User:Aidanzapunk/Project M Changes: Difference between revisions

Fun fact: With the way the .brstm file is set up, Captain Falcon is the only character with a different results theme in my version of PM. Now if I can just get the site to load...
(Whoops, wrong song)
(Fun fact: With the way the .brstm file is set up, Captain Falcon is the only character with a different results theme in my version of PM. Now if I can just get the site to load...)
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Mother 2 (Melee) is replaced with [ Smiles and Tears from ''Smash 4'']
Mother 2 (Melee) is replaced with [ Smiles and Tears from ''Smash 4'']

Battlefield (Melee) is replaced with [ Unfinised Battle from ''Xenoblade Chronicles'']
Battlefield (Melee) is replaced with [ Unfinished Battle from ''Xenoblade Chronicles'']

Multi-Man Melee 1 is replaced with [ Size Up Your Enemy from ''Mario & Luigi: Dream Team'']
Multi-Man Melee 1 is replaced with [ Size Up Your Enemy from ''Mario & Luigi: Dream Team'']
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The Pokemon Victory Theme is replaced with [ the Battle Finished jingle from ''Pokemon Stadium'']
The Pokemon Victory Theme is replaced with [ the Battle Finished jingle from ''Pokemon Stadium'']
The F-Zero Victory Theme is replaced with [ the Finish theme from ''F-Zero GX'']

The Ice Climber Victory Theme is replaced with [ the Stage Clear jingle from ''Ice Climber'']
The Ice Climber Victory Theme is replaced with [ the Stage Clear jingle from ''Ice Climber'']