Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Dutch: Difference between revisions

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(6 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 13: Line 13:
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Alex}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Alex]]
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Alex}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Alex]]
|Ale - xu! *claps 3 times*
|Ale - xu! *claps 3 times*
|[[File:Alex Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Alex Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]
|{{Head|Olimar|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Alph}} [[Olimar (SSBU)|Alph]]
|{{Head|Olimar|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Alph}} [[Olimar (SSBU)|Alph]]
Line 85: Line 85:
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Enderman}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Enderman]]
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Enderman}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Enderman]]
|End - er - man!
|End - er - man!
|[[File:Enderman Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Enderman Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 138: Line 138:
|Jo - ker! *claps 3 times*
|Jo - ker! *claps 3 times*
|[[File:Joker Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Joker Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Ka - zu - ya! *drum beat 2 times*
|[[File:Kazuya Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 217: Line 221:
|{{CharHead|Min Min|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|{{CharHead|Min Min|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|Min Min! *claps 3 times*
|Min Min! *claps 3 times*
|[[File:Min Min Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Min Min Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]
|{{Head|Bowser Jr.|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Morton}} [[Bowser Jr. (SSBU)|Morton]]
|{{Head|Bowser Jr.|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Morton}} [[Bowser Jr. (SSBU)|Morton]]
Line 269: Line 273:
|Py - ra! -- Myth - ra!
|Py - ra! -- Myth - ra!
|[[File:Pyra & Mythra Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Pyra & Mythra Cheer International SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 309: Line 313:
|Seph - i - roth!
|Seph - i - roth!
|[[File:Sephiroth Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Sephiroth Cheer International SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 330: Line 334:
|Gooooo - Sonic!
|Gooooo - Sonic!
|[[File:Sonic Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Sonic Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Soooo - ra!
|[[File:Sora Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Ste - vu! *claps 3 times*
|Ste - vu! *claps 3 times*
|[[File:Steve Cheer Dutch SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Steve Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 377: Line 385:
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Zombie}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Zombie]]
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Zombie}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Zombie]]
|Zooommm - bie!
|Zooommm - bie!
|[[File:Zombie Cheer Dutch, English, & French NTSC SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Zombie Cheer SSBU.ogg|center]]

Revision as of 08:24, November 8, 2024

These are all the crowd cheers for the Dutch version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • "-" represents a slight pause in the cheer, such as between syllables in a single word.
  • "--" represents a longer pause in the cheer, such as between words.
  • Words that are inside two asterisks (*) describe noises made by the crowd, and they are not actual words in the cheer.
Name Description Cheer
Steve (SSBU) Alex Ale - xu! *claps 3 times*
Olimar (SSBU) Alph Alph! Alph! Pik - min! Alph! Alph!
Banjo & Kazooie (SSBU) Banjo & Kazooie Bannnn - jo! Kazoooo - ie!
Bayonetta (SSBU) Bayonetta Baaaaayo - ne - tta!
Bowser (SSBU) Bowser Bow - ser!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Bowser Jr. Jun - ior!
Byleth (SSBU) Byleth By - leth! *claps 3 times*
Captain Falcon (SSBU) Captain Falcon Captain - Falcon! -- Falcon!
Chrom (SSBU) Chrom Chro - om!
Cloud (SSBU) Cloud Cloud! Cloud! Clo - Clo - Cloud!
Corrin (SSBU) Corrin Corr - in! *claps 2 times*
Daisy (SSBU) Daisy Dai - sy!
Dark Pit (SSBU) Dark Pit Dark! Dark! Pit!
Dark Samus (SSBU) Dark Samus Dark Samus!
Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong Di - ddy! Diddy Kong!
Donkey Kong (SSBU) Donkey Kong Donkey Kong!
Dr. Mario (SSBU) Dr. Mario Dok! Dok! Dr. Mario!
Duck Hunt (SSBU) Duck Hunt Duck! *clap* Hunt! *clap*
Steve (SSBU) Enderman End - er - man!
Falco (SSBU) Falco Fal - co!
Fox (SSBU) Fox Fox! *claps 2 times*
Ganondorf (SSBU) Ganondorf Ganondorf!
Greninja (SSBU) Greninja Gre - ninja!
Hero (SSBU) Hero Held -- Held -- On - ze Held!
Ice Climbers (SSBU) Ice Climbers Ice - Ice - Climbers!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Iggy Ig - gy! *claps 3 times*
Ike (SSBU) Ike Ike! Ike! *clap 2 times*
Incineroar (SSBU) Incineroar In - cine - roar!
Inkling (SSBU) Inkling Ink - ling! Doe je ding!
Isabelle (SSBU) Isabelle Is - a -belle!
Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff Jigglypuff!
Joker (SSBU) Joker Jo - ker! *claps 3 times*
Kazuya (SSBU) Kazuya Ka - zu - ya! *drum beat 2 times*
Ken (SSBU) Ken Ken Ken! *claps 2 times* Ken Ken!
King Dedede (SSBU) King Dedede Dedede!
King K. Rool (SSBU) King K. Rool Ro - oo! King - K!
Kirby (SSBU) Kirby Kirby! Kirby! Kirby!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Larry Lar - ry! *claps 2 times*
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Lemmy Lem - my! *claps 2 times* Lem - my!
Link (SSBU) Link/Toon Link (SSBU) Toon Link Link! Link! *claps 3 times*
Little Mac (SSBU) Little Mac Little -- Mac!
Lucario (SSBU) Lucario Lu - cari - o!
Lucas (SSBU) Lucas Lucas! Go Lucas!
Lucina (SSBU) Lucina Luci - na! Luci - na!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Ludwig Lud - wig!
Luigi (SSBU) Luigi Lui - gi!
Mario (SSBU) Mario Ma - ri - o!
Marth (SSBU) Marth Marth Marth! *claps 2 times*
Mega Man (SSBU) Mega Man Me - ga! Mega - Man!
Meta Knight (SSBU) Meta Knight Meta Knight! Meta Knight! Me - ta - Knight!
Mewtwo (SSBU) Mewtwo Mewwww-two!
Mii Brawler (SSBU) Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) Mii Gunner (SSBU) Mii Fighters Mii Mii! Een twee drie!
Min Min (SSBU) Min Min Min Min! *claps 3 times*
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Morton Mmmm - Morton!
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU) Mr. Game & Watch Game - And - Watch!
Ness (SSBU) Ness Ness Ness Ness! - Go - Ness Ness Ness! - Go - Ness Ness Ness! - Go - Ness Ness Ness!
Olimar (SSBU) Olimar Oli - mar! Pik - min!
Pac-Man (SSBU) Pac-Man Pac - Man! Pac Man!
Palutena (SSBU) Palutena Pa - lu - te - na! *claps 2 times*
Peach (SSBU) Peach Peach! Peach! Prinses Peach!
Pichu (SSBU) Pichu Pi - chu!
Pikachu (SSBU) Pikachu Pi - ka -- Pi - ka - chu!
Piranha Plant (SSBU) Piranha Plant Pi - ran - ha!
Pit (SSBU) Pit Pit Pit Pit! *claps 3 times*
Pokémon Trainer (SSBU) Pokémon Trainer Pokémon Trai - ner!
Pyra (SSBU) Pyra/Mythra (SSBU) Mythra Py - ra! -- Myth - ra!
R.O.B. (SSBU) R.O.B. R - O - B!
Richter (SSBU) Richter Rich - ter!
Ridley (SSBU) Ridley Riiiid - ley!
Robin (SSBU) Robin Ro - bin!
Rosalina & Luma (SSBU) Rosalina & Luma Ro - sa - li - na!
Roy (SSBU) Roy (Fire Emblem) Roy! Roy! *claps 2 times* Roy! Roy!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Roy (Super Mario Bros.) Rooooy! Roy!
Ryu (SSBU) Ryu Ry - u!
Samus (SSBU) Samus Sa - mus!
Sephiroth (SSBU) Sephiroth Seph - i - roth!
Sheik (SSBU) Sheik Sheik! Sheik! *claps 3 times*
Shulk (SSBU) Shulk Shu - Shu - Shulk!
Simon (SSBU) Simon Si - mon!
Snake (SSBU) Snake Snake! Snake! *clap 3 times*
Sonic (SSBU) Sonic Gooooo - Sonic!
Sora (SSBU) Sora Soooo - ra!
Steve (SSBU) Steve Ste - vu! *claps 3 times*
Terry (SSBU) Terry Ter - ry! *claps 3 times*
Villager (SSBU) Villager Dorps - bewoner! *claps 5 times*
Wario (SSBU) Wario Wa - ri - o!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Wendy Wa - wa! Wendy! Wa - wa!
Wii Fit Trainer (SSBU) Wii Fit Trainer Wii Fit -- Trainer!
Wolf (SSBU) Wolf Wolf! Wolf! *claps 3 times*
Yoshi (SSBU) Yoshi Yoshiiiiii!
Young Link (SSBU) Young Link Link Link! Jonge Link!
Zelda (SSBU) Zelda Zel - da!
Zero Suit Samus (SSBU) Zero Suit Samus Ze - ro - Suit!
Steve (SSBU) Zombie Zooommm - bie!

See also