Fox (SSBM)

Revision as of 19:30, September 12, 2006 by MaskedMarth (talk | contribs) (→‎Pros: we don't need five different iterations of "he's fast")



Super Smash Bros. Melee is Fox's second visit to the Smash Bros. scene, after his outing in the original for the N64. As a fighter, Fox is second to none in the hands of an experienced, fast-paced player. His lightning quick moves, fast, effective finishers, and unparalleled ability to spam his projectile weapon combine to form a fighter who is more than capable of dealing with anything thrown his way.

The new player, however, must be careful with Fox; more often than not, slow-moving or unwary players are caught off guard by the jerky, erratic nature of his moves, making him a difficult character to master. Also, there is always the natural tendency to continuously Illusion themselves right off the stage or fall off the edge in a Dair. Once he is well under your fingers, however, you will find that Fox can control any fight against any character using his incredible speed and versatility and more than a little blaster fire.

Fox requires quick reflexes, and much practice to unlock his potential.

Pros and Cons

The following list only applies to the SSBM version of Fox.


  • Very fast at running and dash-dancing
  • His fast fall and low, fast short hop contribute to an extremely quick shffl'.
  • Little overall lag
  • His reflector move is very effective at comboing and pressuring enemies' defenses
  • High-damage and flexible combos, including an Infinite combo
  • Adaptive playing style
  • Fast, incredible finishers


  • Relatively light-weight
  • Fast-falling sets him up for being comboed and chaingrabbed
  • Recoveries can be caped or edgeguarded effectively, though his Up + B (Firefox) has almost no lag after landing.
  • Low to medium range
  • Toughest character to play well technically

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