User:MeatBall104/Games: Difference between revisions

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|Metroid Prime 3: Corruption||I couldn't even get past the first exploration area since I couldn't get used to the controls easily and got lost a lot. In general, I don't like first-person shooters, so it's obvious I wouldn't be a huge fan of this game. I may pick it up and play it seriously later on, but not right now.
|Metroid Prime 3: Corruption||I couldn't even get past the first exploration area since I couldn't get used to the controls easily and got lost a lot. In general, I don't like first-person shooters, so it's obvious I wouldn't be a huge fan of this game. I may pick it up and play it seriously later on, but not right now.
|The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword||The first Zelda game I've ever owned or even played. It's a good game that takes some of the best advantage of the Wii that I've ever seen. I haven't beaten it yet, but from what I can gather, the gameplay is fun, the controls are sharp, and the presentation is outstanding. The main flaws with the game are the lengthy and cutscene-heavy opening, and the head-scratching and sometimes frustrating dungeons. I always thought that the concept behind the Zelda games was cool, (y'know, exploring dungeons, solving puzzles, swordplay, etc.) but to be honest, I'm not keen on doing it in 3D. I honestly prefer the 2D Zeldas, but for what it's worth, Skyward Sword is a good game.
|The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword||The first Zelda game I've ever owned or even played. While it may be the most divisive of the series, I'm on the side of people who love it. It's a good game that takes some of the best advantage of the Wii that I've ever seen, with sharp controls, and outstanding presentation. I also really loved the design of the dungeons as well as their bosses. The main flaws with the game are the lengthy and cutscene-heavy opening, the overly difficult Spirit Trials, the tediousness of flying from place to place, the underwhelmingly easy dungeon bosses, and the Stamina Gauge. Despite these flaws, it's still a really great game.
|Kirby's Return to Dream Land||The first Kirby game I ever owned, and to this day it is among my most favorites of the series. The game has some of the best graphics on the system, (which only makes me more upset at how NSMBW could have looked much better, especially since it released after SMG), and the level design is cool, making it fun to replay the entire game multiple times even after collecting everything. The soundtrack is great too, the story is an interesting departure from the series' standard, (no longer just being a "stop some form of Dark Matter" plot) with an interesting plot-twist, (though they never explain why Kirby is suddenly teaming up with his rivals; not to mention that the enemies are still against him despite Dedede being on his side this time around). The gameplay was fun, and with the abundance of copy abilities, levels never play the same way twice. The main flaw with the game however, is its overall ease, (though thankfully the difficulty picks up once you reach Halacandra), and the game is made even more easier when playing with friends. Speaking of which, the multiplayer is fun, though it sucks that P1 is stuck with Kirby, (a design choice that plagues tons of platformers that offer co-op) and that if P1 dies, then everyone loses. If you're still not satisfied with the challenge, there is also an extra mode that will serve your ass to you on a silver platter and ask if you want fries with it. And in this mode, the bosses are eons harder than before, and you WILL die on them at least once, especially the "EX" version of the final boss, which to this day I still cannot beat for the life of me.
|Kirby's Return to Dream Land||The first Kirby game I ever owned, and to this day it is among my most favorites of the series. The game has some of the best graphics on the system, (which only makes me more upset at how NSMBW could have looked much better, especially since it released after SMG), and the level design is cool, making it fun to replay the entire game multiple times even after collecting everything. The soundtrack is great too, the story is an interesting departure from the series' standard, (no longer just being a "stop some form of Dark Matter" plot) with an interesting plot-twist, (though they never explain why Kirby is suddenly teaming up with his rivals; not to mention that the enemies are still against him despite Dedede being on his side this time around). The gameplay was fun, and with the abundance of copy abilities, levels never play the same way twice. The main flaw with the game however, is its overall ease, (though thankfully the difficulty picks up once you reach Halacandra), and the game is made even more easier when playing with friends. Speaking of which, the multiplayer is fun, though it sucks that P1 is stuck with Kirby, (a design choice that plagues tons of platformers that offer co-op) and that if P1 dies, then everyone loses. If you're still not satisfied with the challenge, there is also an extra mode that will serve your ass to you on a silver platter and ask if you want fries with it. And in this mode, the bosses are eons harder than before, and you WILL die on them at least once, especially the "EX" version of the final boss, which to this day I still cannot beat for the life of me.
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|Nintendo Land||Don't have much to say about this game. It's OK, and I think it makes great use of the gamepad. However, the minigames aren't very fun regardless and most of them require multiple players in order to be played, lowering my opinions of the game even more.
|Nintendo Land||Don't have much to say about this game. It's OK, and I think it makes great use of the gamepad. However, the minigames aren't very fun regardless and most of them require multiple players in order to be played, lowering my opinions of the game even more.
|New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U||While still a great game and definitely the best of the NSMB series, I honestly find this game to be a bit underwhelming. The game's graphics could've pushed the Wii U's capabilities much more, the soundtrack could have been completely original (the game has its own overworld and athletic themes, yet still reuses most of the soundtrack from its predecessors), and the story mode could've contained so many more levels (only 9 worlds with around 10 levels each is WAY too few for a game on a system capable of much more) as I beat the game in less than 48 hours (EVEN when I intentionally completed every individual level along the way) and took about half that time to beat NSLU. Not even collecting all the star coins added too much more game time. The game (good level design aside) is also rather easy and too generous with extra lives, gives no reward for 100%ing it, and (with the exception of the final fight with Bowser) its bosses were pathetic. However, the game is still a great source for multiplayer fun, and has an incredibly addicting Challenge Mode, alongside a vastly improved Coin Battle mode.
|New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U||While still a great game and definitely the best of the NSMB series, I honestly find this game to be a bit underwhelming. The game's graphics could've pushed the Wii U's capabilities much more, the soundtrack could have been completely original (the game has its own overworld and athletic themes, yet still reuses most of the soundtrack from its predecessors), the ability to play as your Mii should not have been exclusive to the alternate modes, and the story mode could've contained so many more levels (only 9 worlds with around 10 levels each is WAY too few for a game on a system capable of much more) as I beat the game in less than 48 hours (EVEN when I intentionally completed every individual level along the way) and took about half that time to beat NSLU. Not even collecting all the star coins added too much more game time. The game (good level design aside) is also rather easy and too generous with extra lives, gives no reward for 100%ing it, and (with the exception of the final fight with Bowser) its bosses were pathetic. However, the game is still a great source for multiplayer fun, and has an incredibly addicting Challenge Mode, alongside a vastly improved Coin Battle mode.

On the subject of New Super Luigi U, I found it to be rather overhyped in terms of how hard its levels would be (with the exception of a select few) and even if you DID find them harder than I did, you can just use Nabbit, and the game won't penalize you at all for it. Hell, even nabbing the secret exits and star coins you'll inevitably miss on your first playthrough isn't too hard to do. Like the vanilla game, it is once again too generous with 1-Ups, and is even shorter due to its 100-second level timers. Further worsening the experience for me is that the multiplayer was made nearly impossible to enjoy, due to the game's emphasis on speed-running. Overall, the DLC levels are well-crafted and definitely make up for the base game's lack of content, but come with their own flaws.
On the subject of New Super Luigi U, I found it to be rather overhyped in terms of how hard its levels would be (with the exception of a select few) and even if you DID find them harder than I did, you can just use Nabbit, and the game won't penalize you at all for it. Hell, even nabbing the secret exits and star coins you'll inevitably miss on your first playthrough isn't too hard to do. Like the vanilla game, it is once again too generous with 1-Ups, and is even shorter due to its 100-second level timers. Further worsening the experience for me is that the multiplayer was made nearly impossible to enjoy, due to the game's emphasis on speed-running. Overall, the DLC levels are well-crafted and definitely make up for the base game's lack of content, but come with their own flaws.
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!Game Title:!!My thoughts:
!Game Title:!!My thoughts:
|Super Mario 64 DS||Currently, it's my favorite 3D Mario game, (and my favorite Mario game period), and even though I never played the original, the footage I've seen of it gives me cold, hard proof that this is the superior version. The controls are still as good as they apparently were before (unless you're playing on an actual DS), the updated visuals look nice, and the additional characters and power-ups give the player even more options than before, which (on top of being a mostly non-linear Mario game), makes the game even more replayable as not only can you choose to go out of order with the various star missions, but how you do this is also up to you. Maybe instead of going after King Bob-Omb, you can release the Chain Chomp guarding the bars. Or maybe instead of using Mario's Power Flower in a mission where it's required, you can instead use Luigi's spin jump to reach the high areas. One problem however, (in spite of my praise of the controls) is during the Bowser fights, where you're pretty much required to take out your stylus and draw circles on the touch screen, (unless you're OK with having your fingers covered in blisters) and that in order to avoid going through the trouble, you have to hold your stylus WHILE using the buttons to move and jump. Also, the 100-coin stars are not fun to go after. Not only is it challenging to find 100 coins within the large levels most of the time, but even if you manage to, the star appears right above your head, and at times this makes it hard to grab it. Finally, the game suffers from voice clips ripped right out of the original N64 game, (seriously, Nintendo, were you so hell bent on making this game a launch title that you were too lazy to record new voice clips)?
|Super Mario 64 DS||Currently, it's my favorite 3D Mario game, (and my favorite Mario game period), and even though I never played the original, the footage I've seen of it gives me cold, hard proof that this is the superior version. The controls are still as good as they apparently were before (unless you're playing on an actual DS), the updated visuals look nice, and the additional characters and power-ups give the player even more options than before, which (on top of being a mostly non-linear Mario game), makes the game even more replayable as not only can you choose to go out of order with the various star missions, but how you do this is also up to you. Maybe instead of going after King Bob-Omb, you can release the Chain Chomp guarding the bars. Or maybe instead of using Mario's Power Flower in a mission where it's required, you can instead use Luigi's spin jump to reach the high areas. One problem however, (in spite of my praise of the controls) is during the Bowser fights, where you're pretty much required to take out your stylus and draw circles on the touch screen, (unless you're OK with having your fingers covered in blisters) and that in order to avoid going through the trouble, you have to hold your stylus WHILE using the buttons to move and jump. Also, the 100-coin stars are not fun to go after. Not only is it challenging to find 100 coins within the large levels most of the time, but even if you manage to, the star appears right above your head, and at times this makes it hard to grab it. Finally, the game suffers from voice clips ripped right out of the original N64 game, (seriously, Nintendo, were you so hell bent on making this game a launch title that you were too lazy to record new voice clips)? Overall, I always have a blast while playing this game, and not only is it my favorite Mario game, but also my favorite game of all time.
|New Super Mario Bros.||I really enjoy this game, and though it pales in comparison to the other NSMB games, it's pretty good in its own right. The set of bosses was interesting to say the least, the level design was creative, (though if you're not playing to 100% the game, it's absurdly easy) and the controls are solid. However, the game is hampered by bland visuals that are hideous even for the Nintendo DS, extremely situational new power-ups that don't add much to the gameplay and are incredibly rare, (forcing you to rely on the Fire Flower most of the time) and a pathetic and lame final boss. In spite of those flaws, this game is very addicting and replayable and overall a lot of fun.
|New Super Mario Bros.||I really enjoy this game, and though it pales in comparison to the other NSMB games, it's pretty good in its own right. The set of bosses was interesting to say the least, the level design was creative, (though if you're not playing to 100% the game, it's absurdly easy) and the controls are solid. However, the game is hampered by bland visuals that are hideous even for the Nintendo DS, extremely situational new power-ups that don't add much to the gameplay and are incredibly rare, (forcing you to rely on the Fire Flower most of the time) and a pathetic and lame final boss. In spite of those flaws, this game is very addicting and replayable and overall a lot of fun.
