
Joined December 4, 2010
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!colspan="1" style="background-color:#ffbfbf"|Top Tier
!colspan="1" style="background-color:#ffbfbf"|Top Tier
!colspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbfbf"|S Tier
!colspan="3" style="background-color:#ffbfbf"|S Tier
!colspan="11" style="background-color:#ffdfbf"|A Tier
!colspan="10" style="background-color:#ffdfbf"|A Tier
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|style="background-color:#ff7f7f"|[[Image:Icon-metaknight.gif|40px|The best character in the game. Was for a long time my main, until ZSS came. Unlike many other Meta Knights, mine doesn´t like WiFi, being one of my best character offline (tied with ZSS) but only decent online. Shuttle Loop is the best move in the game, along with Mach Tornado. The problem about my Meta Knight in WiFi is that I can´t use the Shuttle Loop well, altough I´m getting better.]]
|style="background-color:#ff7f7f"|[[Image:Icon-metaknight.gif|40px|The best character in the game. Was for a long time my main, until ZSS came. Unlike many other Meta Knights, mine doesn´t like WiFi, being one of my best character offline (tied with ZSS) but only decent online. Shuttle Loop is the best move in the game, along with Mach Tornado. The problem about my Meta Knight in WiFi is that I can´t use the Shuttle Loop well, altough I´m getting better.]]
|style="background-color:#ff7f7f"|[[Image:Icon-ike.gif|40px|First time I saw him I though that he was a Final Fantasy character but of course I discover the truth after a while. His power and range are incredible and his throws are very nice too but due his lack of speed and projectile he isn´t very reliable agaisnt certain characters. His jab is too good.]]
|style="background-color:#ff7f7f"|[[Image:Icon-ike.gif|40px|First time I saw him I though that he was a Final Fantasy character but of course I discover the truth after a while. His power and range are incredible and his throws are very nice too but due his lack of speed and projectile he isn´t very reliable agaisnt certain characters. His jab is too good.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-snake.gif|40px|I love his tilts, his survival skills and his DACUS. I don´t consider myself a Snake mainer in singles but he is my best character in doubles, so people say at least. My Snake and Havoc´s Captain Falcon have some issues (they´re always trying to KO each other in the most painful way, like using RPG-7 or a reverse Falcon Punch. Like Samus, he comes from one of my favorite series.]]
|style="background-color:#ff7f7f"|[[Image:Icon-snake.gif|40px|I love his tilts, his survival skills and his DACUS. I don´t consider myself a Snake mainer in singles but he is my best character in doubles, so people say at least. My Snake and Havoc´s Captain Falcon have some issues (they´re always trying to KO each other in the most painful way, like using RPG-7 or a reverse Falcon Punch). Like Samus, he comes from one of my favorite series.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-diddykong.gif|40px|The monkey with mindgames. Because of his bananas, he receive a good place in my tier. Love his dash attack (and his bananas of course), but until now he didn´t do anything very impressive to replace one of my former mains and I don´t like how he relies on the bananas to win.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-captainfalcon.gif|40px|One of the most epic characters in Brawl, I find him very fun to play. I like every move he has. Show me your moves!]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-captainfalcon.gif|40px|One of my favorite characters, he is very fun to play with and he possesses lots of epic moves (the knee and Falcon Punch). I don´t use him in serious matches though. Show me your moves!]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-diddykong.gif|40px|diddykong.gif|40px|The monkey with mindgames. Because of his bananas, he receive a good place in my tier. Love his dash attack (and his bananas of course), but until now he didn´t do anything very impressive to replace one of my former mains and I don´t like how he relies on the bananas to win.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-link.gif|40px|I find him a good character, with excelent projectiles and good moves, but his recovery just sucks. His up-tilt and fair are my favorite moves.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-marth.gif|40px|The other swordsmen who can put a very good fight. I was always in doubt in choosing between him and Ike, but after a while, Ike surpassed him. I still find him very good (especially in the air) and although at first I though he was kind of efeminate, after learning his story, I no longer feel that way.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-wolf.gif|40px|Inspired by Omega Tyrant´s Wolf, he rised significantly in the past days after discovering his good metagame. Like Meta Knight, he is very good offline, but in WiFi, I can´t string his aerials well but he still deserves a good place. I hate is Up special.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-wolf.gif|40px|Inspired by Omega Tyrant´s Wolf, he rised significantly in the past days after discovering his good metagame. Like Meta Knight, he is very good offline, but in WiFi, I can´t string his aerials well but he still deserves a good place. I hate is Up special.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-marth.gif|40px|The other swordsmen who can put a very good fight. I was always in doubt in choosing between him and Ike, but after a while, Ike surpassed him. I still find him very good (especially in the air) and although at first I though he was kind of efeminate, after learning his story, I no longer feel that way.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-ganondorf.gif|40px|Along with Captain Falcon, I find him very fun to play, but I don´t use him in serious matches. His power is incredible and I love his moves (dair and uair is just too good). Too bad there is no L-Cancel in Brawl.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-fox.gif|40px|His speed and decent power makes him a good character, but the fact of having severe issues with certain locks and chaingrabs stops me to use him as a main. Love his Up-smash and U-tilt.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-peach.gif|40px|I started to use her for fun, but I find out that she has quite the potential. I like how she string her aerials easily, but the lack of KO power and speed prevents for being higher. Love her dair.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-wario.gif|40px|Strange character, he´s heavy and strong but short and fast with very good recovery. His fart and f-smash are among the best moves in the game, along with his uair too. Sometimes in WiFi I have problems in doing SH dairs, being one of the reasons why he´s not more higher in the tier.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-wario.gif|40px|Strange character, he´s heavy and strong but short and fast with very good recovery. His fart and f-smash are among the best moves in the game, along with his uair too. Sometimes in WiFi I have problems in doing SH dairs, being one of the reasons why he´s not more higher in the tier.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-ganondorf.gif|40px|Along with Captain Falcon, I find him very fun to play, but I don´t use him in serious matches. His power is incredible and I love his moves. Too bad there is no L-Cancel in Brawl.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-falco.gif|40px|One of the characters with lots of ATs, with an excellent projectile and jab. His problems at recovering sometimes and the lack of a fast KO move (without having to relie on his Upsmash) prevents him for being higher in my tier. His fair is just awful.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-sonic.gif|40px|Like Snake and ZSS, he comes from one of my favorite series (I saw all of his cartoons when I was younger, I still watch sometimes). His recovery and incredible speed puts him high in my tier, put his lack of power  stops him for being one of my mains.]]
|style="background-color:#ffbf7f"|[[Image:Icon-mrgame&watch.gif|40px|I start to use him recently, after discovering the good metagame that he possesses. I like some of the attacks he has (especially the smashes), all good in the right time. His high power for such a small, lightweight character makes him shine from the rest, although I sometimes find awkward to play. Don´t really like him in singles but in doubles he rocks!]]
!colspan="10" style="background-color:#ffffbf"|B Tier
!colspan="10" style="background-color:#ffffbf"|B Tier
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|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-fox.gif|40px|You just oh, that up smash!]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-pit.gif|40px|Brawl´s official spammer]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-mrgame&watch.gif|40px|Judge 9! GAME!]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-sonic.gif|40px|I´m too fast for you!]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-link.gif|40px|If it aren´t for the bad recover...]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-falco.gif|40px|Hands of my bread!]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-mario.gif|40px|Famous plumber]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-mario.gif|40px|Famous plumber]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-toonlink.gif|40px|Toon Link, you´re smaller then regular Link?]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-ness.gif|40px|KID POWER!]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-ness.gif|40px|KID POWER!]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-pit.gif|40px|Brawl´s official spammer.]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-zelda.gif|40px|Why she need to be saved?]]
|style="background-color:#fffb7f"|[[Image:Icon-zelda.gif|40px|Why she need to be saved?]]
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|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-donkeykong.gif|40px|Likes to play with the drums.]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-donkeykong.gif|40px|Likes to play with the drums.]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-kirby.gif|40px|Dinner time!]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-kirby.gif|40px|Dinner time!]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-peach.gif|40px|Where she hides the Toad?]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-toonlink.gif|40px|Toon Link, you´re smaller then regular Link?]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-bowser.gif|40px|Shell power!]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-bowser.gif|40px|Shell power!]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-pokemontrainer.gif|40px|Poor Pokémon...]]
|style="background-color:#bfbfff"|[[Image:Icon-pokemontrainer.gif|40px|Poor Pokémon...]]
