Uploads by Acgamer28

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
21:12, June 22, 2020 ARMSMegawatt.png (file) 31 KB A picture of the Megawatt weapon from ARMS.
21:07, June 22, 2020 ARMSRamram.png (file) 30 KB A picture of the Ramram weapon from ARMS.
21:04, June 22, 2020 ARMSDragon.png (file) 23 KB A picture of the Dragon weapon from ARMS.
15:24, June 11, 2020 SudburySSB4PRFall2017.jpg (file) 161 KB The SSB4 power ranking for Sudbury (representing the Northern Ontario region) during Winter 2016-2017.
16:33, June 10, 2020 NorthernOntarioUltimatePRFall2019.jpg (file) 146 KB The ''Ultimate'' power ranking for Northern Ontario during Fall 2019.
16:28, June 10, 2020 SudburySSB4PRFall2016.jpg (file) 70 KB The SSB4 power ranking for Sudbury (representing the Northern Ontario region) during Fall 2016.
16:28, June 10, 2020 SudburySSB4PRSummer2016.jpg (file) 68 KB The SSB4 power ranking for Sudbury (representing the Northern Ontario region) during Summer 2016.
16:26, June 10, 2020 SudburySSB4PRSpringSummer2017.jpg (file) 160 KB The SSB4 power ranking for Sudbury (representing the Northern Ontario region) during Spring and Summer 2017.
16:25, June 10, 2020 SudburySSB4PRWinter2017.jpg (file) 158 KB The SSB4 power ranking for Sudbury (representing the Northern Ontario region) during Winter 2016-2017.
16:22, June 10, 2020 SudburySSB4PRAlltime.jpg (file) 269 KB The final SSB4 power ranking created for Sudbury (representing the Northern Ontario region), recounting players' all-time success rather than within a given season.
20:46, May 18, 2020 Games&More-SSBU.jpg (file) 257 KB A screenshot of the Games & More menu in '''Ultimate.'''
23:54, May 15, 2020 Acgamer28SignatureHead.png (file) 8 KB A duplicate of CaptainFalconHeadBlueSSBU.png to be used as an addition to my signature.