is a college student.
  This user is fearless.
  This user does not like the horror genre.
  This user tries to listen to her doctor.
  This user is very picky when it comes to clothes.
  This user likes the sight of a starry night sky.
  This user is bothered by the sameness in many Mario game storylines.
  This user is not into babysitting.
  This user feels sorry for all those poor Yoshis that were sacrificed into pits just for an extra boost.
  This user refuses to laugh at body humor.
  This user is not that strong.
  This user has a niece and nephew.
  This user likes to be prepared for the day.
  This user has some fond childhood memories.
  This user was big on cartoons when she was little.
  This user likes to share her wisdom to newcomers.
  This user is not much of a talker.
  This user hates power-hungry villains.
  This user has been referred to as male a few times. This annoys her.
  This user thinks of herself as a tomboy.
  This user has a soft spot for cute things.
  This user is pretty shy.
  This user tends to slack off at times.
  This user is cunning.
  This user is not much of an air person.
  This user likes technology.
  This user likes ketchup.
  This user can sing.
  This user prefers to play characters that she likes, regardless of tier.
  This user is pretty intelligent.
  This user is a Pokémon trainer.
  This user is not a swimmer, let alone a good one.
  This user is a nature lover.
  This user can get fiery if something really annoys her.
  This user likes characters with special abilities, as they set them apart from the norm.
  This user is intrigued by the thought of ninjas.
  This user is old enough to drive, but cannot drive well.
  This user works well in a small group.
  This user doesn't like the thought of fighting either of her siblings.
  This user can't stand extreme temperatures.
  This user has played a game in a language other than English.
  This user shares a (full) name with two other people.
  This user shows no sympathy to wrongdoers.
  This user is big on strategy.
  This user doesn't mind clone characters as long as their moveset works for them.
  This user has dealt with tough choices.
  This user tends to be completely random.
  This user likes angels.
  This user worries about her appearance.
  This user had a rather embarrassing nickname growing up.
  This user likes to explore.
  This user used to be into robotics.
  This user should work out more often.
  This user is a pack rat.
  This user watches her diet.
  This user plans for the future.
  This user will not mock you if you mess up.
  This user is speedy.
  This user takes stealth segments of games quite well.
  This user has tricks up her sleeve.
  This user likes the good old classics.
  This user's hair tends to stick out.
  This user can dance.