OrionRank Pre-Quarantine: Difference between revisions

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The '''OrionRank Pre-Quarantine''' lists the world's top 100 ''[[Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]]'' smashers from December 27th, 2019 to March 15th, 2020, as compiled by [[Reddit]] users BarnardsLoop and Freeziebeatz. The rankings cover a shorter period of time due to the [[COVID-19|COVID-19 pandemic]].
The '''OrionRank Pre-Quarantine''' lists the world's top 100 ''[[Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]]'' smashers from December 27th, 2019 to March 15th, 2020, as compiled by [[Reddit]] users {{Sm|Barnard's Loop}} and{{Sm|FreezieBeatz}}. The rankings cover a shorter period of time due to the [[COVID-19|COVID-19 pandemic]].
