The 1P Game (also known as "1 Player Game" and "1P Game Mode") is the only single-player campaign mode available to play in Super Smash Bros.. In the mode, players progress through a series of 11 matches (interrupted by a bonus stage after every three matches), culminating in a final battle with the game's boss, Master Hand. The mode has a static nature in which the player faces the same characters on the same stages in a fixed order during each playthrough. There are fourteen stages including bonus stages in this mode and players may choose their character and number of lives before the playthrough. The 1P Game was redone into Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros. Melee and featured a number of improvements, among them the removal of the fixed match order.

Match stages

Stage 1

The first stage takes place at Hyrule Castle and pits the player against Link. Having many disjointed melee attacks and two projectile weapons, Link can be a hassle to approach. However, his lack of speed and maneuverability cause Link even more problems in approaching the player. In fact, much of Link's strategy consists of standing back, throwing a few projectiles, and waiting for an opening. Depending on the difficulty level, Link may even take a long time to react to attacks, even if he is savagely assaulted. The terrain effect on the Hyrule Castle stage is tornadoes which appear randomly and tend to last between 10 and 20 seconds, and move in a random directions, sometimes suddenly speeding up and homing in on a character.

Stage 2

The second stage takes place on Yoshi's Island and pits the player against the Yoshi Team, comprised of 18 lightweight Yoshis. The Yoshis rarely attack and as they are lightweights, they are exceptionally weak and can be knocked out by almost any attack; sometimes they may even fall from the stage without any conflict from the player. Strangely though, the clouds at the sides of the stage are missing. However, using a Gameshark to use the Debug Menu can allow the player to access this version of Yoshi's Island with the clouds missing.

Stage 3

The third stage takes place in Sector Z and pits the player against Fox McCloud. Fox has speed unmatched in almost every aspect. However, his attacks tend to have less knockback than those of other opponents. ARWING fighters act as the terrain effect on this stage. Occasionally Arwings will appear and commence fire at the players, causing significant damage. Also, if Fox or the player is standing on the Arwing as it flies offscreen, this may result in a knock-out; however, the ARWINGs tend to do barrel rolls or fly upside-down, which will essentially push the character off before it disappears from the screen.

Stage 4

The fourth stage takes place at Peach's Castle and pits the player against the Mario Bros., comprised of Mario and Luigi. In this stage, the player is accompanied by one, randomized ally. Mario is adept in close-range smash attacks while he makes use of a good, long range, and Luigi's combos, although less varied and versatile than Mario's, can be followed by his devastating Super Jump Punch. Curiously, Luigi will still appear even if the player has not unlocked him.

Stage 5

The fifth stage takes place in Saffron City and pits the player against Pikachu. Notorious for his high-priority aerials, good edgeguarding ability, and superb recovery, Pikachu is a versatile character with very few weaknesses. The player should never hastily approach Pikachu as its aerials can out-prioritize and out-range almost any move. The terrain effect on the Saffron City stage appears through the door under a small platform around the center of the stage. This door occasionally opens, revealing a Pokémon at random which more often then not, deals damage to whoever is in its attack range. Some of these Pokémon can be knocked out, however.

Stage 6

The sixth stage takes place in the Congo Jungle and pits the player against Giant DK. In this stage, the player is accompanied by two, randomized allies. Giant DK has little knockback when attacked, while his own attacks can send opponents flying. Under the main platform of the stage is a Barrel Cannon which sidles left and right. Characters can also jump through the main platform, despite the inability to fall through it.

Stage 7

The seventh stage takes place in Dream Land and pits the player against the Kirby Team, comprised of 8 lightweight Kirbys. Each of the eight Kirbys sport a unique hat (with the exception of one, which will be normal Kirby, or one of the four unlockable characters (after they've been unlocked) corresponding to each of the eight starter characters in the game, and as such can make use of each character's neutral B attack. The terrain effect on the Dream Land stage is Whispy Woods, a tree in the middle of the stage who occasionally blows wind towards a particular side of the stage.

Stage 8

The eighth stage takes place on Planet Zebes and pits the player against Samus Aran. Heavy yet floaty, Samus is an opponent with a quick dash and decent recovery who often begins the match by charging her Charge Shot. The terrain effect on the Planet Zebes stage is acid which raises from below the platforms occasionally, and can submerge each platform except the top-most platform which will always be above the acid. Touching the acid results in damage and serious knockback.

Stage 9

The ninth stage takes place at Meta Crystal and pits the player against Metal Mario himself. Very different from his normal form, Metal Mario takes an absurd amount of damage to knock-out, often exceeding 300%. Succeeding in driving from the edge of the stage almost guarantees victory, as his massive weight makes it nearly impossible for him to recover.

Stage 10

The tenth stage takes place on the Battlefield and pits the player against the Fighting Polygon Team, comprised of 30 lightweight Fighting Polygons. The Fighting Polygons cannot perform grabs and have no special attacks, and being lightweights, they are exceptionally weak and can be knocked out by almost any attack.

Final Stage

The final stage takes place at the Final Destination and pits the player against Master Hand. Using its size and shape to its advantage, Master Hand slaps, punches and flicks the player around. This stage stands out from most others in the game, as it can not be cleared by knocking out the opponent, but only by lowering the opponent's stamina to 0HP.

Bonus stages

Bonus Stage 1

The first bonus stage is Break the Targets and takes place after stage 3, the match against Fox McCloud. It challenges the player to seek and destroy the ten targets placed throughout the stage within a 2-minute time limit.

Bonus Stage 2

The second bonus stage is Board the Platforms and takes place after stage 6, the match against Giant DK. It challenges the player to seek and step on the surfaces of the ten platforms placed throughout the stage within a 2-minute time limit. When a platform has been boarded, the otherwise red light it emits will become blue.

Bonus Stage 3

The third and final bonus stage is Race to the Finish and takes place after stage 9, the match against Metal Mario. It challenges the player to descend five floors and reach the exit, while avoiding explosives, bumpers, and some of the Fighting Polygon Team. Unlike the other bonus stages, in this one, you get a time limit of one minute instead of two.

Congratulations screen

Upon clearing the 1P Game, the game gives the player a small reward: a static image featuring the character in a specific scene. All such screens are entirely original images made solely for the game; the sole exception is Captain Falcon's, which was an unlockable title screen for F-Zero X.

These screens are only present in the American and European versions of the game; the Japanese version does not have these screen.


  • Clearing the 1P Game without any continues on any difficulty will unlock Jigglypuff.
  • Clearing the 1P Game in less than twenty minutes and no continues will unlock Captain Falcon.
  • Clearing the 1P Game with 3 lives and no continues on the Normal difficulty will unlock Ness.
  • Clearing the 1P Game and using all eight of the original characters and playing on all the default stages will unlock Mushroom Kingdom.


  • It's absolutely impossible (without hacking) to clear all the 8 digits on the counter that tells how many points the player has earned in 1P Game.