
Joined June 19, 2013
(51 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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{|class="messagebox cleanup plainlinks" style="background:#e7f5f3; border:2px solid #3faf9f; width:60%;"
|+ style="font-size: larger;" |'''David V. Kimball'''
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Davidvkimball.jpg|310px|A picture of David.]]<br>
|'''This article is incomplete because I don't feel like updating it.'''
! Birth name:
| David V. Kimball
! Birth date:
| 1992
! Residence:
| [[Wikipedia:Seattle, Washington|Seattle]] {{Flag|USA}}
! Years active:
| 1999-present (''Super Smash Bros.'' series)
! Gender:
| Male
! Brawl mains:
| [[Zero Suit Samus (SSBB)|Zero Suit Samus]], [[Ike (SSBB)|Ike]]
! Melee mains:
| [[Sheik (SSBM)|Sheik]], [[Marth (SSBM)|Marth]]
! N64 mains:
| [[Mario (SSB)|Mario]], [[Kirby (SSB)|Kirby]]
! Skill
| Experienced
! Control Preferences
| [[GameCube controller]], Tap Jump OFF
! Aliases/Player names
| "DAVID" (Brawl), "DAVE" (Melee)
| colspan="2" style="font-size: smaller;" |
{{SA Box}}

Davidvkimball owns [http://SmashBrosLegacy.com SmashBrosLegacy.com] and has been playing [[Super Smash Bros.]] since it launched in 1999.  
| text      = This user is just your regular user.
| bkgnd    = #DFE6F6
| code      = [[File:User.png|50px]]
| codebkgnd = #DFE6F6
| textclr  = #003FBF
| border    = #003FBF
| float    = {{{1|right}}}
| align    = left
{{Infobox Smasher
| name          = davidvkimball
| image        = Davidvkimball.jpg
| mainssbm      = Sheik
| 2ndmainssbm  =
| otherssbm    =
| 2ndotherssbm  = Samus
| mainpm        = Sheik
| otherpm      =
| mainssb      = Mario
| 2ndmainssb    =
| mainssb4      = Sheik
| otherssb4    =
| mainssbb      = Zero Suit Samus
| 2ndmainssbb  = Ike
| mainssbu      = Banjo & Kazooie
| birthyear    = 1992
| skill        = Pro-Am (SSBM, PM)
| location      = Seattle
| country      = United States
| brawlcode    = 2023-0914-6178
| realname      = David V. Kimball
| caption      = Smasher since 1999.  
| crew          = None, currently.
| nnid          = davidvkimball
Hi! I founded [[Gameplay_modification#Legacy_TE|Smash Bros. Legacy]] and have been playing [[Super Smash Bros.]] since it launched in 1999.
I'm most recently known for my work in the [[Super Smash Bros. Melee|Melee]] scene, including a documentary called ''Elevated: The Development Story of Super Smash Bros. Melee'', a collection of high-resolution assets called Melee HD Asset Library, and a website for new Melee players, blippi.gg.
I was previously known for my leadership and initiation of [[Gameplay_modification#Super_Smash_Bros._Brawl|Brawl modifications]] for [[Project M]] including [[Gameplay_modification#Legacy_TE|Legacy TE]] and the Cosmetic Standardization Project. I have since retired from Brawl modding, and the Legacy projects are no longer in development.

He is happy to know that [[Prat Falling]] will not be in [[Super_Smash_Bros._4|Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U]], and is fairly certain that you are happy about that, too.
==Wiki Skill==

{{SmashWiki Userbox
|a1title=Tech Fiend
|a1text=This user describes himself as a technology enthusiast.
|a2text=This user is open to constructive criticism of his SmashWiki use.
|a3title=Lag Johner
|a3text=This user has been known to john about input lag and display lag-related issues.
|a4text=This user gains energy from being around lots of people.
|a5text=This user uses a single identity for most of his online profiles.

== Characters of Choice ==
== Content Creation ==
''Elevated: The Development Story of Super Smash Bros. Melee'' is a documentary I created about Melee's development, taking bits and pieces from interviews, columns, and online articles and stitching them together in as coherent of an account as I could. I also documented anything I could related to unused content and some of the earliest tournaments for the game. The video was created, researched, edited, voiced, and produced by me.

[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]:  
Some of the accolades its received have included praise from Smash player and Twitch streamer [[Smasher:Ludwig|Ludwig]], <ref> "Ludwig watches Elevated documentary." https://clips.twitch.tv/MiniatureTenuousSwallowMrDestructoid-ycJrkmfMiqbidoQu</ref> TO and founder of VGBootCamp [[Smasher:GimR|GimR]], <ref> "GimR watches Elevated documentary." https://twitter.com/VGBC_GimR/status/1388946120198479872</ref> and Melee documentary creator [[Smasher:Samox|Samox]] who stated he considered ''Elevated'' as the unofficial prequel to his [[The_Smash_Brothers|The Smash Brothers]] documentary. <ref> "Samox considers the Elevated documentary to be the unofficial prequel to The Smash Brothers." https://twitter.com/_samox_/status/1388933287448621061</ref>

# [[Zero Suit Samus (SSBB)|Zero Suit Samus]]
The entire documentary can be viewed on YouTube here:
# [[Ike (SSBB)|Ike]]

[[Super Smash Bros. Melee]]:

# [[Sheik (SSBM)|Sheik]]
My ''"What if...?"'' series of videos takes a look at what Melee might may have looked like under alternative conditions. For example, "what if James Bond was in Melee?" They are concept trailers often created from modifications of Brawl or Melee itself, crafted to showcase what Melee may look like on another timeline.
# [[Marth (SSBM)|Marth]]

[[Super Smash Bros.]]:
For example, here's a video on [[Slippy]], which is partially a silly reference to [[Smasher:MagicScrumpy|MagicScrumpy]]'s "Ultimate Spacie" video, and is a collaboration with B&D Games:

# [[Mario (SSB)|Mario]]
# [[Kirby (SSB)|Kirby]]

[[Project M]]:
== Smasher history ==
|content='''This section may be out of date, because I don't update it all of the time.'''

# [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]]
Before I had a Nintendo 64 to call my own, I often played [[Super Smash Bros.]] at friends' houses.

== Smasher History ==
One fateful day, my brother and I sold our NES and games to purchase a [[Nintendo 64]]. Super Smash Bros. was the fourth game we purchased. It became a favorite and was played often.

Before he could afford a Nintendo 64 of his own, David would often challenge friends who owned the console to a [[Super Smash Bros.]] match. His preferred battle type was a one-on-one match with five lives each. [[Mario (SSB)|Mario]] was his top choice, but he would often switch between [[Kirby (SSB)|Kirby]] and [[Captain Falcon (SSB)|Captain Falcon]] as well.  
Years later, I purchased Super Smash Bros. Melee right along with a [[Nintendo GameCube]]. Melee quickly became my most loved video game ever, rivaled only later on (for a brief time) by [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl|Brawl]].

One fateful day, he and his brother sold their NES and games to purchase a [[Nintendo 64]]. [[Super Smash Bros.]] was the fourth game they purchased, and instantly became a favorite. David used each character carefully and learned each of their moves, playing friends weekly and his brother daily. He managed to beat this N64 classic 100%.
The hype for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was almost too much for me. At E3 2006, I could barely contain my excitement. Checking the [[Smash Bros. DOJO!!]] website was part my daily routine for a long time until March 9th, 2008 when I was able to purchase the game during the midnight release.

When the [[Nintendo GameCube]] was purchased by Davidvkimball, Melee was the first game purchased right along with the console. He soon registered the name "DAVE" on his save file and eventually managed to beat the game 100%. Along the way he used every character, and eventually managed to memorize each and every one of their attacks. As the years went on, he became an increasingly competitive player.  
Since then, I've participated in various [[Super_Smash_Bros._(series)|Super Smash Bros.]] local tournaments, and have taken a particular liking to [[Project M]].  

When [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]] was announced at E3 2006, Davidvkimball was ecstatic. [[Super Smash Bros. Melee]] was his favorite game up until then, and the anticipation of this sequel drove him nuts. Each day, he and his brother would check the [[Smash Bros. DOJO!!]] website for updates regarding new characters, music, stages, items, and more that would be featured in Brawl. Each delay of the game was agonizing, but finally on the midnight release on March 9th, 2008, David and his brother purchased Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Just prior to the midnight release, both him and his brother were able to participate in a pre-release Brawl tournament, where David chose Link as his first character to try. After exploring all of the game modes and playing through each section of the game on every difficulty setting, he managed to beat the game 100% (he might still be missing a few stickers, however).
Having had the opportunity to try [[Super_Smash_Bros._for_Wii_U|Super Smash Bros. for Wii U]] in Best Buy early last summer, I was hyped for that game as well. Purchase the 3DS version at midnight as well as the Wii U version a month later.  

Since then, Davidvkimball has participated in various [[Super_Smash_Bros._(series)|Super Smash Bros.]] tournaments, even taking first, second, and third place (most notably winning first place at his university-wide tournament his Freshmen year). He considers the Smash Bros series to be his favorite video game series of all time and will gladly suggest playing those games over any Call of Duty title.
The day it was announced I pre-ordered [[Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]] and picked it up at the opening midnight release at Best Buy. I currently possess all DLC released so far.

== Control Preferences ==
Melee is my favorite iteration of Smash. <ref> "Super Smash Bros. Melee: the Sharpest Game In the Series" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ph9vI7xgEY</ref>
[[File:Gcn_controller.jpg|thumb|Color and type of GameCube controller David uses. ]]

Davidvkimball prefers to play with the [[GameCube controller]]. Although he has made it a point to try every controller type (and even adjusted control schemes to his liking in [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]), he can only play seriously with a GameCube controller. Of all the Nintendo first-party controllers, the traditional CameCube controller fits David's hands the best, making it the ideal choice for him since he started using it to play [[Super Smash Bros. Melee]] in 2001.
== Control preferences ==
[[File:Gcn_controller.jpg|thumb|David uses a purple GameCube controller to play. ]]

He owns 4 [[GameCube controller|GameCube controllers]] and invites anyone who uses a different controller ([[Classic Controller]], [[Wii Remote]] & [[Nunchuk]], or God forbid the [[Wiimote]] solely) to use the GameCube controller and play the game how it was really meant to be played.  
I use the [[GameCube controller]].  

In [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]], his player name "DAVID" features control schemes with all [[Tap]] [[Jump]] options turned off (besides the [[Wiimote]] control scheme).
Is there another way to play?

== Fighting Style ==
== Playstyle ==

Davidvkimball is aggressive and quick. He believes a careful combination of speedy attacks and dodging is the key to being the best fighter. He only employs [[punishment]] when it seems the most appropriate, and uses especially strong attacks sparingly.  
When it comes to Melee, I play [[Sheik_(SSBM)|Sheik]] and do basic silly things that can end up working against opponents with superior tech skill. With [[Samus_(SSBM)|Samus]], I just like moving around. I consider myself an amateur player.  

Between [[special attack|special attacks]] and [[smash attack|smash attacks]], he often prefers smash attacks.  
In Ultimate, I main Banjo and Kazooie, because why wouldn't I? Most hype character reveal ever.

As a general rule, he tends to avoid [[spamming]] (with the exception of using [[projectile]] attacks), because he believes overusing any particular move makes a fighter more predictable.  
== Tournament Involvement ==
While I've never been involved in tournaments on the national level, I've participated in many local Smash Bros 64, Melee, Brawl, and Project M tournaments. I've even organized a few at Northwest University in Kirkland, WA as well as at my home in the greater Seattle area. I've also entered in Northwest Majors (Melee singles and doubles) and Don't Park on the Grass (Melee doubles and Ultimate singles), but I didn't make it out of pools for either occasion.
I also attended Project M tournament Fair & Balanced in California.
==Tendency to john==
Yes, I confess, I have been known to [[john]]. In general I have a hard time dealing with unresponsiveness in *Smash* games. However these johns only come up when playing games [[Super Smash Bros Brawl|Brawl]]-forward, and often due to:
* [[Display lag]], [[Wi-Fi lag]], and [[Input lag]] (yes, I'm one of ''those'' people)
* [[Buffer|Buffering]] (in Brawl, Smash 4, and Ultimate)
Display lag is frustrating because I've only used CRT TVs to play games for pretty much my whole life (until recently for non-Smash games), so I'm used to zero display lag. Arbitrary input lag and unfortunate internet lag are frustrating for similar reasons.
Buffering is frustrating because as [[Ike_(SSBB)|Ike]], I will often unintentionally use his laggy neutral areal attack off of the stage when trying to use his standard jab attack.
Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee are perfectly responsive and don't possess any arbitrary input lag or buffering. Therefore johning occurs much less often with those games.
==Smash Bros. Legacy==
[[File:Smash Bros Legacy Logo.png|thumb|400px|Smash Bros. Legacy logo.]]
I'm founder of [[Gameplay_modification#Legacy_TE|Smash Bros. Legacy]], which used to be a group of content creators and modders who focus on Super Smash Bros. Smash Bros. Legacy was most known for its Project M mods, Super Smash Bros. Legacy XP and Super Smash Bros. Legacy TE, which offer new content in addition to the 3.6 version of Project M. We also posted tutorial videos around the competitive scene and created artwork pertaining to Smash as well.
Here are a few trailers I've created around those projects.
==GIF Contributions==
Below is a gallery of GIF images I've created for SmashWiki articles that needed content.
My general procedure is to use a capture card, get video of a particular action in a Super Smash Bros game for a particular article, import the video content into Adobe Photoshop and create a small GIF image out of it to be used on this site. Hope you enjoy!
See all of my [[Special:Contributions/Davidvkimball|contributions here]].
{| border="0"
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[[File:Reverse angle boomerang.gif|thumb|left|200px|[[Reverse angle boomerang]]]]
| valign="top"|
[[File:DK grab glitch.gif|thumb|left|200px|[[DK grab glitch]]]]
| valign="top"|
[[File:Wavelanded laser.gif|thumb|left|200px|[[Wavelanded laser]]]]
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[[File:Failed Auto-Cancel.gif|thumb|left|200px|[[Auto-canceling]]]]
| valign="top"|
[[File:Project M Sonic Taunt.gif|thumb|left|200px|[[Sonic (PM)]]]]
==User names==
Other places you can find me.
Gaming services:
|Slippi||[https://slippi.gg/user/d-0 D#0]
|Xbox Live||[https://live.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?gamertag=davidvkimball davidvkimball]
|Apple Game Center||davidvkimball
|Nintendo Switch||SW-1880-0689-1110
|Steam||[http://steamcommunity.com/id/davidvkimball/ davidvkimball]
|Backloggery||[http://backloggery.com/davidvkimball davidvkimball]
|TrueAchievement||[http://www.trueachievements.com/davidvkimball.htm davidvkimball]
Smash Bros. Communities
|SmashBoards||[http://smashboards.com/members/davidvkimball.221168/ davidvkimball]
|Anther's Ladder||[http://www.smashladder.com/player/28338/davidvkimball davidvkimball]
|All is Brawl||[http://allisbrawl.com/profile/davidvkimball.ai davidvkimball]
|Reddit (r/smashbros)||[http://reddit.com/u/davidvkimball davidvkimball]

Where Davidvkimball really shines as a fighter is when he is able to score [[combos]] on his opponents. A favorite of David's is [[Zero Suit Samus]]' [[Vine Whip]] up [[special attack]] from the ground, an up [[tilt]] attack, followed by a [[jump]] and forward or backward [[aerial attack]]. If his foe has enough [[damage]], this is often enough to [[Knockout]] an opponent.
==Other external links==
*[http://davidvkimball.com/ My Home Website]
*[http://blippi.gg/ Blippi.gg]
*[http://davidvkimball.com/discord My Discord Server]
*[http://twitter.com/davidvkimball My Twitter profile]

David became unbeatable for a day while participating in a team tournament along with his brother, Donald. The two Kimballs were challenged by many, but they did not lose once. David has since considered to refer to this occasion as "the glory days," but has decided not to, because honestly that would just be kind of sad.
==SmashWiki Signature==
[[File:Melee_icon.png|18px]] <span style="font-family: A-OTF Folk Pro; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold"> [[User:Davidvkimball|<font color="#410041">davidvkimball</font>]]</span>

==External Links==
<center><div style="border:solid 2px black; background:darkblue; color:white; margin:0 auto; padding:0.1em;">'''Navigation'''</div>
Other Places to Find Me
*[http://davidvkimball.com/ Website]
<div style="border:solid 2px black; background:white; color:black; font-family:arial; margin:0 auto; padding:0.1em;">'''General'''<br>
*[http://smashbroslegacy.tumblr.com/ Smash Bros. Legacy]
[[User:Davidvkimball|<font style="color:darkblue">My Home</font>]]{{·}} [[User talk:Davidvkimball|<font style="color:darkblue">My Talk Page</font>]]{{·}} [[Special:Contributions/Davidvkimball|<font style="color:darkblue">My Contributions</font>]]{{·}} [[Special:Editcount/Davidvkimball|<font style="color:darkblue">My EditCount</font>]]</div>
*[http://twitter.com/davidvkimball Twitter]
