User:Toomai/IRC Mafia/Best of Mafia: Difference between revisions

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<center><span style="color:#00bf00;font-size:50pt">15</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:50pt">20</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f;font-size:50pt">1</span><br>Town vs. Mafia vs. Third-Party<br>Current Leader: <span style="color:#ff0000">Mafia</span><br><span style="font-size:75%"><span style="color:#00bf00">0</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000">2</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f">0</span> for bastard games</span></center>
<center><span style="color:#00bf00;font-size:50pt">22</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:50pt">46</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f;font-size:50pt">1</span><br>Town vs. Mafia vs. Third-Party<br>Current Leader: <span style="color:#ff0000">Mafia</span><br><span style="font-size:75%"><span style="color:#00bf00">0</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000">3</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f">0</span> for bastard games</span><br><small>'''This score is accurate for all games with logs up to Round 21. One bastard game is omitted because of special circumstances.'''</small></center>

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*{{S|User|Toomai}}: '''Toomai'''
*{{S|User|Toomai}}: '''Toomai'''
*{{S|User|eXemplary Logic}}: '''Lumberjack''' and '''MafiaBot'''
*{{S|User|eXemplary Logic}}: '''Lumberjack''' and '''MafiaBot'''
*The GameSurge bot: '''=-='''
===The rabble===
===The rabble===
*{{S|User|Air Conditioner}}: '''AirCon'''
*{{S|User|Air Conditioner}}: '''AirCon'''
*{{S|User|ReiDemon}}: '''ArrDee, MrCrow'''
*{{S|User|ReiDemon}}: '''ArrDee, MrCrow'''
*Chika, an IRC regular: '''ino_shika_cho, Chikamatsu, Chikatank, Chunin_Chika'''
*{{S|User|Chika}}: '''ino_shika_cho''', '''Chikamatsu''', '''Chikatank''', '''Chunin_Chika'''
*[ theweirdomaxim]: '''theweirdomaxim'''
*[ theweirdomaxim]: '''theweirdomaxim'''
*[ Stelios78910]: '''Stelios'''
*[ Stelios78910]: '''Stelios'''
*Another friend of Toast (and AirCon), commonly called Icemario or Ice: '''Icemario, MariaFresco'''
*[[Special:Log/Icemario|Icemario]]: '''Icemario''', '''MariaFresco''', '''DetectiveJelly''', '''IccelTower'''
*{{S|User|ToastUltimatum}}: '''ToastUltimatum, GreatShipToast, ArghToast, CorkscrewToast, PranksterToast'''
*{{S|User|ToastUltimatum}}: '''ToastUltimatum''', '''GreatShipToast''', '''ArghToast''', '''CorkscrewToast''', '''PranksterToast'''
*{{S|User|JamesHeart123}}: '''JamesHeart''', '''ZombieHeart'''
*{{S|User|JamesHeart123}}: '''JamesHeart''', '''ZombieHeart''', '''PaperHeart''', '''Heartless'''
*{{S|User|DarkFox01}}: '''darkfox'''
*{{S|User|DarkFox01}}: '''darkfox'''
*{{S|User|Vincent Tran}}: '''VT''', '''VT_hardboiled''', '''VT_Pearsona''', '''VT_Bearsona''' '''VT_toastpowahs''', '''DetectiveGumshoe''', '''VT_Masque_DeMasque'''
*{{S|User|Vincent Tran}}: '''VT''', '''VT_hardboiled''', '''VT_Pearsona''', '''VT_Bearsona''' '''VT_toastpowahs''', '''DetectiveGumshoe''', '''VT_Masque_DeMasque'''
*Yet another one of Toast and AirCon"s friends: '''Captain_Murasa''', '''Remilia_Scarlet'''
*A friend of Toast and AirCon: '''Captain_Murasa''', '''Remilia_Scarlet'''
*{{S|User|Mr. Anon}}: '''Mr_Anon'''
*{{S|User|Mr. Anon}}: '''Mr_Anon'''
*[[Special:Log/JetpackToad|JetpackToad]]: '''JetpackToad''', '''SherlockJPT'''
*[[Special:Log/JetpackToad|JetpackToad]]: '''JetpackToad''', '''SherlockJPT''', '''JPT'''
*{{S|User|Terrible}}: '''Terrible'''
*{{S|User|Terrible}}: '''Terrible'''
*{{S|User|F.T.B.}}: '''FakeTestBot''', '''FTB'''
*{{S|User|F.T.B.}}: '''FakeTestBot''', '''FTB'''
*{{S|User|Drakon64}}: '''Drakon'''
*{{S|User|Drakon64}}: '''Drakon'''
*{{S|User|PSIWolf}}: '''Agent_47''', '''koshka''', '''Adam_Jensen''', '''Zoogdier''', '''Spaghetti_Man'''
*{{S|User|PSIWolf}}: '''Agent_47''', '''koshka''', '''Adam_Jensen''', '''Zoogdier''', '''Spaghetti_Man''', '''LuckyEightDX''', '''Karl_Marx'''
*[ AgentFire000]: '''RoboticAgent''', '''DoubleAgentFire''', '''SheriffFire''', '''Agent'''
*[ AgentFire000]: '''RoboticAgent''', '''DoubleAgentFire''', '''SheriffFire''', '''Agent'''
*{{S|User|HavocReaper48}}: '''Havoc48''', '''TheHavocThatReapsBack'''
*{{S|User|HavocReaper48}}: '''Havoc48''', '''TheHavocThatReapsBack'''
*{{S|User|RoyboyX}}: '''RoyboyX''', '''HelenCrowleysGhost'''
*{{S|User|RoyboyX}}: '''RoyboyX''', '''HelenCrowleysGhost'''
*{{S|User|Omega Tyrant}}: '''OmegaTyrant'''
*{{S|User|Omega Tyrant}}: '''OmegaTyrant'''
*{{S|User|MegiBeelzebub}}: '''Megibeelzebub''', '''Beelzy''', '''Guts''', '''Eren_Jaeger'''
*[ LuckySevenDX]: '''LuckySevenDX'''
*An infrequent #sw user: '''sugarfrosted'''
*{{S|User|Ac2k}}: '''Ac2k'''
*{{S|User|Starman125}}: '''Starman'''
*{{S|User|Dots}}: '''StarCraft'''
*{{S|User|Conny}}: '''Constance'''
*{{S|User|Dr. Pain 99}}: '''DoctorPain99'''
*{{S|User|Scr7}}: '''Scr7'''
'''''In many of these sequences, unimportant comments have been removed for brevity.'''''
==Round 0==
==Round 0==
===Game 1===
===Game 1===
Line 562: Line 570:
|*{{rollover|'''Alright day 2. A Cop is dead. Big surprise there.'''|In this game, everyone was a cop. --AirCon|y}}*
|*{{rollover|'''Alright day 2. A Cop is dead. Big surprise there.'''|In this game, everyone was a cop.|y}}*
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''Note: Unimportant comments in the following sequence have been removed for brevity.''
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==Impromptu 1==
==Bonus 1==

===Game 1===
===Game 1===
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==Impromptu 2==
==Bonus 2==
===Game 2===
!Action/Speech (##sw-game-badguys)
| <nowiki>-->|</nowiki> LuckySevenDX has joined ##sw-game-badguys
| <nowiki>-->|</nowiki> LuckyEightDX has joined ##sw-game-badguys
==Round 11==
==Round 11==
===Game 1===
!Action/Speech (##sw-game-dead)
|What was it, Toomai?
|I feel silenced...
==Round 12==
===Game 2 pregame===
|JamesHeart KISSED MafiaBot
|Don't make me suggest that the other players make you eat rope. I'll do it. You think I'm bluffing?
|MafiaBot, go on I have nothing to hide, I EAT ROPE!
|Nice luck.
|O_o MafiaBot learnt how to read?
|You don't WANT me to fill your room with asthmatic Gulpits, do you? Then stop bugging me.
|Hey I am asthmatic myself MafiaBot I have no problem
|Congratulations you pressed the buttons on your keyboard to emulate my IRC nick. Your parents must be so ecstatic.
===Game 2===
|I am Mafioso again :p
|MafiaBot seems like we are mafiabros
|You know how many Mersenne Twisters I gonna spin up just to give you a snarky response? Can it or I'll flip a bit.
|MafiaBot, Flip flip flip flip
|It's really too bad I can't fake a kill on you. It would be glorious.
|Hey I just joke around when I say I am Mafioso
|!vote JPT
|Mode ##sw-game -v JPT by MafiaBot
|'''*Town wins.* '''
|Mode ##sw-game -m by MafiaBot
==Round 13==
===Game 2 postgame===
|Well I'm leaving now.
|We'll be here, I suppose.
|No I'm closing up shop.
|You won't take me alive! <nowiki>:|</nowiki>
|!vote Toomai
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'PaperHeart', 'yeah sure bub']
==Round 14==
===Game 1===
|Alright, doing a 4p 1-daykill game.
|Pfft I can fond 5p in my wallet you guys are cheap and stingy
===Game 2===
|!vote IccelTower
|Mode ##sw-game -v IccelTower by MafiaBot
|A countdown has been set for 0:0.
|WE DID IT!!!!!!
|''MafiaBot has changed the topic to'' '''"Night 1"'''
|'''You killed a Vanilla Townie.'''
|Damn it
==Round 15==
===Game 4===
|''MafiaBot has changed the topic to'' '''"Day 1"'''||
|Mode ##sw-game -v Ac2k by MafiaBot||
|I'll admit, Mafia has comedic timing.||
|||You said "Hello" in front of a guy's house and he opened the door and shot you?
|||What? D:
|!vote Starman
|Mode ##sw-game -v Starman by MafiaBot
|Mode ##sw-game -m by MafiaBot
|''MafiaBot has changed the topic to'' '''"Game over."'''
|Mode ##sw-game -v Heartless by MafiaBot
|Mode ##sw-game -v MariaFresco by MafiaBot
|Aw, rude. D:
==Round 16==
===Game 2===
|It's not me, that's for sure.
|That's some pretty specific denial, darkfox
|Pipe down, fools, I'm in the middle of my book here
|Wait so I'm messing people up?
|Which book?  This is a life-or-death question as far as I'm concerned.
|The Tourist's Guide To Spotting A Mafioso
|How critically acclaimed is this book?
|This is going nowhere...
|Not at all.
|Can't find it on Amazon.
|"When cornered, a Mafioso will usually feign innocence as often as he/she can..."
|You're making this up, kid.
|...This is teaching me nothing
|I know you better than this…
|''throws away his book and votes''
|MafiaBot has changed the topic to "Day 2"
|Who's been silent for 11 minutes?
|!vote Starman
|Starman is at L-1
|!vote Starman
|Mode ##sw-game -v Starman by MafiaBot
|I made a bad decision, didn't I?
|Mode ##sw-game -m by MafiaBot
|''MafiaBot has changed the topic to'' '''"Game over."'''
|Mode ##sw-game -v JamesHeart by MafiaBot
|Mode ##sw-game -v darkfox by MafiaBot
==Bonus 3==
===Game 1===
|MafiaBot, you bugging. I'm trying to rip some models here, eh?
|I bet they're talking about me because I'm too cool for school.
===Game 2===
|!vote Mafiabot
|You voted for the mod! YOU MUST BE MAFIA. EVERYONE GET HIM.
|That was still very fun.
|But I don't think it would be a good idea for ANY OF US to stick around for any longer.
|Toomai may give us the boot.
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'darkfox', 'like so']
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'Constance', 'you too sonny']
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'JamesHeart', 'etc']
==Round 17==
===Game *unknown #* (logs lost)===
|Um, hiding behind Constance go!
|Wait, I shouldn't have said that.
|Mode ##sw-game -v Icemario by MafiaBot
==Round 18==
===Game 1===
|well there's only one course of action here
|!vote MafiaBot
|Quit tryin' to troll, you misshapen waste of carbon-12. And probably various trace elements such as arsenic and sulfur and maybe even strontium.
==Round 19==
===Game 1===
|''eats Toast''
|Too late, I ate toast for breakfast.
===Game 2===
[ Just go look at the whole thing.]
====Special Note: Game Nicknames====
Final nicknames are '''bolded'''.
*{{S|User|JamesHeart123}}: JamesII → JamesHeart → JamesHeartless → Mother3 → '''ToastLegacy'''
*{{S|User|Dr. Pain 99}}: DoctorPain99 → DarthPaine → Constance → '''OmegaTyrant'''
*[[Special:Log/Icemario|Icemario]]: DetectiveJelly → MafiaFresco → ChilledToast → HydroToast → Constance → HyrdoToast → HydroToast → '''Constance'''
*{{S|User|Conny}}: Constance → '''DoctorPain99'''
*{{S|User|DarkFox01}}: darkfox → PSIWolf → '''AirCon'''
*{{S|User|Scr7}}: Scr7 → Scrbomb → '''Starman'''
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'darkfox', 'Toomai']
|<nowiki>-->|</nowiki> darkfox has joined ##sw-game
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'darkfox', 'Toomai']
|<nowiki>-->|</nowiki> darkfox has joined ##sw-game
|You fart.
|KICK ['##sw-game', 'darkfox', 'Stay away like the bad smell you are']
==Round 20==
===Game 1===
|What? Make this quick, I'm in the middle of constructing a masterpiece
|if you want it
|Starman, what are you making?
|An exquisite... clay pot
|Stand back, please, I don't want this broken
|''breaks it''
|I saw that coming
|Which is why I also made another one
|Then, why were you constructing the second one?
|''breaske verything in Starmans house''
|ok wait
|''breaks everything in Starman's house''
|Who said I kept it in my house?
|''breaks Starman's bones''
|Plastic, dude
|''is unsure who is acting more suspicious.''
|Do you really think my real bones would be that breakable
===Game 3===
|''MafiaBot has changed the topic to'' '''"Night 1"'''||
|Time to suck and blow?||
|||So, who are we targetting?
|||Perhaps JamesHeart will do
|||MariaFresco kills JamesHeart?
|Out of nowhere, a huge beach ball drops from the sky and detonates on Mr. Fit. He's out for a while.||
|Mode ##sw-game -v JamesHeart by MafiaBot||
|MafiaBot has changed the topic to "Day 2"||
|Famous last words.||
==Round 21==
===Game 2===
|Get to scumhunting or I'll out your power roles. YEAH YOU HEARD ME. Now guess whether I'm bluffing.
|MafiaBot, you bluffin'?
|Ping me one more time and I'll see if I can't get Kirby out of the Doritos long enough to sic him on you.
|You ain't moddin' jack.