Forum:Metaknight's hidden flaw (very well hidden indeed): Difference between revisions

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(to Clarinet Hawk) Better things to do like realize I'm not against that MK pros outweigh his cons. I didn't state this because I'm targeting him, and further more what I said is true, terrible eukemi = weakness. No argument can state that (Terrible Eukemi = weakness) = false. Btw I said "Ness+Lucas Final smash has a random number generator to select the X coordinate for the fireballs which IN THEORY should be affected by ones own PK (if your own is strong enough)" when I found someone who seemed to have it he managed to affect the spawn coordinates so that the fireball's x = enemy x  roughly 70% higher than the usual. Which leads me to believe that Ness+Lucas who have an exaggerated PK ability have their final smashes that can be influenced by someone who has above average PK ability. I find that to obvious to be coincidence, and that the programmers of ness and lucas made a final smash that in theory could be controlled by one's own PK. NOW THAT is an likely and interesting possibility (aka fun fact if deemed true).  
(to Clarinet Hawk) Better things to do like realize I'm not against that MK pros outweigh his cons. I didn't state this because I'm targeting him, and further more what I said is true, terrible eukemi = weakness. No argument can state that (Terrible Eukemi = weakness) = false. Btw I said "Ness+Lucas Final smash has a random number generator to select the X coordinate for the fireballs which IN THEORY should be affected by ones own PK (if your own is strong enough)" when I found someone who seemed to have it he managed to affect the spawn coordinates so that the fireball's x = enemy x  roughly 70% higher than the usual. Which leads me to believe that Ness+Lucas who have an exaggerated PK ability have their final smashes that can be influenced by someone who has above average PK ability. I find that to obvious to be coincidence, and that the programmers of ness and lucas made a final smash that in theory could be controlled by one's own PK. NOW THAT is an likely and interesting possibility (aka fun fact if deemed true).  
::Okay, now this is an interesting proposition. I'm going to deal with your 'Eukemi' point, and then the fun will begin.  Okay, yes, if Meta Knight has a bad 'eukemi' then it is not in his favor.  That does not, however, make it a ''weakness''.  A ''weakness'' would be him not possessing a 'eukemi' at all.  Comparably, MK's 'eukemi' may not in fact be good, but it is a ''detail''.  Now, I'll force-feed you an analogy.  If I'm dueling some guy who has an AK-47, and I have a .38 Special, we have the same weakness--bullets.  However, I am disadvantaged, it is clear.  Same can be said for MK.  He has a eukemi, but it's a bad eukemi.  Okay. So? It will have almost no bearing, because unlike what gun I'm wielding, it isn't a big deal.  There are dozens of things I can think of that are more important to a character, and dozens of ways MK can overcome it, and dozens of characters (yes, literally dozens) that he doesn't even have to worry about it from.
Now for your controlling Smash with your 'own PK' as you say.  I'm glad I got a second chance to destroy your opinion on this; I never should have let it go in the first place. Let's throw away that silly label first. One's 'own PK' means controlling Smash Brothers with your mind, because 'PK' means 'Psychokinesis' which parses to ''psych'' meaning 'mind' (''o'' is a stem-extender) and ''kinesis'' meaning 'move' or 'motion'. Thus, we have PK meaning moving something with one's mind.  What you are proposing is using some faculty of the brain to, in fact, move something with your mind.  In this case, you are proposing to move Ness and Lucas' Final Smash lightening bolts.  How many languages must I say 'NO. YOU CAN'T. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.' in?  First off, let's assume 'PK' is some form of ESP, because they're basically two names for the same thing.  Then I can say that ESP has been thoroughly debunked by every scientist who has ever had the displeasure of having to entertain such preposterous notions.  So basically, ESP doesn't exist, and so if ESP=PK, then PK doesn't either.  Was that so hard?  Now I'll take a hammer to the other side of the equation--Smash Bros.  Let me give you a sample of what Smash Bros actually looks like, in the real world: 001100011011010101001100101100101011011011.  Get the picture? Binary.  There is ''NOTHING'' that the ESP-less brain can do to change ''ANYTHING'' about that.  Did you ever, for a moment, entertain ''chance'' as how your sorry butt was getting kicked by Ness/Lucas' final smash?  Did you ever entertain the proposition that perhaps the FS covers the ''whole damn screen'' and thus people are bound to get destroyed by it?  Now, you say something silly about a random number generation being affected by one's own PK. That's garbage.  How do you know it's a random generator? How do you know it isn't the game pulling on a dozen or so prepared patterns? It seems clear that the game separates the stage because you never have all of the bolts hitting one side and leaving the other unmolested.  So no, it isn't strictly a random number generator.  It would be impressive if this individual managed to get all the lightning bolts to hit on even one side of the stage.  Problem is, it won't happen without hacking, unless this PK can now flip the game coding too.  That would making it something impressive indeed!  Turns out that there are 3 or 4 different ways the game developers could have decided to set the lightning bolts.  How do you know they didn't program a disposition into them to try and hit the opponents as it stands?  Who's to say the base-line for being hit is 50%?  I would say it's a good deal higher, considering factors like size of character, stage, size of the bolts etc.  70% could be completely unremarkable!  You haven't done research to determine what the baseline for being hit it is.  Therefore, any conclusion you draw is completely invalid!  For that matter, how did you manage to measure the '70%' over someone else's? Does this person have an 'ESP' measurement that it could be juxtaposed against? Didn't think so.  Fail. Fail. Double Fail. Triple Fail. Sextouple Fail. [[User:Semicolon|Semicolon]] ([[User talk:Semicolon|talk]]) 21:41, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

*Ahen* now that I got that straitened out from now on (because of clarinethawk's numerous complaints to me) I will NOT be making anymore threads on small details. I will put a list of the small discoveries on my user talk and save breakthrough discoveries for the forum. I will also be answering questions and posting combos to those who ask in my user talk. I only have 30 minutes or less a day to post, so this would be more convenient for Smash wiki, its members, and me to do this. Times up...[[User:TheLegendTamer|TheLegendTamer]] ([[User talk:TheLegendTamer|talk]]) 17:40, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
*Ahen* now that I got that straitened out from now on (because of clarinethawk's numerous complaints to me) I will NOT be making anymore threads on small details. I will put a list of the small discoveries on my user talk and save breakthrough discoveries for the forum. I will also be answering questions and posting combos to those who ask in my user talk. I only have 30 minutes or less a day to post, so this would be more convenient for Smash wiki, its members, and me to do this. Times up...[[User:TheLegendTamer|TheLegendTamer]] ([[User talk:TheLegendTamer|talk]]) 17:40, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
