List of updates (SSB4-3DS)/1.0.4 changelog

< List of updates (SSB4-3DS)
Revision as of 01:52, November 19, 2014 by Toomai (talk | contribs) (hmm might need a "bugfix" template, because "nerf" isn't exactly correct for bugfixes (I didn't get everything, mostly because some don't have a "before" listed))

This is the list of known changes in version 1.0.4 of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. All claims on this page must be verifiable, preferably with a trustable source link, and must compare both the old and new states. Ensure that all changes are also listed on the respective pages.


  •   Self-destructs using Flying Slam now KO Bowser first instead of the opponent. When Bowser is KO'd, the opponent is released from the grab, potentially allowing them to recover back onto the stage.

Bowser Jr.

  •   Down throw now does 7.5% damage instead of 8%.

Diddy Kong

Dr. Mario

  •   Dash Attack now does vertical knockback as opposed to oblique.



  • Fixed bug where Greninja could cancel landing lag with Snadow Sneak.


  •   Down tilt now does 8% damage instead of 7%.
  •   Back air does 14% damage as opposed to 13%.

King Dedede

  •   The minimum damage needed to reflect Gordos has been reduced from 2% to 3%.


  •   First hit of forward smash sets up better for the second hit, making it easier to link to the second hit, but much harder to KO with the first hit.

Little Mac

  •   Second hit of neutral attack does 2% damage instead of 3%.
  •   Aerial Jolt Haymaker has less horizontal reach.


  •   Forward smash deals 15% instead of 14%.


  •   Up tilt deals 5.5% damage instead of 6.3%.

Mega Man

  • Fixed bug where Mega Man could use Rush Coil to cancel hitstun.

Meta Knight

  •   Neutral aerial deals 10% damage sweetspotted and 7.5% sourspotted instead of 7% sweetspotted and 5% sourspotted.
  •   The second hit of forward aerial is no longer the autolink angle, meaning it can't be used to drag opponents downward.
  •   Back aerial deals more knockback.
  •   Forward throw now deals 9% damage to all opponents instead of only dealing 3% to most opponents (presumably a weight-based throw rounding error).

Mr. Game & Watch

  •   Certain attacks, such as Thunder, no longer completely fill the Oil Panic bucket.


  •   Down throw damage recuded from 9% to 7%.


  •   Up tilt and down tilt can be interrupted earlier.


  • Fixed "instant turnip pull" glitch, which allowed Peach to interrupt the pulling animation by sliding off an edge.
  • Fixed "float-cancelling vegetable toss", which allowed Peach to interrupt a floated aerial's landing lag with an item throw.
  • Fixed how aerials performed while floating would not affect the stale moves queue.


  •   Thunder is now a single projectile instead of a stream of four separate projectiles, meaning it cannot be absorbed four times (for example by Oil Panic).


  • Fixed how fully charging Thoron in the air would refresh double jump.
  •   Robin can now grab edges from behind during Elwind.

Rosalina & Luma

  •   Luma respawn time changed from 8 seconds to 13 seconds.
  •   When summoned from a distance, Luma moves faster.
  •   Luma can no longer attack if Rosalina is being thrown (though it still can during grabs).
  •   Neutral aerial damage changed from 6%/10% to 5%/7.5%.
  •   Distance of uncharged Luma Shot is reduced by about 2/3.


  •   Forward aerial damage reduced from 6.8% to 4.5% (sweetspot) and 6% to 4.8% (sourspot).
  •   Up aerial hits one less time and does 7% damage instead of 8%.


  •   Many attacks deal slightly more damage.
  •   Shulk now only takes 1.13x damage during Monodo Buster instead of 1.20x.


  • Fixed "wectoring", a glitch allowing Wario to rocket back onstage just after being able to act after knockback.

Wii Fit Trainer

  • Airdodge landing lag standardized from 12 to 22.


  • Fixed a glitch which allowed Yoshi to teleport back to an edge after using his up special.
  • Fixed the "Giant Yoshi Glitch", which allowed characters to grow to ridiculous sizes in Multi-Man mode.


  •   Up tilt damage increased from 6.5% to 7%.

Zero Suit Samus

  • Airdodge landing lag standardized from 15 to 22.
