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| |{{Trn|Playing for Pride}}||June 20th-21st, 2020||49th||—||— | | |{{Trn|Playing for Pride}}||June 20th-21st, 2020||49th||—||— |
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| ==Controversy==
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| On July 1st, 2020, in a Twitlonger by ICantSayPing, he states Tezii exhibited many instances of misbehavior, saying sexual remarks to others and tried to start relationships with many minors.<ref>{{citeweb|url=https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sra3so|title=ICantSayPing's Twitlonger}}</ref> After the Twitlonger was posted, {{Sm|Kyori}} has posted screenshots of Tezii initiating sexual conversations with her, further backing up these claims.<ref>{{citeweb|url=https://twitter.com/itskyori/status/1278475546821750786?s=21|title=Kyroi's screenshots}}</ref>
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| In response to the allegations, the [[Wi-Fi Warrior Rank]] announced that Tezii was banned permanently from their rankings<ref>{{citeweb|url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lXSkhzFktzzcu2YYwsU2-HczwQKgbznJSEiNpKwxOK4/edit|title=WWR Bans}}</ref>. They have also been accused for purposely avoiding this ban by changing their tag and location<ref>{{citeweb|url=https://twitter.com/MuggytheCreator/status/1287282635161497607|title=Tezii's tag change}}</ref>.
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| [[Category:Oregon smashers]]
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| [[Category:Mewtwo professionals (SSBU)]]
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