Smbz.jpg ""Oh Yeah it's here alright.""

Hi everyone :3

I am a user who's pretty dedicated to this wiki and will ensure its usefulness. If one wants to speak with me, check my talk page. I may not be of high class in this wiki but I can answer any question regarding Smash Bros related topics so don't be shy.I used to be Drakkon64 but my computer couldn't recognize my old password despite putting in the right one in. Drakon64  

On another note, I love DINNER.

King%20and%20Link%20Dinner%20pic.PNG ""A philosopher of sorts teaching the next generation about the question that boggled the minds of scientists.""

I wunder wutz 4 DINNER.

In Brawl

I usually choose Pokemon Trainer, But I always play as Charizard. Despite popular belief, I do not like Charizard as a Pokemon. I like him for his Dragon like appearance and playability. I am NOT a Pokemon fan, but that doesn't mean I hate Pokemon. Depending on my mood, I have various techniques. I'm listing them below.

  • Hit and Run

— A safe way yet takes a lot of time. Best used if Character has good speed or grabbing techniques. Projectile also help. Best used on big stages like Temple.

  • Unfair Fare

— In a normal safety matter, I simply focus on KOing opponent. This includes using meteor smashes like stomp Airials if foe has no surface below, combined with good edge guarding and edge hogging will spell DOOM. Sadly this is hard, as most characters with good meteor smashes have horrible recoveries, which could result in a KO for you instead. Grabbing is a great way to start up this. Throwing or knocking foes at the edge of screen is another way, but is very risky and requires good dodging skills.

  • Mr. Plow

— The most risky of techniques, yet most effective. A violent charge and continued pressure is a vicious way to strike, and dodgeing and sidesteps can avoid counterattacks. Good power and combos along with overwhelming skill is at it's best. Heavyweights are recommended due to their strength and difficulty being KOed. Speedy characters are also if not more useful, as skills mean a lot in this.

  • Randomness

— Best used during competitive play, use the fusion of Cheap, Forceful and Safety to make a Jaggernaut of Unbeatability. Enemies will have trouble figuring out your next move but keeping random is hard, as pressure may force a predictable move and as such will result in severe punishment. Any character can do this well, but it's the player's ability to do this is what detirmines the effectiveness.

In Competive play

I have been in 5 unofficial tournaments and 2 others which I don't know if were official or not. I am best on One-on-One fights, since I have to worry about 2 players whom ALWAYS gang up on me (Im talkin to you, LENNY!!!!!). I main Charizard(obviously), Sonic, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Meta-Knight and Bowser. I'm worst with Wario, King DDD, Olimar and Ice Climbers. I will never edge guard with attacks like Flamethrower ( Learned this lesson ever since a tornament at Books-a-Million, as it gives the opponent his or her jumps and recovery back...) so now I use meteor smashes instead. Here's my list of acheivements at Tournaments:

  • First Tournament-29/32 (wasn't that good at fighting.)At: Barns and Nobel, before it moved. Used Charizard.
  • Second Tournament-15/32 At: Regency Square, Jacksonville. Used Bowser. IDK if official.
  • Third Tournament-7/32 At: Borders. Used Charizard again.
  • Forth Tournament-4/32 At: Books-a-Million. Tag Team, Curse you Lenny. Used Charizard.
  • Fifth Tournament-1/8 At: Highlands Middle School. Easy win, Since none were that experienced. Used Sonic.
  • Sixth Tournament-2/32 At: Books-a-Million. Curse my stupidity at edge guarding. Used Charizard. IDK if official.
  • Seventh Tournament-1/16 At: Sunshine INN ( I believe that's the name.). Used Charizard AGAIN :3

I am now a really good Brawler, despite only being 14. I am neutral about Tier Lists now, since I realized it's not how a player played at a big tournament, but the overall potential of the character. Say Ganondorf won 1st place at 20 official tournaments, his tier wouldn't change because Gannondorf's potential is smaller than all the other character's potentials. However lots of characters are overlooked AND underlooked. But I really don't care what other people from Utah ( just an example, no offense to anyone) thinks about my mains. Still, I crave the heat of battle. I love fighting in Brawl. I love how my opponents get treated like rag dolls when they come anywhere near me. It doesnt matter if I'm Charizard, Sonic or Mario, I will fight like an elite from Heaven. I never think of my character's limits, because that would be doubt and that will hinder my abilities. Still I'm far from perfect, which being perfect would have little enjoyment because nobody would ever be a challenge. I've seen admins like Omega Tyrant on YouTube fight, which was nice to witness known professionals battle. Sadly I don't believe I'll ever fight them since my Wii can't access farout Wiis IDK how to go online with it. Plus I highly doubt BlindColours or DoctorPain99 are anywhere near my area. But I will find a way eventually. I fought some people now. Ignore the Info above. Here's the data:


A Ike main. Not too strong. He's about my level if not slightly under. I grown fond of the battles we share as well. Both he and I are considered "easy to beat" by Mega whom I took strong offense. He hates cheapness and for his sake I refuse to reveal his secrets. Play as Olimar against him and he'll hate u forever XD. TU seems to underestimate him sometimes. Overall a great Brawler and dare I say friend. Someday the both of us will rise up and become the champions XD. VERY IMPORTENT NOTE: he likes burgers XD


First guy I ever brawled. I get along with him. Due to lag I could hardly keep up with his skill. A great Brawler but due to our distance I will never fight him at my fullest. His knowledge of Memes and "other stuff" was the main reason I would relate so easily. He makes a whole lotta funny vids on YouTube and is quite creative for a person of his stature and rank. Often points out my ways in the least descriminating way when I do something wrong.

User:Omega Tyrant

A main of DDD, Snake and Wolf. OT is a really awesome admin who is even better with his intellect. Stronger then me no doubt, even at my best I couldn't win a single match, though I came close 5 times. He abuses Character's good points and makes them a immortal juggernaut. Even Gannon, who is bottom tier, is made into the brute of power seen in his games. Still he dodges a lot and counter attacks most the time. Other times has him using projectile to make an opening or using his famous chain grabs on foes. However I learned his weakness. One must be quicker and swifter then him. Avoid his grabs as DDD and counter his f-special as Wolf. Side-Stepping works well when he attacks. If u grab him use the throw that makes most damage. Pray u have more then one. He relies on predicting the enemy a lot so randomness is his enemy. Don't ever use the same technique twice in a row. He only falls for tricks once, the next time will be either luck or lag in battle. Avoid being near the edge of stage cuz he always has a trick to beat you. Still, countering his counter usually works. Because of his belief in skill, he has little to no back-up plan and once u take advantage you better not screw up the chance or you'll pay. He loves combos on both air and ground, so be ready to react, and reactions will loosen up OT's grip on the battle. His dodging skills are great, but he overly relies on them. I proved this when I fought Wolf as Pit. He kept trying to dodge the arrow with little avail. He eventually brought out the reflector which had me for a while. Once I reflected my own arrow it came back and forth growing each time it hit my shield. His reflector died and gave himself an instant KO. This happened again during the same fight, so take note of that. Perfect Shielding will do little against OT as I previously stated, loves combos. Perfect shielding works only once. Hopefully this will help anyone who wants to know about OT's weaknesses. That means you, Avengingbandit. XD

Update!: He is bad when against DK mains. Ignore the Pit vs Wolf part. OT is really weak against fast close quarters combat. If one is lucky enough to get the chance, he's screwed. Also Olimar and Ice Climber mains have an advantage against him. Ikes must learn how to side-step fast, cancel their jab with a roll or side-step and avoid too much aerial encounters hint-hint AB.

About Me

  • I'm aware of most Internet Memes ( Mah Boi)
  • Fan of Ssb, Dbz, Mario, Sonic, Godzilla, Invader Zim, Scott Pilgrim, Digimon, a few horror sci-fi and recent films, Most Anime, oi the list could go forever.....
  • Fearsomely skilled at games I play.
  • Only 14 years old and a little genius :3
  • Makes a few Manga for self amusement
  • Loves Dragons and Dragon-like characters
  • Hates generic fighting in animation. Anime is superior this way
  • Very friendly to those who don't try to kill me.
  • Waiting desperately for next Ssf2 demo
  • Involvement with Super Mario Bros Z
  • I LiKe Tuur-Tulz
  • Made you read this
  • Saw a fish
  • Saved the King's head from the Spartans and WeeGee
  • Pure and loves God
  • Real Name isn't not inexistent.

Awesome Vids

You know you love it. Note some may not be suitible for younger viewers. <youtube>EHTTpfonLsc</youtube> <youtube>ECv7i-6bChI</youtube>