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<table class="infobox" style="width: 20em; font-size: 90%; text-align: left; padding: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; background-color: white; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;  float: right; clear: right;">
<tr><th colspan = "2" style = "text-align: center;">'''{{{article_name}}}'''</th></tr>
{{#if:{{{image|}}}|<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; padding: 0.2em;">[[Image:{{{image}}}|200px|A picture of {{{current_name}}}.]]{{#if:{{{caption|}}}|<br>''{{{caption}}}''}}</td></tr>}}
<tr><th colspan = "2" style="background-color: #d0d0d0; text-align: center; margin: 0.5em;">{{#switch:{{{type}}}|S=[[Stable (professional wrestling)|Stable]]|s=[[Stable (professional wrestling)|Stable]]|T=[[Tag team]]|t=[[Tag team]]|#default=Statistics}}</th></tr>
<span style = "padding-right: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;">
<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Members</th><td>{{{members}}}</td></tr>
{{#if:{{{names|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Name(s)</th><td>{{{names}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{heights|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Heights</th><td>{{{heights}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{weights|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Combined weight</th><td>{{{weights}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{hometown|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Hometown</th><td>{{{hometown}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{billed|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Billed from</th><td>{{{billed}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{former_members|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Former members</th><td>{{{former_members}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{debut|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Debuted</th><td>{{{debut}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{disbanded|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Disbanded</th><td>{{{disbanded}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{promotions|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Promotions</th><td>{{{promotions}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{trainer|}}}|<tr><th style="white-space: nowrap;">Trainer</th><td>{{{trainer}}}</td></tr>}}<!--
This template produces a standardized box which concisely presents the main statistical information about a [[stable (professional wrestling)|stable]] or [[tag team]] without interfering with the article flow.

Use on stable and tag-team pages as you would the [[:Template:Infobox Wrestler|wrestler]] infobox template.
{{Infobox Wrestling team
The following fields can also be used but are made more specifically for tag teams rather than stables:
==Description of fields==
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align: left" | Parameter
! style="text-align: left" | Explanation
|The name of the article.
|Whether the article is about a [[Stable (professional wrestling)|stable]] ('''S''') or a [[tag team]] ('''T''').
|A picture of the team/stable.
|A caption for the image.
|A list of the current individual wrestlers, separated by <nowiki><br /></nowiki>.<br />If the team has disbanded, all members go here instead of the former_members field. If the article is a stable with a large number of members, it is best to place '''(see Members)''' in this field and create a section titled '''Members''' in the article instead.
|Any former names the stable/team has gone under, also separated by <nowiki><br /></nowiki> tag.
|If the stable/team is still active, any former members of the team, separated by <nowiki><br /></nowiki> tag. If the article is a stable with a large number of former members, it is best to place '''(see Former members)''' in this field and create a section titled '''Former members''' in the article instead.
|Specific debut date or year of debut.
|Date or year of '''permanent''' breakup.
|A list of promotions (acronyms), separated by <nowiki><br /></nowiki> tag, the stable/team has wrestled in.
The following fields can also be used but are made more specifically for tag teams rather than stables:
{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align: left" | Parameter
! style="text-align: left" | Explanation
|The individual wrestlers heights, using the [[:template:height|height template]].<br /><center><nowiki>Example: [Wrestler one]:<br />{{height|ft=6|in=1}}<br />[Wrestler two]:<br />{{height|ft=6|in=7}}</nowiki></center>Use the [[metric system]] for teams based in countries which use it.
|The ''combined'' weight of the team using the [[template:weight|weight template]]. Use the metric system for teams based in countries which use it.
|Location billed by the promoter, if a team us billed from the same place.
|[[Legit (professional wrestling)|Actual]] hometown, if both members of the tag team come from the same place.
|A list of trainers if the team has been trained ''together'' by that person.
[[Category:Sports infobox templates|Wrestling team]]
[[Category:Professional wrestling templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:People infobox templates|Wrestling team]]
[[Category:Templates using ParserFunctions|{{PAGENAME}}]]
