User:Toomai/IRC Mafia/Best of Mafia: Difference between revisions

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==Round 6==
==Round 6==
===Game 1===
|!vote Agent_47
|!vote JamesHeart
|I feel like it'll be up to me T~T
|clearly mafia now.
|It is.
|That's called an "OMGUS" vote.
|what does that even stand for
|"omg you suck"
|''takes out an orange wooden pencil''
|I really hope VT isn't mafia.
|I'm not
|I promise on my life
|and stuff
|"and stuff"
|that would be such a troll though
|I say that a lot
|so yeah
|what stuff
|how to even hcoose
|don't want to die
|so must choose carefully
|We'll just be waiting here
|I guess
|''marks a wooden pencil with half the sides as J and half the sides as A''
|''dances with James''
|''rolls the wooden pencil''
|that is a shitty method
|but it works i guess
|wut is this hax in real life
|I don't even know
|pencil fell of table
|just use a dice site or w/e
|then bounced and fell perfectly so that it would basically be against a wall
===Game 2===
|'''*You have slayed a hapless Banana.*'''
|dammit Mega
|I like bananas.
|bananas are overrated anyway
|playing dat terraria
|Bananas suOh fuck you OT.
|Always sniping me.
|Also, FE6 characters in FEA are okay...
|But no Fir or Rutger!
|[emoticon missing]
|Oh well, you have Rei/Ray/Lleu/whatever it is now.
|terraria is awesome
|will it have kyza?
|is finding all this Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem talk hard to follow.
|and RIP, banana
|'''*VT is dead. He was the Tomato (Town Miller).*'''
|Mode ##sw-game -v VT by MafiaBot
|MafiaBot has changed the topic to “Day 2”
|Bye VT.
| -_-
|Now I have to discuss FE with OT.
|: (
|And he is very mean.
|though haar was even better than her in RD
|how about we all try to not die?
|We're out of Ketchup, then.
|I killed Haar in my playthrough because I used Marcia instead of Jill.
|And we lost our tenacity.
|yes, mario, our french fries shall suffer
|Which was a shame, because he seemed funny.
|I liked the guy.
|if you're talking about por, i heard he isn't that good there, so it doesn't matter
|we must hunt the potato menace for its lack of flavor without ketchup
|he's a god though in rd
|Wait. Tomato (the thing nobody knows is a fruit or veggie) was the Miller. Genius.
|i say they're veggies
|Hm...what shall we do now?
|don't taste sweet enough
|'''*Havoc was Strawberry.*'''
|That certainly clears things up.
| that good?
|Or bad?
|Fruit are town.
|I guess they aren't targetting vegetables after all.
|town doesn't need havoc to win!
|he was a poor player anyway, outing himself like that
|...I have my eyes on you.
|I'm becoming suspicious myself.
|you best direct your eyes elsewhere
|We just lost some of our milkshakes.
|Becoming quite the narcissist, OT.
|You know who else was a narcissist?
|Ted Bundy.
|we can have watermelon milkshakes
|That would be interesting.
|But DK needs them. They're his HP.
|you guys already killed the banana for
|Didn't you play DK64?
|the ship has long since sailed for dk's beloved banana cream pies
|Well, now he's easy prey. He lost all 12 of his hits.
|Or was it 16?
|as long as we don't lose the super happy tree, we can get the fruit back
|Well, you have a point there.
|At least we're all still happy...sorta.
===Game 3===
|'''*And no lynch was reached on that day, and there was much disappoint.*'''
|Smell my armpits
|They smell of vanilla
|Ok Havoc your defending OT like theres no tommorow
|are your two in cohoots?
|i mean what
===Game 4===
|||VT kills DetectiveJelly, okay.
|||Mode ##sw-game-badguys +m by Toomai
|has someone been lynched yet||
|Mode ##sw-game -v VT by MafiaBot||
|MafiaBot has changed the topic to “Day 2”||
|dun dun\||
|'''*That'll learn ya.*'''||

==Round 7==
==Round 7==