The White Blur

Joined January 29, 2011
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|name          = The White Blur
|name          = The White Blur
|image        = Articuno Trophy Melee.png
|mainssbb      = Pokemon Trainer
|mainssbb      = Sheik
|2ndmainssbb  = Sonic
|2ndmainssbb  = Sonic
|otherssbb    = Sheik
|otherssbb    = Pokemon Trainer
|2ndotherssbb  = Ike
|2ndotherssbb  = Ike
| main          = Pichu
| main          = Pichu
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As for the original 64 Smash game, well, I didn't really play it, nor did I every own it. I did remember when I played it, once when I was 3, but I had a very vague memory. Besides, I wouldn't've liked the game anyways, it's roster was too limited. I did remember I mostly played Pikachu and Luigi, but, otherwise, I couldn't remember much. As for Super Smash Flash [a flash version of Melee], well I play it a lot, but I wouldn't consider an actual Smash game. [If you've ever played the SSF games, then you would probably understand what I'm talking about.
As for the original 64 Smash game, well, I didn't really play it, nor did I every own it. I did remember when I played it, once when I was 3, but I had a very vague memory. Besides, I wouldn't've liked the game anyways, it's roster was too limited. I did remember I mostly played Pikachu and Luigi, but, otherwise, I couldn't remember much. As for Super Smash Flash [a flash version of Melee], well I play it a lot, but I wouldn't consider an actual Smash game. [If you've ever played the SSF games, then you would probably understand what I'm talking about.
== Other Games I Play ==
I do play other games as well, obviously. I just mostly play Smash above all others.
Like mentioned above, Pokemon is my second-most-played franchise; it's basically my favorite franchise. [I love them Dragon-types, and Articuno too]. I'm also pretty damn good at it competitivley, too, and I often visit Smogon. Like I said in the first sentence, I love Dragon-types [especially Dragonite and Salamence], and Articuno [best godly bird of all time]. A more important thing to note is that I also main Pokemon characters from each Smash game. Like I said, I mained Pikachu in SSB64; Pichu in Melee [shut up Pichu kicks ass]; and the Pokemon Trainer in Brawl [I moreso play as him, though].
I also play Sonic the Hedgehog, which is my second most played franchise. [Which explains why I second him in Brawl]. I enjoy every game, even Next-Gen, despite most of the critisizing it gets. My favorite game in the series is Sonic CD, however. [It was the only reason I owned the crappy-ass Sega CD]. However, I can't pick favorites when it comes to the characters [although I do kind of like Shadow, to be honest].
My other liked games are fairly obscure, however. I do like a 2-D fighting game, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger and Continuum Shift, for one thing. Otherwise, the other games that I like are fairly random; I like RPGs and platformers, mostly. I used to like and follow fighting games, until it became so fucking repetitive; hype for a new fighter, then more hype, some patches, hacks, and then people stop talking about it. Now, the only fighters I play are BlazBlue, like mentioned above, and Smash [yes, Smash is a fighter, so fuck you if you say it's not].